• 方法医院的医疗、疾病构成经济运行指标进行了分析。

    Methods The medical quality, disease constitution and economic index were analyzed.


  • 目的了解儿童眼眶占位病变病种分类疾病构成特征分布情况

    Objective To investigate the classification and distributed features of pediatric orbital diseases.


  • 目的探讨住院病人疾病构成及其变化趋势医院管理疾病防治工作提供信息服务

    Objective Discusses the in-patient disease constitution and its change tendency, to provide information service to the hospital management and disease preventing and controlling.


  • 疾病构成看,贫困居民大重病患病率明显高于一般人群这些大病患者应该得到关注

    The prevalence rates of server diseases for poor residents are much higher than for general population, which should be focused on.


  • 目的探讨通过住院患者疾病构成间接分析人群疾病可行性提出疾病预防控制策略

    Objective: To explore the feasibility of indirectly analyzing population disease pattern using inpatient categorization, and to raise strategies of disease prevention and control.


  • 目的研究15住院儿童人数增长10位疾病构成变化情况,以利加强儿童保健及疾病防控工作。

    Objective To study the increased number of hospitalized children and changes of top 10 disease constitution in the past 15 years.


  • 空气潮湿沉闷但是充满了耶赞华丽行宫汗水、粪便疾病构成迷瘴比起来也不失为一种令人欣喜解脱

    The air was muggy and oppressive yet still a welcome relief from the miasma of sweat shit and sickness that filled the inside of Yezzan's palatial pavilion.


  • 恶性肿瘤住院病人疾病构成3位的主要消化器官腹膜肿瘤、淋巴造血组织肿瘤以及呼吸胸腔内器官肿瘤。

    The top 3 diseases of inpatients with malignant tumor were digestive and peritoneal tumor, lymph and haematogenous tissue tumor, respiratory and intrathoracal tumor.


  • 方法:按照随机的原则,随机抽取中心2 0 0 1年门诊处方12 0 0份,进行疾病构成费用情况统计分析

    Methods. Randomly sampling 1200 outpatients' prescriptions from the center and doing statistics about the constitution of diseases and expense.


  • 结果社区居民呼叫社区卫生服务急诊出诊主要症状胸痛最多(26.41%),心血管疾病急诊疾病构成的首位(33.67%)。

    Results The most frequent cardinal symptom of 496 out-call emergency cases was chest pain(26.41%), and cardiovascular disease toped the list of emergent diseases(33.67%).


  • 世卫组织强调碎石瓦砾掩埋人体残骸不会构成公共卫生危害因为这些尸体带有疾病

    WHO emphasizes that the human remains still entombed under the rubble do not constitute a public health hazard, as bodies do not "carry" disease.


  • 玻璃疣一系列与补体系统有关蛋白质构成。 补体系统是免疫系统一部分疾病遗传研究同样涉及一系统。

    These flecks are made up ofproteins involved in the part of the immune system called the complementsystem, which has also been implicated in the disease by genetic studies.


  • 指出尽管疾病印度尼西亚非洲构成潜在的威胁而且东欧高加索地区很脆弱,但是世界其他地区情况已经有所改善

    Although the disease remains a potent threat in Indonesia and Africa, and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus are still vulnerable, elsewhere in the world the situation has improved, he noted.


  • 狩猎、车祸、栖息地丧失加快了西班牙猞猁的消亡,种群内部猎食野兔的过度依赖以及外部疾病的侵扰也构成了同等的威胁。

    Hunting, road kills, and habitat loss have sped the plunge of Lynx pardinus, as has near-total dietary reliance on rabbits— themselves overhunted and slammed by disease.


  • 通过疾病国际传播构成其他国家公共卫生风险以及

    to constitute a public health risk to other States through the international spread of disease; and


  • 疾病意指人类构成可能构成严重危害任何病症医疗状况无论其病因或来源如何”。

    "Disease" means "an illness or medical condition, irrespective of origin or source, that presents or could present significant harm to humans".


  • 虽然这些工作服本身不会疾病传播构成直接威胁,但是这些研究结果表明距离接触住院患者可能引起抗生素耐药菌株流传。

    Although the uniforms themselves may not pose a direct risk of disease transmission, these results indicate a prevalence of antibiotic resistant strains in close proximity to hospitalized patients.


  • 受益人所声称疾病诸如糖尿病心脏病,构成2009年残障保险总额一小部分。

    Beneficiaries claiming problems such as diabetes and heart disease comprised a sliver of the awards in 2009.


  • 典型无线电图形迹象看来只能CRPS几个月构成重要的节日,特异性找到支持积极诊断疾病

    The typical radio graphic signs of CRPS appear only after several weeks or months and constitute an important, but non-specific, finding in favor of a positive diagnosis of the disease.


  • 间皮瘤肺癌两个起源肿瘤构成和治疗等完全不同疾病

    Mesothelioma and lung cancer are completely different diseases, with different origin sites, tumor structure and treatability.


  • 这些发现首次提供证据表明基因构成ALL的危险中发挥主要作用以及这些疾病如何发生的。

    These findings provide the first evidence that genetic makeup plays a major role in the risk of ALL and insight into how the disease develops.


  • 这些场所卫生部门订购并且他们疾病防控中心构成了通畅管道,他们5个公司协调订购事宜。

    These sites will have to funnel their orders through state health departments, and from them to the C.D.C., which will coordinate the orders before passing them to the five companies.


  • 生物危害一种生物制剂传染性细菌人类构成威胁疾病尤指生物学研究或实验中的。

    A biological agent such as an infectious microorganism or a condition that constitutes a threat to human beings especially in biological research or experimentation.


  • 构成全球疾病负担一个重大部分来自需要手术的身心疾病或身心机能失调比如说复杂性分娩肿瘤以及车祸

    A substantial amount of the global burden of disease comes from illnesses and disorders that require surgery, such as complicated childbirth, cancer and injuries from road accidents.


  • 马里兰州一个调查小组建议官方授权制止患有精神疾病社会构成威胁的人群使用武器。

    In the state of Maryland, a study group is recommending that authority's been empowered to cease firearms from people deemed mentally ill and a threat to society.


  • 全球疾病已经人类健康生命构成威胁

    Global epidemics have become a serious threat to human health and lives.


  • 结论疾病构成主要脂肪肝、肾脏结石、肾脏囊肿

    Conclusion The primary diseases are fatty liver, kidney stone, kidney cyst, etc.


  • 方法收集2005 ~ 2009年某院住院病人10疾病资料运用对比分析方法发病构成顺位年龄性别进行统计。

    Methods Medical records of the top 10 inpatients' diseases from 2005 to 2009, including disease composition, precedence, age and gender were collected and analyzed by contrast method.


  • 目的探讨外科治疗甲状腺疾病构成手术方法总结治疗效果

    Objective to analyze the surgical therapy form and operation methods of thyroid disease and to evaluate the effectiveness of surgery.


  • 艾滋病疾病负担构成间接经济负担为主。

    AIDS disease burden is closely associated with indirect social economical burden.


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