• 男性寄出一份带有照片简历时,雇主认为展示出自己的自信而且懂得规矩

    When a man included a photo with his resume, employers found that it showed confidence and that the candidate was presentable.


  • 男性曾经说,一次一个正在离婚朋友在一起呆了一天,后来回到妻子朋友离婚的事情弄得怎么样,他说:“我不知道,我们没怎么说这事。”

    A man once told me that he had spent a day with a friend who was going through a divorce. When he returned home, his wife asked how his friend was coping.


  • 为了了解兄弟的存在是否影响女孩子的生殖情况,研究人员调查访问了197位女性76男性

    To learn whether they also had an effect on their sisters' reproductive success, researchers investigated 197 women and 76 men.


  • 根据官方统计目前英国平均寿命80岁左右现在共有12640男性女性百岁老人,而1980年时仅有2500人。

    Life expectancy in the UK today is around 80 but a total of 12, 640 men and women are now centenarians compared with just 2, 500 in 1980, according to official statistics.


  • 我们不想拯救你们,”杰夫告诉法官瓦尔特10个女性2位男性组成的陪审团他们专心地观察倾听着对杰夫斯的话语并没有明显反应

    "We do not seek your salvation," Jeffs told Walther and the 10 female and two male jurors, who watched and listened intently but made no visible reaction to his words.


  • 美丽的狐狸(下文中用“”指称狐狸变身的男性形式,“狐”则女性形式)有时也被想象堪典范女性

    Beautiful fox women (hereafter I will refer to foxes who assume male forms as "fox men" and those who assume female forms as "fox women") were sometimes envisioned as the most exemplary women.


  • 一个针对1524180男性调查中,他们估量了职业赛车赛事兴趣会多大程度上抵制安全驾驶交通法规

    In a survey of 180 males between the ages of 15 and 24, they measured interest in organized motor sports against attitudes towards safe driving and obeying traffic laws.


  • 一位男性评委走上台,想用双手测量一下安娜腰身到底有多结果发现自己双手将安的腰身整个围拢起来(见图)。

    A male judge gets up and puts his hands around Ann's waist to show just how thin she is - and finds they can touch on either side.


  • 作品主角通常生活还过得去普通人然后出现一位男性灵魂导师他们的人生转向新的方向,在某些作品中相当直白

    His protagonists are usually ordinary people trying to get by in life, until some type of ethereal male guide steers them into a new direction, sometimes quite literally.


  • 这项曼彻斯特大学科学家们开展的研究对50男性在看到不同女人照片眼部运动进行跟踪记录

    The study, carried out by scientists at Manchester University, involved tracking the eye movements of 50 men as they were presented with images of different women.


  • 对于男的来说,没有工作的男性不但更容易激起妻子提出离婚而且自己也愿意选择离开

    For a man, not being employed not only increases the chances that his wife will initiate divorce, but also that he will be the one who opts to leave.


  • 依我看针对一个男生最佳方案就是成为班上的唯一男性

    The best scenario for a boy, I take it, would be to be the lone male in his class.


  • 日内瓦大学的卡米利费登兹博士研究小组测量49位男性2d4d比例,然后他们图片随机展示女性被测者们

    Dr Camille Ferdenzi, of the University of Geneva, and his team measured the digit ratios (the 2d: 4d ratios) of 49 men, and then presented their pictures in random order to female participants.


  • 例如那些妻子整天工作家庭男,同那些与妻子赚钱相当男性相比外遇几率大五

    For instance, house husbands whose wives worked all day were five times more likely to have an affair than those who contributed an equal amount of money to the partnership.


  • 个比方,很多觉得售货员会男售货员为顾客提供更贴心的服务就是女性男性更高几率得到售货员这份工作所形成刻板印象的原因。

    You might, for example, be certain that women make better customer service representatives than do men. This stereotyping works to give female employees higher ratings, and men lower ratings.


  • 而在女性同人小说中男性性格精神、情绪情感交流则是心理上的暗示——男男配也使这个暗示的强度加倍了。

    For women in slash fiction, it's the psychological cues of a man's character, stature, passion and emotional communication - slash doubles those.


  • 而据全国妇女联合会定义,“”指超过30岁的未婚男性,“剩”指超过27岁的未婚女性。

    The All-China Women's Federation used to identify men above 30 as "leftover" and women above 27.


  • 这项有关防御性压力研究蒙特利尔心脏学院展开研究人员20至64岁之间的81男性和118位女性进行了调查评估。

    The study of defensiveness and stress was carried out at the Montreal Heart Institute, where researchers evaluated 81 men and 118 women aged 20 to 64 years.


  • 评价不同身形男性图片时,几乎80%的男性65%的女性都喜欢肌肉型男。

    And when asked to rate photos of differently shaped male bodies, almost 80% of men and 65% of women favoured a very muscular physique.


  • 美国科学家芝加哥大学500男性女性MBA学员唾液样本检验了睾丸酮的含量。参与研究的人员被要求玩一个电脑游戏,评估它们对待风险的态度。

    Scientists in the U.S. measured the amount of testosterone in saliva samples taken from 500 male and female MBA business students at the University of Chicago.


  • 将近三分之二男性发动机超过1.6,而女性只有42%。

    Nearly two thirds of men drive cars with an engine bigger than 1.6 litres, compared with 42 per cent of women.


  • 洗手间出来,同行男性截住小声:“摸一下的宝贝。”

    When she came out of the restroom, one of the men cornered her and said, "I'll give you something to touch."


  • 英国专家们在研究20000男性之后,发现一生之中保持健康体重是件非常重要事。

    British experts behind the study of almost 20, 000 men said the findings showed the importance of keeping a healthy weight throughout life.


  • 英国专家们在研究20000男性之后,发现一生之中保持健康体重是件非常重要的事。

    British experts behind the study of almost 20,000 men said the findings showed the importance of keeping a healthy weight throughout life.


  • 他们随机收集了网络中出名25位男性20张相片照片传入一个数据库中含有31,000张名人面容人脸识别系统中。

    They randomly gathered 20 images of 25 male celebrities on the Internet and fed the photos into a face recognition system that had a database of 31-thousand photos of famous faces.


  • 然而同样特征年龄更大些男性这种影响不大这个研究结果将关系到大不列颠30000男性

    However. having the same habits as an older men appeared to have little effect on the chances of developing the disease, which affects more than 30, 000 men in Britain every year.


  • 针对将近1800男性持续了超过三十年的研究得出结论说一部分上也是由于消沉的人可能抽烟,可能抽一支烟会舒缓焦虑吧。

    And a recently reported study of nearly 1, 800 men followed over a 30-year period suggests that's partly because neurotics are also more likely to smoke.


  • 针对将近1800男性持续了超过三十年的研究得出结论说一部分上也是由于消沉的人可能抽烟,可能抽一支烟会舒缓焦虑吧。

    And a recently reported study of nearly 1, 800 men followed over a 30-year period suggests that's partly because neurotics are also more likely to smoke.


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