• 如果手指骨头肌肉关节某个特定部位,就引起疼痛可能受到严重伤害

    If you can elicit pain at a specific point in a bone, muscle or joint by pressing your finger into it, you may have a significant injury.


  • 如果能用手指疼痛的部位上,明确指出位于骨头肌肉关节的某一点,那么你可能受到严重创伤

    If you can elicit pain at a specific point in a bone, muscle or joint, by pressing your finger into it, you may have a significant injury.


  • 按摩牙床另一缓解疼痛的方法:你的手指柔中带劲地按摩宝宝的牙床。

    Massaging his gums is another way to soothe his discomfort - after washing your hands, rub his gums gently but firmly with your finger.


  • 描述当时疼痛情感一些细小东西比如出生手指的倒拉一些大的东西(比如出生时拉地板上)。

    I described the pain, the emotions, the little things (like Beatrice's hangnail at her birth) and the big things (like crapping on the floor during Frances').


  • 手指压力能为宝宝减轻底下牙齿带来疼痛,宝宝应该会愿意接受

    The pressure provides a welcome balance to the pressure your baby feels coming from the buried teeth below.


  • 现在每当看到女儿手指水疱时,我都会想起这个谎言- - -给她带来疼痛的水疱丝毫没有离开她的迹象。

    Mostly I am reminded of the lie every time I see the blisters on my daughter's fingers - painful blisters that never seem to go away.


  • 凌晨2点钟,剧烈疼痛只得浴室坐在马桶边地上喉咙里。

    Around two in the morning, I was having such bad stomach pains that I went into the bathroom, sat on the floor by the toilet, and stuck my finger down my throat.


  • 贝多斯玻璃划破手指感到疼痛,原来氧化亚氮不仅使他俩狂笑而且使贝多斯麻醉不知

    Tony Adams has been more than cut through the glass finger pain that Kuang Xiao nitrous oxide not only they but also the multi-Tony Adams hand I do not know of narcotic pain.


  • 另外一个问题禅师说,科比现在关键问题手指顶部关节撕脱性骨折一部分骨头被拉掉了),而同时他的中指关节现在非常疼痛

    One other issue, mentioned by Phil Jackson, besides the avulsion fracture in the top knuckle (part of the bone got pulled off) is that Bryant's critical middle knuckle on that finger is now very sore.


  • 脚趾手指耳朵鼻子通常最早受到影响,会、变、变缺血。不觉疼痛危险

    The toes, fingers, ears, and nose are usually affected first, becoming cold, hard, white, or Bloodless. The lack of pain is dangerous.


  • 为了缓解父亲疼痛三个子女轮流父亲自己手指

    In order to alleviate the pain of the father, his three children also took turns letting him bite their fingers.


  • 谈论手机除了疼痛之外,其它症状包括手指麻木强度丧失

    Other symptoms besides pain when talking about cell phone elbow include tingling in the fingers and loss of strength in the hand.


  • 小孩手指疼痛发炎作为上学理由

    The child used his sore finger as a pretext for not going to school.


  • 许多颈椎疾患会刺激这些神经使之发炎引起疼痛向下放射到胳膊手指,即所谓的颈椎神经根病变。

    A number of cervical spine conditions may inflame or irritate these nerve roots, resulting in pain that radiates down the arms and possibly fingers, known as cervical radiculopathy.


  • 尼克从来没有手臂疼痛,也从未膝盖问题手指不曾被夹到,脚指头也从未踢伤,小腿从未

    Nick has never had a sore arm. He's never had knee problems. He's never smashed his finger in a door, stubbed his toe, or banged his shin against a table leg.


  • 另外长时间计算机上会出现手腕手指疼痛

    Again, spending too long at computers results in painful wrists and fingers.


  • 所以虽然割伤胳膊大腿脚踝疼,割伤手指那种火辣辣疼痛轻得多。

    So while a paper cut on your arm, or thigh, or ankle might still be annoying, it would probably be more trivial than the intense fiery quality that finger-based paper cuts tend to have.


  • 术后2不能忍受疼痛拒绝功能锻炼导致手指屈伸明显受限

    There are 2 cases refuse functional training after operation, because they cann't stand the pain, so that their flexion and extension of finger are obvious limiting.


  • 一级伤—手指韧带拉伤(旁系韧带),局部疼痛挤压攀爬疼痛

    Grade I - Sprain of the finger ligaments (collateral ligaments), pain locally at the pulley, pain when squeezing or climbing.


  • 幸亏医生找到疼痛真正原因——原来他的手指破了!

    Luckily the doctor is a good problem solver and finds the real source of the pain.


  • 膝关节疼痛患者:膝关节疼痛病灶膝盖骨两侧手指地方。

    For knee joint ache: the focus of the knee joint is on the both side of the knee, pointed out by binger in the following pictures.


  • 讲师首先谈谈导致手指麻木疼痛常见原因以及处理办法讲到手臂疼痛原因以及解决办法。

    The lecturer will first mention the common causes and solutions of numb and painful hands and then the common causes and solutions of numb and painful arms.


  • 讲师首先谈谈导致手指麻木疼痛常见原因以及处理办法讲到手臂疼痛原因以及解决办法。

    The lecturer will first mention the common causes and solutions of numb and painful hands and then the common causes and solutions of numb and painful arms.


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