• 由于投票者登记率很多人第一投票

    With the high voter registration, many will be voting for the first time.


  • 印度大部分地区出生死亡登记率很低

    Birth and death registration rates are low in most parts of India.


  • 而在社区中,登记率由于缺乏登记重要性登记手续认识

    In the community, low registration was due to lack of awareness about the importance of and procedures for registration.


  • 保险界选民登记率高达百分之九十二,在功能界别中,高踞第二位。

    You have a 92% voter registration rate, the second highest among functional constituencies.


  • 根据新登记数和天津市各年平均人口数计算出2糖尿病并发肺结核病患者登记率

    The new registration rates of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were calculated based on new registry number and average population of every year.


  • 根据1990年全国人口普查资料计算登记率线性回归分析进行新登记率趋势计算

    The standardized new registration rates were calculated according to the data of census in 1990. The method of linear logistic regressions was used to calculate the new registration rates.


  • 评估用于估计伤害死亡率全球死亡登记数据可用性质量

    To assess the availability and quality of global death registration data used for estimating injury mortality.


  • 评估来自世界卫生组织死亡率数据库近期国家死亡登记数据完整性覆盖面

    The completeness and coverage of recent national death registration data from the World Health Organization mortality database were assessed.


  • 那些没有可靠死亡登记系统国家需要替代数据源得到国家伤害死亡率估值分析方法

    Analytical methods that can derive national estimates of injury mortality from alternative data sources are needed for countries without reliable death registration systems.


  • 2002至2007年间,根据死亡登记数据得出道路交通伤害死亡率几乎高达警方报告数据得出死亡率的倍。

    For 2002-2007, the rate of death from road traffic injuries based on death registration data was about twice as high as the rate reported by the police.


  • 幼儿死亡率死亡年龄母亲相继生育平均时间间隔婴儿出生登记时的平均年龄决定

    The age at death for early child mortality was determined by the mean interval between successive births and the mean age of neonates at registration.


  • 虽然选民投票率只有70%,2004年85%记录低很多,不过这个可能要归功于务人员在此次选民注册登记严格选工作。

    Though the turnout, at 70%, was lower than last time, in 2004, when a record 85% voted, this was probably thanks to a rigorous clean-up of the electoral register.


  • 隐含的15.3%的农民工失业率没有被纳入官方失业数字数字计算城镇登记失业人口。

    The implied 15.3 per cent unemployment rate among migrants is not captured in official jobless Numbers, which measure only urban workers who register as unemployed.


  • 非洲少有国家癌症进行登记因此没人知道真正各种癌症的发病率是怎样的。

    Few African countries have a cancer registry, so nobody really knows the rates of various cancers.


  • 据重新普查数据12个月大幼儿随访情况以及新生儿死亡人数中的死产率显示人口监测系统基本完成了所有的死亡人数登记

    Re-census data, follow-up visits at 12 months of age and the ratio of stillbirths to neonatal deaths suggested that death registration by the DSS was nearly complete.


  • 一些地方登记混乱造成投票率下降,宵禁令使许多老人残疾人难以赶赴投票站

    Confusion over registration will have depressed turnout in some places, as will a curfew that meant many old and disabled people had difficulty getting to the polls.


  • 街上回头率很高的,记住马上去当地健身俱乐部登记吧。

    Heads will turn as you walk down the street. Be sure to make an appointment at your local health club right away!


  • 六月底中国城镇登记失业率为4.1%,9百万登记失业。

    China's registered urban unemployment rate was 4.1 percent at the end of June, with 9 million people registered as unemployed.


  • 表示,在将近4百万登记选民中,超过百分之80,这远远超过公决投票结果有效所需百分之60的投票率

    He said more than 80 percent of the nearly four million registered voters had cast ballots, far surpassing the 60 percent turnout needed for the results to be valid.


  • 我们马拉维持续登记人口监测系统(DSS)获取了32000人口儿童死亡率及其原因

    Rates and causes of child mortality were obtained from a continuous-registration demographic surveillance system (DSS) in Malawi for a population of 32 000.


  • 城镇新增就业900万人,实际工作中力争更多一些,城镇登记失业率不高于4.6%。

    Nine million jobs should be created for urban residents, and we will make every effort to create even more to keep the rate of registered urban unemployment under 4.6%.


  • 年末城镇登记失业率为4.2%,比上年末上升0.2个百分点。

    The urban unemployment rate through unemployment registration was 4.2 percent at the end of 2008, an increase of 0.2 percentage point against 2007.


  • 初始登记受试者为109名,受试者的损耗率限制评估的人数

    Initial enrollment was 109 subjects, but a high rate of attrition limited the number of evaluable subjects.


  • 初始登记受试者为109名,受试者的损耗率限制评估的人数

    Initial enrollment was 109 subjects, but a high rate of attrition limited the number of evaluable subjects.


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