• 克罗恩称为风湿脊椎关节病风湿疾病有关

    Crohn's disease is associated with a type of rheumatologic disease known as seronegative spondyloarthropathy.


  • 之前研究显示每晚睡眠时间不无小时的人群发胖的可能大,同时还容易患上体重超标相关的疾病比如说罹患2型糖尿病的风险就高出不少

    A number of studies have observed that people who sleep five hours or less are more prone to weight gain and weigh-related diseases such as type-2 diabetes.


  • 现有证据说明流感大流行期间报告疾病模式季节流感流行期间见到的模式有一些重要差异

    Current evidence points to some important differences between patterns of illness reported during the pandemic and those seen during seasonal epidemics of influenza.


  • 其他研究表明错误菌群糖尿病孤独症癌症心血管疾病还有感染肠道疾病有着很大联系

    Other studies suggest that having the wrong sort of bacteria may be associated with diabetes, autism, cancer, cardiovascular disease and inflammatory bowel disease.


  • 高居榜首生态系统崩溃滥砍滥伐珊瑚死亡第二健康疾病,如非典艾滋病第三全球贫困

    Top of the list was ecosystem collapse, such as deforestation and the demise of corals; second were health and diseases, such as Sars and Aids; and third was global poverty.


  • 我们试图衡量肿瘤学有关文章比例质量相关叙述相关的疾病负担

    We aimed to measure the proportion, quality and relevance of oncology-related articles, and to relate this output to their associated disease burden.


  • 但是,出现糖尿病脑血管疾病(体重超标相关联两种常见疾病)的可能有多大呢?

    But what about the chances of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease-two common ailments tied to carrying excess weight?


  • 蝙蝠受到白鼻子综合症(一种真菌疾病)以及风力涡轮机碰撞的致命威胁

    But bats are threatened by white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease that kills them, as well as by deadly collisions with wind turbines.


  • 需要他人帮助精神疾病有关之一

    One of the things about severe mental illness is the need for help from others.


  • 疫苗本身也不无风险全球流感疫苗一直称为格林·巴利综合症(GBS)的罕见神经疾病有联系

    Vaccination is not without risk in itself, and pandemic flu vaccines have been associated with a rare neurological condition known as Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS).


  • 对于个人来说,看到创造尖端科学被应用这种主要影响贫穷人口疾病几乎做出决定争取根除疟疾一样令我感到振奋

    For me, seeing creative, cutting-edge science applied to a disease that mainly affects the poor is almost as uplifting as the decision to aim for eradication.


  • 研究人员发现那些维生素D浓度较高患者相比严重缺乏维生素D的糖尿病患者心血管疾病可能高95%。

    The researchers also found diabetes patients with severe vitamin D deficiency were 95 percent more likely to die from cardiovascular disease, compared with those having higher levels.


  • 长期压力医学上已经身体抑制免疫功能相关增加疾病可能

    Prolonged stress has been medically connected with suppressing immune functions of the body which increases the chances of illness and disease.


  • 选择初级卫生保健注重单一问题单一疾病规划呼吁人人享有卫生保健阿拉木图初级卫生保健共识背道而驰。

    Q: Selective primary health care, i.e. focusing on single issues or single disease programmes, is the opposite of the Alma-Ata primary health care consensus that called for health for all.


  • 但是一些竞选者质疑早产儿成活率孕期长短相关他们认为造成早产儿的原因胎儿孕妇本身患有疾病

    But campaigners question the relevance of data on premature babies, many of whom are premature precisely because they, or their mothers, are ill.


  • 比如我们分析了精神病学遗传学文献获取基因疾病相关数据了解那些高估低估基因影响力的研究之间是否存在什么

    For example we used data from gene-disease associations in the psychiatric genetics literature to see whether studies that overestimate or underestimate an effect have anything in common.


  • 专家断言,由于家里贫穷或者难取得食物,一些孕妇无法摄取足够食物,食物充足孕妇相比,这类孕妇在妊娠期间妊娠疾病体重增加的可能大。

    Pregnant women who are worried about getting enough food because of poverty or lack of access are more likely to experience weight gain and problems with their pregnancy, researchers say.


  • 一直研究美国常见毁灭疾病找到线贯穿疾病起因逆转

    I've been researching the most common and devastating diseases Americans are dealing with, with the aim of finding a common thread running throughout both cause and reversal.


  • 提出了有说服力实例阿尔茨海默氏症(老年痴呆)还是吃肉密切关联的一种疾病

    He makes a powerful case that Alzheimer's is yet another disease linked to eating meat.


  • 早期研究提出了这种可能但是没有人际网络实际疾病传播模型联系在一起。

    Earlier studies raised the possibility, but had not mapped social networks against actual disease models.


  • 提醒说一比较并不精确因为美国疾病控制预防中心对季节流感不同的统计方法。

    The comparisons aren't exact, because the CDC calculates deaths from seasonal flu differently, he cautioned.


  • 一方面或许有利于解释:那些具有遗传一致的母系细胞随着年龄的增长而变得慢慢基因组彼此不同的时候,这种基因组上突变模式或许老年疾病有关

    On the other hand it might help explain patterns of disease associated with ageing as cells whose ancestors were genetically identical slowly diverge from one another.


  • 灾难天气事件影响食物供应多变气候、传染病暴发的新模式以及生态系统变化相关的新型疾病全球相关连造成健康风险

    Catastrophic weather events, variable climates that affect food and water supplies, ecosystem changes are all associated with global warming and pose health risks.


  • 研究过程对比热量限制饮食猴子正常饮食猴子死年龄有关疾病可能3以上

    Over the course of the study, the monkeys that ate the regular diet were three times more likely to die of an age-related disease than their counterparts on caloric restriction.


  • 二十世纪,两千万一亿人大流行流感,两亿人死于战争饥荒还有二十亿人的死因儿童期本可预防疾病有关。

    The twentieth century saw 20 to 100 million deaths from pandemic flu and 200 million deaths from wars and famine, but 2 billion deaths from preventable childhood causes.


  • 世界卫生组织的卡茜•罗斯Cathy Roth)讲道,马尔堡病毒其它疾病给非洲国家并没有带来多大负担但是该病毒的潜在致命却让这些国家将治疗艾滋病肺结核疟疾的各种资源进行了转移。

    The burden of Marburg and other rare diseases is small, says Cathy Roth of the WHO, but their destructive potential drags resources from the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.


  • 一个基因多态疾病易感疾病表型都存在关联,基因直接发病佐证

    A gene polymorphism and susceptibility to disease and disease phenotype correlation there is the gene directly involved in the pathogenesis of corroboration.


  • 大力鼓励开展有关MMF自身免疫疾病之间潜在相关研究

    Research on the potential association with autoimmune diseases was strongly encouraged.


  • 大力鼓励开展有关MMF自身免疫疾病之间潜在相关研究

    Research on the potential association with autoimmune diseases was strongly encouraged.


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