• 某种非常有效除草剂玉米来说安全的,即使是除草剂残留物也会对大豆造成损害残留物在施用除草剂土壤中。

    One very effective herbicide is safe for corn, but soybeans are damaged even by the herbicide's residue, which remains in the soil more than a year after the herbicide is applied.


  • 农民可以玉米其他作物残留物留在土壤表层。

    Farmers may keep the remains of maize or other crops on top of the soil.


  • 土壤中的全部水分植物有效性一致的。

    All the water retained in a soil is not equally available to plants.


  • 众所周知塑料袋不可生物降解材料长期留在土壤里面。

    As we all known plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it will stay in the soil for a long time.


  • 众所周知塑料袋不可生物降解材料长期留在土壤里面。

    As we all known, plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it will stay in the soil for a long time.


  • 例如成本低廉灌溉方式已经使印度很多地区的地下水干涸,化肥中高剂量的盐分土壤内。

    For example, cheap forms of irrigation have depleted the water table in many farm areas of India, while at the same time adding near-toxic levels of salts from fertilizers to the soil.


  • 最难防除是短叶水蜈蚣残土壤中的匍匐茎,一旦达到其再生繁殖条件就会肆意萌发蔓延

    The stolon of green Kyllinga in the soil was most difficult to be controlled. It would be spread when the condition was allowed.


  • 发明公开了一种修复土壤ddt污染方法,将漆酶投DDT污染的土壤中直接催化降解土壤中的DDT。

    The invention discloses a method for renovating soil polluted by DDT. Laccase is added into the soil polluted by DDT for directly catalyzing and deteriorating DDT residual in the soil.


  • 关键问题土壤释放更多二氧化碳是否因为植物生长更快,从而吸收了更多二氧化碳;是否因为土壤释放了应该低温下保留在土壤里的二氧化碳。

    The critical question is whether soils release more CO2 because faster-growing plants pump more in, or if soils release CO2 that would have stayed in the ground at lower temperatures.


  • 关键问题土壤释放更多二氧化碳是否因为植物生长更快,从而吸收了更多二氧化碳;是否因为土壤释放了应该低温下保土壤里的二氧化碳。

    The critical question is whether soils release more CO2 becausefaster-growing plants pump more in, or if soils release CO2 that wouldhave stayed in the ground at lower temperatures.


  • 剩余的部分陆生植物土壤吸收或者大气中,停留在大气中的二氧化碳汇增加温室效应

    The rest is taken up by terrestrial vegetation and soils or remains in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect.


  • 树叶具有更多营养成分,将它们留在森林,可使土壤恢复元气

    Leaves and twigs have high concentration of nutrients that, if left In the forest, revitalize the soil.


  • 如果桑迪耶更难底部根源获得因为不会浸泡通过留在表面土壤

    If it is sandier, it will be harder for the bottoms of the roots to get as much water, as it will not soak through, but will stay on the surface of the soil.


  • 但是农药农作物上附近土壤中,然后渗入地下水,流入河川,最后进了野生生物的腹中。

    But pesticide residues linger on crops and the surrounding soil, leaching into groundwater, running into streams and getting gobbled up by wildlife.


  • 地膜覆盖种植技术可大幅度提高作物单产水平,因而得以大面积推广应用,地膜不能及时回收田间土壤生态环境造成了污染

    Plastic film laying on crop is widely used in China, but most of the used films are left inthe fields after harvesting, and pollution is made both to the soil and environment.


  • 大部分却残农田土壤流入地表水体中,引起水体营养化,形成农业面源污染问题。

    However, most of them stayed in the soil or flowed into waters and led to the eutrophication, which could bring about Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution (ANPSP).


  • 大部分却残农田土壤流入地表水体中,引起水体营养化,形成农业面源污染问题。

    However, most of them stayed in the soil or flowed into waters and led to the eutrophication, which could bring about Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution (ANPSP).


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