• 那种场合,似乎可以告诫几句,并且可以把主教罪犯头上,暂时给他留下印象

    To all appearances, it was an occasion for preaching him a little sermon, and of impressing the Bishop on the convict, so that a mark of the passage might remain behind.


  • 隐藏世界时间流动自己步调空置面积留下一个印象宽敞明亮。

    A world hidden inside, where time flows at its own pace, an vacant space leaving an impression just by its spaciousness.


  • 诸如tinder等约会软件“人们留下一个印象——还有成千上万甚至数百万潜在伴侣在等着他们呢,”巴斯说道

    Dating apps like Tinder "give people the impression that there are thousands or millions of potential mates out there," says Buss.


  • 时不时地使用礼貌用语能够我们他人心中留下一个良好印象

    Using polite words every now and then can help us give a good impression on others.


  • 如果知道唯一犹太人莎士比亚笔下的夏洛克留下一个非常糟糕的(犹太人)印象

    If the only Jew you know is Shakespeare's Shylock, it's going to be a very bad impression.


  • 希望家人留下一个印象

    I hope to make a good impression on your family.


  • 帮助客户留下一个正面印象客户决定选择您的还是其他人提案时,这可能会成为最终决定性因素

    This will help make a positive impression on the client and may ultimately be the determining factor behind the client's decision to go with your proposal or someone else's.


  • 如果赴约面试时没有安排准时到达,那么你会立即留下一个时间观念印象,而且很有可能得不到工作的一席之地

    If you are not organized enough to turn up on time for an interview, you immediately give the impression of poor time keeping, and are not likely to be offered a place of employment.


  • 知道如果老板在那里即使非正式的晚会,在面前喝醉也会给他留下不好印象

    And I know if the boss is there, even it is an informal evening, it does not make a good impression to get totally drunk in front of him.


  • 所有常用的积极肢体语言可以帮助留下一个印象微笑目光接触,身体前身体方向

    All the usual positive body language can help make a good impression: smiling, eye contact, forward lean and body orientation.


  • 事实上要是原型真实用户反馈拿来让上司进行评审,没准能给他们留下一个印象

    In fact, if you bring prototypes and real user feedback to that exec review, you'll have a much better chance of making a great impression.


  • 汤姆时常甜言蜜语玛丽聊天,为了留下一个美好印象

    Tom always chats Mary up to leave a good impression on her.


  • 不管怎么说,我们还是尽量避免撒谎否则将给人留下一个印象别人很难相信我们

    Still, as far as possible, we should avoid lying as it creates a bad impression and makes it difficult for the other people to trust us.


  • 想必大家知道我们酒吧买醉照片或者激进主义活动中现身绝对不会我们老板眼里留下一个印象

    We all know that posting photos of ourselves dancing on bar tops and/or partaking in acts radicalism probably won’t help our image in the eyes of an employer.


  • 首先,良好的打扮可以给陌生人留下一个印象并且有助于让他们形成正面的评价。

    First, being well-groomed makes a good impression on others you don’t know well, and helps them to react more positively to you.


  • 如果给人留下一个印象就是说你需要“展示最好一面”。

    When you are trying to make a good impression it is said that you should put your 'best foot forward'.


  • 如果给人留下一个印象就是说你需要“展示最好一面”。

    When you are trying to make a good impression it is said that you should put your ‘best foot forward’.


  • 汤姆时常甜言蜜语玛丽聊天,为了留下一个美好印象

    Tom always chats Mary up to leave a good impression on her


  • 首先说和女人交往时候男人不能假装自信因为人们容易就能识别出这个男人表现的真正的自己还是只想她们留下一个印象

    First off I want to say that you can not fake confidence when interacting with women because they can easily tell whether a man is being himself or trying to impress them.


  • 写辞职信目的并不是仅仅为了离开同时也是留下一个印象公司——这会未来的求职有所帮助

    When making a resignation letter, your aim is to not only leave your company, you are also leaving a good impression, which may help your cause in applying for a job.


  • 即便最后他们因为你在面试中的出色表现聘用了你,但纠缠面试官不放,也会用人单位留下负面印象,让他们觉得你一个管的

    Leeching onto the interviewers will even leave a negative impression as someone with an unmanageable personality even if they may be finally recruited due to an excellent interview performance.


  • 戈德史密斯先生说,有些求职者重复一个招聘官发来简历只能留下一个绝望印象

    There are also job hunters who repeatedly send the same recruiters their resumes, which can give the impression that they're desperate, adds Mr. Goldsmith.


  • 告诉,我帮并不擅长辞令的迈克.杜卡基斯观众们留下一印象而且我完全没有想象到会取得这样的“成功”。

    I told him I wanted to make Mike Dukakis, who wasn’t known for his oratorical skills, look good, and I succeeded beyond my wildest imagination.


  • 本文旨在使PHP工作方式留下一个好的印象随后可以确定是否适合您。

    My intention is for you to come away with a good feel for what it's like to work in PHP; after that, you can decide whether or not it's right for you.


  • 本文旨在使PHP工作方式留下一个好的印象随后您就可以确定是否适合您。

    My intention is for you to come away with a good feel for what it's like to work in PHP; after that, you'll be able to decide whether or not it's right for you.


  • 留下一个印象却发现自己说起话没完了。

    She wants to make a good impression -and in an attempt to do so continually finds herself telling stories with no end.


  • 更为严重是,如果想不到聪明的、相关联的方式人们记住的演讲要点,那么最终只是听众留下一个荒谬无比的印象

    Seriously, if you can't think of a clever, compact way to make people remember your points, just pass out a goddamned outline.


  • 当然肯定不会希望给我们留下一个印象吧。

    You certainly don't want to leave a bad impression on us.


  • 是的。星级酒店可以让观众联想依赖性和高职业标准。可以为出席留下一个好的印象

    Yeah. It is likely to be associated with reliability and professionalism, which can leave a better impression on people attending the presentation.


  • 是的。星级酒店可以让观众联想依赖性和高职业标准。可以为出席留下一个好的印象

    Yeah. It is likely to be associated with reliability and professionalism, which can leave a better impression on people attending the presentation.


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