• 这种电视画面充满动感活力,显得新颖独特

    Pictures on this kind of TV are active and energetic, fashionable and distinctive.


  • 当下常见直观强烈简约鲜明图像不同何伟画面充满音律般的节奏感、迷离而缥缈。

    Different from intuitionistic, powerful and concise imagery often seen of late, He Wei's canvas is dimly discernable and filled with a sense of melodic rhythms.


  • 因此画面充满了一种灵魂的雾团惶恐骷髅之间的一种二性,救赎怀的希望以及救赎无望绝望处境。

    Therefore, his painting is filled with duality between the soul fog and the scared skeleton , people's wish for salvation and hopeless desperation.


  • 公众看到这些充满暴力死亡画面大为震惊。

    The public is becoming sickened by these images of violence and death.


  • 追求画面的表现力就像画里落日而且创作时充满激情。

    He looked for the dramatic, like the sunset in this painting, and painted it with great verve.


  • 个人电脑上这个游戏具备一切虚构故事人物充满挑战的可玩性以及质量的画面

    On PC, the game had it allimaginative story line and characters, challenging gameplay, superb graphics.


  • 正是大脑控制电脑观念让我们联想科幻电影里充满异国风味和虚构技术画面来。

    The very notion of controlling a computer with the mind conjures up images of exotic, fictional technologies from sci-fi movies.


  • 尽管下面这些截图名字信息主体其它敏感信息已经模糊不清,但是它们是一系列充满荣耀画面

    Below are the screenshots in their full embryonic glory - albeit with names, message bodies, and other sensitive information blurred out.


  • 领土款有着充满科幻色彩的美丽3d画面的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏。《领土》这款游戏免费并且随着游戏的进行不断更新。

    An extensive MMORPG game in beautiful 3d full of fantasy like Settings, Regnum Online is free to play and is loaded with actions.


  • 穿越充满典型德国都市画面动感隧道”后,参观者们便会踏入和谐都市”内设计布置奇妙体验空间

    Having passed through the "Dynamic Tunnel" full of classic urban scenes from Germany, visitors will enter a wonderfully designed experience space in the "Balanced City".


  • 时而高昂,时而激情,时而悠扬乐声则变成幅富有色彩画面缥缈音乐变得立体形象充满感情

    The sound of music, keyed-up or passionate, and sometimes melodious, changed into a colorful picture, the misty music has become solid, visual, and full of sentiments.


  • 发现这个会做出更多你不喜欢行为因为他们周围充满许多你不喜欢的行为想法画面,而强化了这些的行为。

    You may even find that the person is more inclined to act in the way you dislike, for they are filled with your thoughts and pictures of the behavior you dislike and have now strengthened in them.


  • 起那一张张充满乐趣童年照片我们共同回味那段璀璨时光我们歌声忆起儿时动人画面

    It picked up one by one filled with fun childhood photos, of our common bright aftertaste time period, we use the moving picture song reminding them of childhood.


  • 飞机撞到了高楼上,浓烟滚滚巨大建筑物坍塌了,我们无法相信这一画面。我们心中充满极度的悲痛无言的、无法妥协的愤怒

    The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger.


  • 这些歌词充满力量激励着听者,并听众脑中产生副生动画面

    These lyrics are full of strength, inspiring each listener. When listening to it, the audience can form a vivid picture in their mind.


  • 作的视觉表现力突出画面墨色层次丰富多变,浑然天成,一任自然率真之气,充满神秘

    The visual expression is outstanding. The picture's inky level is rich and changeful. It is full of mysterious feeling.


  • 转而整个画面我们自己开始变成一个这个环形充满幻想的舞台上的小丑

    Turning to see the entire picture we ourselves become the clown on the stage of this circular illusion.


  • 产品充满画面客户心中

    Product full screen. Customer in my heart.


  • 可能看到过这样画面农民充满水的稻田里来回走动劳作。

    You've probably seen pictures of farmers wading ankle deep through waterlogged rice paddies.


  • 材料物质性使画面语言充满象征性寓意性抽象语言和材料美的特征

    The acrylic material physically makes the appearance language be full of symbol, implied meaning and abstract language and the characteristic of material the United States.


  • 充满趣味的益智游戏画面精美

    A very interesting puzzle game, beautiful picture.


  • 深蓝深红色调下,蒙蒙细雨中的街道充满万花筒般的车灯照亮,成为画面的主角。

    Foggy and drizzling street scenes in shades of cobalt and ruby dominate the canvases illuminated by a kaleidoscope of headlights which fill the viewer's field of vision.


  • 在那些充满年青悸动画面中间,周文中显得有些过早成熟冷静

    Amongst other paintings pulsating with youthful energy, Zhou Wenzhong's work showed maturity and composure beyond his age.


  • 忻洛汀描绘出一个个朴拙清纯、稚气充满感伤卡通女孩画面溢出童话般的恬美。

    The cartoon girls depicted by Xin Luoting are simple, pure, young and full of sentiment. Her work shows us a fairytale sweet vision.


  • 直线相比,曲线存在使画面的每一部分充满生机激活着整个空间

    With compare straightly, the existence of the curve make appearance of each a the parts all was filled with the source of vitality, activating the whole space.


  • Iacoc ca勾勒的画面残酷充满希望极大地显出其重要性因为我们深受其感染。

    Iacocca's message was that the picture was grim yet hopeful and terribly important because we would all be affected.


  • Iacoc ca勾勒的画面残酷充满希望极大地显出其重要性因为我们深受其感染。

    Iacocca's message was that the picture was grim yet hopeful and terribly important because we would all be affected.


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