• 确保了花强化信息技术上的美元有助于提高我们公司利润率

    This strategy ensures that every dollar spent on enhanced information technology will help to increase our firm's profit margins.


  • 他们称之为双十战(针对未来10的10个好想法),公司上下设立想法收集箱

    They called it "10 for 10:10 big ideas for the next 10 years!" and set up idea drop boxes throughout the company.


  • 表中上市公司“申请-定价期间”平均100

    These four companies had an average pricing-filing span of just over 100 days.


  • 随着去年中国取代美国成为全球最大汽车市场这种情况给丰田公司带来了不利影响。2009年,中国市场的汽车销量激增50%,达到1,300万相比之下美国市场一年的销量是超1,000万辆。

    That has hurt the company, as China overtook the U.S. last year as the world's biggest car market, with sales surging about 50% to 13 million vehicles, compared with just over 10 million in the U.S..


  • 类教训不仅适用基金经理包括企业管理层。想想那些习惯于季度超过预期盈利公司吧。

    The lesson applies to company executives as well as fund managers; think of all those firms that made a habit of beating profits estimates by a penny every quarter.


  • 体现了韩华公司单一重工业走向零售休闲管理业多样化转变。

    This strategy reflected Hanwha's diversification from heavy industry alone to consumer retailing and resorts management.


  • 一个趋势当前萧条市场中等生物技术公司感希望的是,制药公司现在倾向全资收购,而不再是代价不菲合作授权

    A trend in the past year, especially with the depressed market cap of small to medium biotechs, is the straight acquisition of a company rather than entry into an expensive collaboration or license.


  • 通过一战伙伴关系公司正在寻求他们客户提供独特的具有广泛基础吸引力产品服务

    Through this strategic partnership, both companies are seeking to offer their customers a uniquely broad-based and attractive array of products and services.


  • 一战令人惊讶,因为公司80%生产活动中国

    The move was surprising, as about 80 per cent of its production is in China.


  • 公司各个公司盈利报告主要品牌的无形价值作为调查出发点

    Millward Brown takes as a starting point the value that companies put on their own main brands as intangibles in their earnings reports.


  • 中国快递公司承担该国超过一半包裹中通便是其中之一

    ZTO is one of four Chinese delivery companies that ferry a bit more than half of all packages in China.


  • 要在客户公司求职者之间找到合适的搭配,可能需要数月时间,而且,乌断言猎头很少漏掉符合条件求职者或者忘记打电话告诉求职者重要的进展,即使也只是个别情况。

    Finding the right fit between client company and candidate can take months, and Ulloa avers that recruiters rarely, if ever, overlook qualified applicants or forget to call with important news.


  • 尽管大部分反对声音毫无疑问来自这种情绪不少人的担忧来自于许多中国采矿公司破坏环境方面的恶历史

    And though much of the opposition is no doubt driven by that feeling, there are also genuine concerns about the lousy environmental records of many Chinese mining companies.


  • 某些公司CFO、主计长年夜其他管帐部分人员他们老例职责之外负担这项本能机能。

    In some companies the CFO, controller, or accounting staff performs this in addition to their regular responsibilities.


  • 我们海洋公司建立了良好合作伙伴关系,联盟协议签署将为双方利用各自优势互惠互利的领域进一步扩大合作提供了令人振奋机遇

    We already have a significant partnership with CNOOC and this is an exciting opportunity to expand this cooperation in areas of mutual benefit that takes advantage of the strengths of both partners.


  • 奔觉得银行年夜最终包括进去不肯冒险猜测保险公司将来可否同样如此。

    Z-Ben says banks may be included eventually, but prefers not to hazard a guess on the future status of insurance companies.


  • 公司允许年夜品牌销售在全国各地销售商品

    Companies will be allowed to sell goods sold internationally under a single brand.


  • 竞标美国铝业公司年夜成为矿业年夜范围归并收购交易也是必都不曾涉及的范围。

    A bid for Alcoa would be the biggest deal yet in a series of mergers and acquisitions in the mining industry, which BHP and Rio Tinto have so far chosen not to participate in.


  • 毕业之后作为新手入行,如果能按照公司要求调整那多半这个位置就是囊中之物了。

    If a grad is ready to accept an entry-level job, give a little on job requirements and move if the company asks, chances are he'll land a job.


  • 思想指引近几年公司实现高科技人员公司人数30%的份额。

    Thought the guide line in this strategy next, in the last few years my company has realizes the high-tech personnel occupies total number in company 30% quota.


  • 公司或者业务部门生命周期基本上就是一系列3-5计划组成。

    The lifecycle of a company or operating division is basically a series of 3 - to 5-year strategic plans.


  • 1999年佩雷斯·卡里出售了生意于2009年离开公司

    Perez-Carrillo sold his business in 1999, and left the company in 2009.


  • 思想指引近几年公司实现高科技人员公司人数30%份额

    Thought the guide line in this strategy next, in the last few years my company has realizes the high-tech personnel occupies total number in company30% quota.


  • 一战成败关键在于能否培育出一批中国自己的、国际具有竞争力的跨国公司

    The key to this strategy consists in fostering our own multinational companies with competitive ability in the world.


  • 一点看起来很奇怪那些公司拒绝消耗完全体验游戏年夜电影仅仅是因为它们消耗国度里发行

    It seems strange that companies would rather deny consumers the right to experience games or movies altogether simply because they haven't been officially released in that consumer's country.


  • 然而10伙伴关系结束,2008,航空公司开始下降从而导致利润损失

    However when the 10 years strategic partnership ended in 2008, the airline started to drop in quality thus leading to loss of profits.


  • 然而10伙伴关系结束,2008,航空公司开始下降从而导致利润损失

    However when the 10 years strategic partnership ended in 2008, the airline started to drop in quality thus leading to loss of profits.


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