• 随着3:19留在第一麦蒂无法赶上关闭卷曲未来通过周围选择

    With 3:19 remaining in the 1st, Tracy was unable to catch the pass off the curl while coming around the pick.


  • 可以移动震动倾斜伸展任何轻微运动支持呼吸继续留在第一位置

    You can move, shake, tilt, stretch, or do any slight movement that will support the breathing but the feet should remain in one spot.


  • 随着2时45分留在第一开关汉密尔顿能够通过一个屏幕失去麦蒂击中这个过程中跳投

    With 2:45 remaining in the 1st, after a switch, Richard Hamilton was able to lose McGrady through a screen, hitting a jumper in the process.


  • 昨晚爷爷又一个人留在家里了,周一晚上事情以来第一

    Last night my granddad left me alone in the house again, the first time since Monday night's incident.


  • 家里地下停车场或者办公大楼地下室要比留在建筑物第一能给你提供更多保护

    An underground area such as a home or office building basement offers more protection than the first floor of a building.


  • 安全准则第一留在旁边。不过今晚大,做到这点很难。

    "The first rule is, stay with the boat, but that's going to be tough with this breeze blowing, " said Conway.


  • 根据马尔代夫传说,从前,名叫Koimalaa僧伽罗王子新娘-斯里兰卡国王女儿-被搁浅马尔代夫的一个礁湖,无奈他们只能留在那里,至此成为了那里的第一君王

    According to Maldivian legend, a Sinhalese prince named Koimalaa was stranded with his bridedaughter of the king of Sri Lankain a Maldivian lagoon and stayed on to rule as the first sultan.


  • 凯瑟琳希斯·克里夫第一画眉山庄,凯瑟琳留在那里

    Catherine and Heathcliff at Thrushcross Grange Catherine and Heathcliff visit Thrushcross Grange for the first time and Catherine remains there. Ch 6.


  • 会议的部分关注仍然概念阶段软件叫做BingDeskBar

    The first session focuses on software still in the concept stage, called Bing DeskBar.


  • 但是第一Amper不得不儿子丈夫留在家里独自去美国。

    But Amper had to leave him and her husband back home for the first year.


  • 第一条规则就是采取直接措施留在游戏中,”另一家风投公司SutterHillVentures麦克·斯佩瑟

    Rule number one is to take immediate measures so you can stay in the game, ” says Mike Speiser of Sutter Hill Ventures, another VC firm.


  • 第一条规则就是采取直接措施留在游戏中,”另一家风投公司SutterHillVentures麦克·斯佩瑟

    "Rule number one is to take immediate measures so you can stay in the game," says Mike Speiser of Sutter Hill Ventures, another VC firm.


  • 合计我是应该坐在第一车厢还是第二节,后来决定留在第二节车厢。

    I debated whether I should sit in the first or the second car, and decided on the second.


  • 不情愿地跟随回去了即使是多么留下留在这个我人生中第一次体验到家感觉地方

    I reluctantly went with him, even though I desperately wanted to stay in the first place that really seemed like home.


  • 第一方法通常更为高效但是因为要求索引数据不同空间对于现有数据库太适用。

    The first method is often more effective, but because it requires indices and data to reside in different table Spaces, it may not be an option for existing databases.


  • 表示第一连接数据库时日志总数等于活动日志目录中的日志文件的总数。

    This means that upon first connection to the database, the total number of primary logs is equal to the total number of log files residing in the active log directory.


  • 其他第一青年研究人员明显地留在阵营内

    Other top young researchers have remained more clearly in a single camp.


  • 另一个建议使第二SSL站点运行第一个站点的服务器不同端口

    Another suggestion put forth was to host the second SSL site on another port on the same server running the first site.


  • 注释编译后文件中,第一加载读取

    Retain the annotation in the compiled class file of the annotated class, and read it when the class first loads.


  • 假定某个用户需要XML输入获得第一元素AXIOM构建对象模型将一直包含元素结束的内容,而其他内容流中。

    Suppose a user needs to get the value of element of the first person from an XML input stream, AXIOM builds the object model up to the end of element and leaves the rest in the stream.


  • 第一InvestmentManagementandPrivateBankingGroupIT策略规定所有业务逻辑应该存储过程不是留在中间层(应用程序服务器)级别

    First, the Investment Management and Private Banking Group's IT policy states that all business logic should reside in stored procedures and not at the middle tier (application server) level.


  • 但是ICInsights评论说,AMD少数几家第二季度季度差的公司之一,所以下个季度能否留在10还不得而知。

    But IC Insights noted that AMD is among the few IC makers that expects second quarter sales to be worse than the first quarter and questioned whether it could remain in the top 10.


  • 删除以前使用可能content部分所有节点

    The first step is to remove any nodes that may have been left in the content section during any previous usages.


  • 每一个目标眼前第一线曙光开始一直保留慢慢展开,直到整个大地一片光明为止。

    Each goal, I all want it to stay in front of me, from the early start, the first light has been retained, start slowly, until entire earth light.


  • 每一个目标眼前第一线曙光开始一直保留慢慢展开,直到整个大地一片光明为止。

    Each goal, I all want it to stay in front of me, from the early start, the first light has been retained, start slowly, until entire earth light.


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