• 滥用麻醉品职场带来无数问题包括比率旷职工作意外以及疾病保险赔偿申请

    Substance abuse brings numerous problems into the workplace, including high rates of absenteeism, accidents on the job, and claims for illness benefits and compensation.


  • 自开业以来,首创安泰人寿先后推出了涵盖寿险、两全险、医疗险、重大疾病保险意外伤害分红险等近20种产品

    ICLIC has launched more than 20 insurance products, including traditional life, endowment, medical care, critical illness, individual personal accident and participating insurance.


  • 这些议员们已经通过了很多重大举措诸如,起诉废除失业保险法。也通过了很多的办法,就预防疾病保险置出钱财。

    They have passed big measures, such as Repealing the Job-Killing health care Law Act, and small ones, such as barring money for preventive health care.


  • 分析结果用于团体重大疾病保险风险评估、精算定价产品开发评估环境因素对重大疾病发病率影响具有一定借鉴意义

    The research results will be useful for risk analyzing, product developing and pricing, and have some reference value for evaluating the environmental impacts on critical illness morbidity.


  • 建议疾病失业保险

    I recommend you get insurance against sickness and unemployment.


  • 糖尿病患者买人寿保险要比这种疾病花很多钱

    Life insurance for diabetics is more costly than that for those without the condition.


  • 对于患有糖尿病或者其他疾病不能获得保险的的孩子们家长来说,大事

    And that's a big deal for a lot of folks whose children may have diabetes or some other illness and right now can't get insurance.


  • 另外很多愿意能力支付保险美国人却被保险公司剥夺保险的权力,因为保险公司认定这些以前的疾病状况保险公司而言太具冒险性或代价不菲

    Many other Americans who are willing and able to pay are still denied insurance due to previous illnesses or conditions that insurance companies decide are too risky or expensive to cover.


  • 他对购买额外的健康保险没有兴趣因为相信如果重大疾病公司支持

    He isn't interested in buying additional health coverage, he said, because he believes the company will provide for him in the case of a big disease.


  • Fry先生GE医疗部门设计了互动图表显示病人保险公司为常见疾病相应承担费用

    Mr Fry designed interactive charts for Ge's health-care division that show the costs borne by patients and insurers, respectively, for common diseases throughout people's lives.


  • 大家都明白保险每天生活艰辛只要一起意外事故一场疾病就可以使他们破产

    Everyone understands the extraordinary hardships that are placed on the uninsured, who live every day just one accident or illness away from bankruptcy.


  • HELP委员会议案除了许多其他条款还包括措施旨在极力扩大精神疾病患者物质使用障碍患者保险范围

    In addition to its many other provisions, the HELP committee bill includes measures that aim to greatly expand treatment coverage for people with mental illness, including substance use disorders.


  • 受益人所声称疾病诸如糖尿病心脏病,仅构成了2009年残障保险总额一小部分。

    Beneficiaries claiming problems such as diabetes and heart disease comprised a sliver of the awards in 2009.


  • 这个计划同时要求保险公司终止他们的一系列不公平的政策,比如说拒绝为由疾病公民提供保险以及拒绝为最可能要求赔付的公民提供保险

    It also requires insurance companies to end various nefarious practices, such as refusing to insure people with existing conditions or cancelling their coverage just when they need itmost.


  • 另一位女士证实事故造成内脏器官受损,保险公司却不肯为与此相关疾病提供保险

    Another woman testified that an insurance company would not cover illnesses related to her internal organs because of an accident she had when she was 5 years old.


  • 许多保险计划覆盖其他疾病同等程度精神健康服务

    Many insurance plans do not cover mental health services to the same degree as other illnesses.


  • 投保人受益人故意造成保险死亡伤残或者疾病骗取保险

    An applicant or a beneficiary defrauds insurance money by deliberately causing the death, disability or illness of the insured.


  • 事实上工作场所伤害疾病每个人都有显著影响包括雇主利润工人健康状况消费者保险成本

    In fact, workplace injuries and illnesses significantly impact everyone whether it's - employers profits, workers health or rising insurance costs for consumers.


  • 然后发生意外时比如严重受伤或者染上疾病事实证明,他们保险公司不会支付这些医药费用并且大多数保险公司没办法。

    Then, in case of accident, a serious injury or disease, it turns out that their health insurance does not cover the expenses and overall that has nothing to do with the insurance company.


  • 例如六个月之内新的法律禁止保险公司拒绝存在先天性疾病儿童进行赔付。

    For example, in six months the new law will bar insurance companies from denying coverage to children with pre-existing health conditions.


  • 保险人因疾病身故,保险保险金额给付疾病身故保险金,保险人的保险责任终止

    In case the insured dies from disease, the insurer shall terminate the insurance liability upon indemnity of death benefits according to the insurance amount.


  • 如果甚至不能承担仅有条高速公路的维修,或者不能为后院蓄养头猪购买保险对抗疾病或者饥饿,那么所有以上这些可能手上

    None of this is likely to be on hand if you cannot even afford to mend the dismally few highways you have, or have no insurance policy against sickness or starvation beyond a pig in the back shed.


  • 邓波利私人保险那里买了重大疾病保单,将涵盖癌症这样的致命疾病

    Polly Deng has bought a critical illness policy from private insurers, which covers killer diseases like cancer.


  • 如果买了保险这次疾病不会引起这么麻烦

    If I had had insurance, the sickness wouldn't have caused such a big problem.


  • 健康保险承保着20 ~ 30重大疾病

    Health insurance includes 20-30 types of series diseases.


  • 那里愿意拥有健康保险慢性疾病几率低,吸烟的人也相对较少

    Residents are more likely to have health insurance, less likely to have chronic health problems and less likely to smoke.


  • 疾病控制中心人口普查局报告没有保险美国人数量激增时,怎么

    What's he going to do when the Centers for Disease Control and the Census Bureau report spiking Numbers of uninsured Americans?


  • 宾斯教授陈述依然支付每期4.7个加隆健康保险,他已经是个幽灵,不再有任何疾病或者残疾危险

    Prof. Binns stated that he is still having 4.7 Galleons deducted each pay period for health insurance, despite the fact that as a ghost, he is no longer is at risk for illness or disability.


  • 宾斯教授陈述依然支付每期4.7个加隆健康保险,他已经是个幽灵,不再有任何疾病或者残疾危险

    Prof. Binns stated that he is still having 4.7 Galleons deducted each pay period for health insurance, despite the fact that as a ghost, he is no longer is at risk for illness or disability.


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