• 名16岁纽约高中生,纽约是世界上疯狂城市之一那里的生活琐碎戏剧化,我感觉自已需要一点变化

    As a 16-year-old high school student living in New York, one of the craziest cities in the world, I felt like I needed a change from the pettiness and drama that seems to thrive there.


  • 由于一个交换项目新西兰记者奥尼尔上海呆了个月要和大家分享对于这个她所热爱的彻底疯狂的城市一些看法

    For two months, New Zealand journalist Andrea o 'neil stayed in Shanghai on an exchange program. She shares her views about a "totally crazy" city she came to love.


  • 暴民一种疯狂杀戮欲驱使着占领城市

    The mobs became driven by a crazed bloodlust to take the city.


  • 疯狂动物城动物城市

    "Zootopia" is a city of animals.


  • 深爱着这座以前充满梦想极端疯狂城市

    I adore this crazy city of ex dreams and extremes.


  • 未来年里城市人口预计疯狂飙升,并超过全球人口的一半

    During the next five years, urban populations are expected to soar well beyond half the world's total.


  • 新西兰第二城市基督城里救援人员在倒塌的建筑车辆疯狂挖掘,试图救出星期二发生的6.3级地震掩埋的尸体

    Rescuers dug frantically for bodies and people trapped after a major 6.3 earthquake caused "multiple" deaths in New Zealand's second city of Christchurch Tuesday, crushing buildings and vehicles.


  • 欧洲古老城市地下隧道——这个城市还是木质地桩支撑起来的——起来有些疯狂

    DRILLING tunnels beneath the wooden pillars that support one of Europe's oldest cities sounds mad.


  • 母亲知道能否寻找,他的母亲城市一个城市疯狂最后一个街头角落母亲同时认出了对方

    His mother do not know whether you can find him, and his mother a city with a crazy, to find the cities last in a street corner, he and his mother and recognize each other.


  • 他们达喀尔(Dakar,塞内加尔首都)托拉博拉(ToraBora,巴基斯坦边境小镇)的会面堪称疯狂,之后有一夜里在贾拉拉巴德(Jalalabad,阿富汗城市),面对分手痛哭至深夜。

    There were frenzied meetings in Dakar and Tora Bora and a night in Jalalabad when they split up and she cried into the small hours.


  • 评论家高度赞扬了疯狂动物城》城市种动物之间关系描写上有着敏锐的幽默感非常大的信息量。

    Critics have strongly praised "Zootopia" for its sharp humor and strong message in its portrayal of relations between two kinds of animals in the city.


  • 这座城市已经四分五裂现在有够疯狂,人们只想着自己好,毕竟适者生存嘛!必须适应这个世界才能生存

    This city fell apart. It's crazy out here. Every man for himself. Survival of the fittest. You gotta take what you need in this world.


  • 一些城市水库,而另外一些城市疯狂开采地下水资源,以至于好几个城市出现了地表下陷的险情。

    Some are building reservoirs; others are draining so much water from underground aquifers that several cities have reported serious land subsidence.


  • 评论家高度赞扬了疯狂动物城》城市动物之间关系描写上有着敏锐的幽默感非常大的信息量。

    Critics shave strongly praised "Zootopia" for its sharp humor and strong message in its portrayal of relations between two kinds of animals in the city.


  • 回到号称“城市王”利马,“神圣峡谷热带丛林以及马丘·比丘的疯狂灰暗干燥面容前黯然失色。

    Back in Lima, known as the City of Kings, the tropical jungle of the Sacred Valley and madness of Machu Picchu gave way to a very gray, very dry face.


  • 破败海滨城市加西,这个地方利比亚反对派武装诞生地。当利比亚反对派武装顺利攻占的黎波里的核心区,这个地方爆发疯狂的庆祝活动

    In BENGHAZI, the dilapidated seaside city that was the birthplace of the Libyan rebellion, the rebels' entry into the heart of Tripoli set off a frenzy of celebration.


  • 谢天谢地上面提到过城市一样,迈阿密这些全球变疯狂支持者愚弄了一下。

    Thankfully, like the previous cities cited, Miami too is making fools of the wacko warmers.


  • 这座城市疯狂造城步伐贡献了成本劳力那些人,数十万民工,对于他们来说,这里没有位置

    There is nothing, for example, on the role of the hundreds of thousands of migrant workers who have provided the low-cost labor involved in the city's frantic pace of construction.


  • 距离印度南部城市真奈311英里马杜赖郊区举行村民们试图抓住疯狂的公牛

    Villagers try to catch a bull during a bull-taming festival on the outskirts of Madurai town, about 311 miles from the southern Indian city of Chennai.


  • 随后又出现新的受害者商业迅猛发展的新上海新闻界抢了警方之前得到了消息城市第一连环杀手出现使得媒体陷入疯狂混乱。

    Another victim soon follows and, in the new consumer-crazy Shanghai, the press is alerted before the police, triggering a media frenzy about the city's first serial killer.


  • 多年后,城市夜晚仍然段被慢慢翻译疯狂……感到必须拉上窗帘提前消失

    Many years from now, the evening of this city will still be a slow translation of madness. You feel it's time to close the curtains, disappear a bit early.


  • 多年后,城市夜晚仍然段被慢慢翻译疯狂……感到必须拉上窗帘提前消失

    Many years from now, the evening of this city will still be a slow translation of madness. You feel it's time to close the curtains, disappear a bit early.


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