• 斯科特高兴附近玛丽迪克·艾伦糖尿中心(该医院隶属于圣约瑟夫·霍格健康联盟项目主任那里得到饮食建议

    Scott is delighted to get food advice from a physician who is program director of the nearby Mary and Dick Allen Diabetes Center, part of the St. Joseph Hoag Health alliance.


  • 患者目前在TTH传染中心情况稳定

    The patient is being treated at the TTH Communicable Disease Centre and is in stable condition.


  • 单位贵阳医学院附属医院内分泌科贵州省糖尿中心

    SETTING: Department of Endocrine, Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical College; Center of Diabetes Mellitus of Guizhou Province.


  • 方法中心454名实施肾脏穿刺活检临床路径

    Method the clinical pathway of renal biopsy was applied in 454 hospitalized patients in the Nephrology Center.


  • 这些研究人员传染病中心罗伯特·德·约翰生基金会提供资助资金。

    The research was funded by the CDC and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


  • 由于一推断感到好奇帕克和普拉姆岛动物疾病中心科学家取得了联系

    Curious about the implications, Packer contacted the scientists at PIADC.


  • 过去的13纽约普拉姆动物中心担任国外动物疾培训班讲师

    He has served as an instructor for Foreign Animal Disease Training Course, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, New York, for the past 13 years.


  • SAMHSA限定专业治疗医院有效的模式,戒毒戒酒的设施或者精神中心

    SAMHSA defines specialty treatment as the type made available at hospitals, drug or alcohol rehabilitation facilities, or mental health centers.


  • 1991年回国,现任首都医科大学宣武医院神经外科主任北京市脑血管中心主任。

    She returned to China in 1991. Now, she is the director of Neurosurgery Department of Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the director of Beijing Cerebrovascular Diseases Center.


  • 美国控制中心估计吸入二手仅仅美国每年导致4万六千人死于心脏

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that secondhand smoke exposure causes 46, 000 heart disease deaths every year in the United States alone.


  • 美国控制中心估计吸入二手仅仅美国每年导致4万六千人死于心脏

    The Centers for disease Control and Prevention estimates that secondhand smoke exposure causes 46,000 heart disease deaths every year in the United States alone.


  • 报道引述中国传染中心负责人的话说使用空气净化器口罩对抗有效

    The same report also quoted officials from China's communicable disease centre as saying that using air purifiers and wearing masks were more effective in combating the smog.


  • 上述报道引述中国传染中心负责人的话说使用空气净化器口罩对抗有效

    The same report also quoted officials from China's communicable disease centre as saying that using air purifiers and wearing masks were more effective in combating the smog.


  • 盖尔·穆森也同意该说法。她是约斯林糖尿中心研究人员,同时在哈佛医学院担任讲师

    Gail Musen, a researcher at Joslin Diabetes Center and instructor at Harvard Medical School, agrees.


  • 代理发言人传染病中心官方计划年时间进行这个方案以后还将投入更多资金

    CDC officials plan to assess the projects in about a year, and then will make decisions about additional funding, an agency spokeswoman said.


  • 报道引述中国传染中心负责人的话说使用空气净化器口罩对抗有效

    Thee same report also quoted officials from China's communicable disease centre as saying that using air purifiers and wearing masks were more effective in combating the smog.


  • 陈光耀台北荣民总院癌中心,题目:为什么适形放疗放射外科能够有效治疗恶性肿瘤。

    Chen Guangyao, Cancer Center. Taipei Veterans General Hospital. Why Hypofractionated Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery Can Effectively Treat Benign and Malignant Diseases.


  • MASHAMBANZOU艾滋中心中国使馆华商所给予的捐赠和开展关爱活动表示感谢

    MASHAMBANZOU AIDS Centre to the Chinese Embassy and Chinese entrepreneurs for their donations and expressed thanks for caring activities.


  • 就是在这里儿童青少年提供的精神中心了解心境波动相情感障碍早期症状

    It was here, at this psychiatric facility for children and adolescents, that I learned about my mood swings the early indications of bipolar disorder.


  • 当时台一分钟4传真机就是奇妙的事情,”疾中心新闻官Joe Quimby

    "Back then, it was a neat thing to have a fax machine and get out four pages a minute," said Joe Quimby, a press officer for the disease centers.


  • 耶鲁主动脉中心筛查患者同胞父母祖父母儿女孙子女高危家族,应该包括非直系亲属

    He said the Yale Center for Aortic Diease screens siblings, parents, grandparents, children, and grandchildren, as well as more distant relatives, in highly affected families.


  • 香港大学感染及传染中心总监栢良表示过去内地出现人类感染禽流感类型,主要属于H 5类别

    Hong Kong University Center for Infectious Diseases Director he Bailiang says the past human cases of bird flu that have appeared on the mainland mostly belong to the H5 category.


  • 马铃薯种薯包衣剂使用能够有效地降低晚疫病中心的发生率,对生育后期的晚疫防治基本无效。

    Using seed coating of potato can reduce effectively disease percentage of LB, but it hasn't effect on prevention and cure in the post of growth.


  • 乔士林糖尿病中心塞比斯同事正在研究一种人造蛋白质使用,这种蛋白质用于脊椎外科,用以刺激褐色组织

    Dr. Cypess and colleagues at Joslin are investigating the use of an artificial protein commonly used in spine surgery to stimulate brown tissue.


  • 瓷娃娃罕见中心创始人如芳透露:“我们接收的大部分捐款都是来自个人——101000元的小钱额。”

    Huang Rufang, Founder of China-dolls center for rare disorders said, "We receive donations mostly from individuals - small amounts from 10 to 1,000 Yuan."


  • 瓷娃娃罕见中心创始人如芳透露:“我们接收的大部分捐款都是来自个人——101000元的小钱额。”

    Huang Rufang, Founder of China-dolls center for rare disorders said, "We receive donations mostly from individuals - small amounts from 10 to 1,000 Yuan."


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