• 位世界卫生组织的发言人反对建议基于已过时证据的说法。

    A spokeswoman for the WHO rejected Suggestions that its recommendation is based on outdated evidence.


  • 运用修正假设2007年世卫生组织模型进行9项更新

    Nine updates to the 2007 WHO model were generated using revised assumptions.


  • 之前津巴布韦发布卫生组织2006年世界卫生报告

    Three weeks ago I was in Zambia to launch the WHO World Health Report for 2006.


  • 本文纪念卫生组织2000年世界卫生报告发布周年而作。

    This paper is for the 10th anniversary of the publication of World Health Report 2000.


  • 1967年世界卫生组织(WHO)国际药典》的附录收录了制度

    In 1967, WHO has embodied the policy at the appendix of International Pharmacopeia.


  • 据1996年卫生组织(WHO)报告,肺癌居各类恶性肿瘤死亡率首位

    In 1996, report by WHO, Lung cancer is the first cause of cancer death in the world.


  • 2006年卫生组织启动新的儿童生长标准以来,被140多个国家采用

    Since 2006, when the World Health Organization launched the new Child Growth Standards, over 140 countries have adopted them.


  • 全球来讲1974年世界卫生组织开展扩大免疫规划以来,接种率已经显著提高

    Globally, coverage has greatly increased since WHO's Expanded Programme on Immunization began in 1974.


  • 2008年世界卫生组织分类定义归类MPAL患者egil标准更少

    As defined by the 2008 WHO classification, fewer patients are now classified as having MPAL than with the EGIL criteria.


  • 现在卫生组织常常定期报告疑似流感发病例沦为动物声誉最差的成员。

    No animal's reputation is as low as the pig right now, with the World Health Organisation regularly reporting new cases in the potential swine flu pandemic.


  • 实际上2010年卫生组织已经将提供药物提高了75%,低于阈值者给药。

    Indeed, in 2010 the World Health Organisation raised the immune-system threshold below which drugs are offered by 75%.


  • 卫生组织网站分国别介绍世各地伙伴纪念2005年世界卫生日所开展的各种活动

    The web site will also feature, by country, various events being organized by partners around the world in celebration of World Health Day 2005.


  • 2000卫生组织肥胖定性为“流行病”,自此,人们纷纷探讨肥胖能够引发的严重后果

    Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an "epidemic" in 2000, reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and fast.


  • 2006年世界卫生组织发起遏制结核战略旨在实现2015年的影响目标以及病例检出治疗成功目标。

    The Stop TB Strategy launched by WHO in 2006 is designed to achieve the 2015 impact targets as well as the targets for case detection and treatment success.


  • 周六卫生组织报告,现在已经确诊16个国家658起猪流感病例(官方名称A流感,也即H1N1)。

    On Saturday the W.H.O reported that there were 658 confirmed cases of the illness, officially known as Influenza a (H1N1), in 16 countries.


  • 卫生活动设计口号可以右边的链接上找到,可以卫生组织总部2005年世卫生日协调员获得

    The World Health Day campaign design and slogan are available at the link to the right, and may also be obtained from the World Health Day 2005 Coordinator at WHO Headquarters.


  • 用于2005年卫生日活动卫生组织材料包括:一工具手册一张印有界卫生图案设计口号的招贴画和胶贴

    The WHO package of materials, for use in conjunction with World Health Day 2005, will include this toolkit, a poster and stickers with the World Health Day design and slogan.


  • 纪念10月10日精神卫生,世界卫生组织(世卫组织)发表修订的《2005年世界卫生组织精神卫生地图集》。

    To mark World Mental Health Day, 10 October, the World Health Organization (WHO) publishes the newly updated World Health Organization Mental Health Atlas 2005.


  • 周三无烟日,世卫生组织发起了一名为吸烟不要”的活动,谴责烟草公司在电影、音乐体育赞助广告

    In a campaign entitled "tobacco Kills - Don't Be Duped" for World No tobacco day on Wednesday, the organisation criticised the sponsorship, and advertising of tobacco in films, music and sports.


  • 自从1988年卫生组织开始全球范围内消灭小儿麻痹症活动以来,世各国每年大约35万儿童由于患有这种疾病而瘫痪

    About 350,000 children a year have become paralyzed from polio since 1988, when the World Health Organization began its Global Eradication Campaign.


  • 可以使用后附2005年卫生材料预定界卫生组织地区办事处获得相关材料。 具体的联系人详见“世界卫生组织联系人”列表。

    The form to order the World Health Day 2005 package may be used to obtain the relevant materials from WHO regional offices.


  • 全球一级WHO发布《2005年卫生报告》,主题是健康母亲儿童报告发布之际,世界卫生组织同时将举办一个高层会议

    At global level, WHO will launch the World health report 2005, which will also focus on healthy mothers and children, and will organize a high-level meeting in conjunction with this launch.


  • 根据卫生组织今天发表的《2011年世疟疾报告》,2000年以来,全球疟疾死亡率下降25%以上,世卫组织非洲区域降幅达33%。

    Malaria mortality rates have fallen by more than 25% globally since 2000, and by 33% in the WHO African Region, according to the World malaria report 2011, issued today by WHO.


  • 2005年10月7日|日内瓦-纪念10月10日精神卫生,世卫生组织(世卫组织)发表修订的《2005年世界卫生组织精神卫生地图集》。

    October 2005 | GENEVA - to mark World Mental Health Day, 10 October, the World Health Organization (WHO) publishes the newly updated World Health Organization Mental Health Atlas 2005.


  • 1998卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署银行联合发起遏制疟疾公私合作计划(RBM),目标2010年使全球疟疾减少一半

    In 1998, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank jointly launched the public-private partnership for roll back malaria (RBM) in hope of reduce the global malaria be half up to the year of 2010.


  • 1998卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署银行联合发起遏制疟疾公私合作计划(RBM),目标2010年使全球疟疾减少一半

    In 1998, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank jointly launched the public-private partnership for roll back malaria (RBM) in hope of reduce the global malaria be half up to the year of 2010.


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