• 千禧一代女性步入成年后她们工作看法价值观男性同龄人许多相同之处。

    As Millennial women come of age they share many of the same views and values about work as their male counterparts.


  • 男性女性工作成见以往任何时候变化更快——也许除了自己的婚姻中没有这种情况。

    The old stereotypes of men's and women's work have been changing more quickly than ever before, except perhaps in my own marriage.


  • 传统观念更加矛盾是,我们发现女性男性一样工作中承受的压力比在家里承受的压力小。

    Further contradicting conventional wisdom, we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work than at home.


  • “与传统观念进一步矛盾是,我们发现女性男性工作家里压力小,”研究人员之一萨拉·达马斯克写道

    "Further contradicting conventional wisdom, we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work than at home, " writes one of the researchers, Sarah Damske.


  • 女性男性集中不同职业时,同工同酬法就不起作用了,因为这样法律要求同样工作女性男性得到同样报酬。

    Equal pay laws are ineffectual when women and men are concentrated in different occupations because such laws require only that women and men doing the same jobs be paid the same.


  • 库珀教授补充道由于兼顾家庭工作,这意味着女性承担压力要远男性

    The professor added that juggling family duties and a career can mean that women are under more stress than men.


  • 但是在职场上平等代表权并不一定意味着男性女性工作协作相同态度

    But equal representation in the workplace doesn't necessarily mean men and women always share the same approach to office collaboration.


  • 正如地区法院的法官马丁j .詹金斯2004年指出的,这一统计反映沃尔玛工作女性每个地方大多数工种上,都男性得少

    As District Judge Martin J. Jenkins wrote in 2004, the statistics showed that women working in Wal-Mart stores were paid less than men in every region and in most job categories.


  • 提供财政激励鼓励人们推迟退休,从而可以增加劳动力供给50以上人群中,只有60%的男性30%的女性工作

    And financial incentives to encourage workers to retire later could also boost the Labour supply: only 60% of men and 30% of women aged over 50 have jobs.


  • 如果能创建一个场所,让男性女性觉得自己其中灵活工作将对大大减少女性人才通道漏洞实际上也男性创造更加人性化工作场所

    Creating a place where men and women feel able to work flexibly would do much to reduce the leaks in the pipeline of female talent, and indeed create more humane places of work for men.


  • 此项调查显示,67%男性认为计算机工作技术程序辅助程序作为消遣重要,而同样看法的女性只有16%。

    The survey showed that67% of men saw the technology or playing with the programmes and accessories as more important in computing, in common with just 16% of women.


  • 然而我们同样注意到尽管男性工作时间多于女性,但女性照看小孩进行清洁、烹饪家务工作花费时间更长

    However, while men work more hours than women, we also observe that women are spending more time providing childcare and doing household work such as cleaning and food preparation.


  • 工作意义休闲意义,社区的意义,男性女性意义,自由幸福的意义究竟什么?

    What is the meaning of work, of leisure, of community, of masculinity and femininity, of freedom and fulfillment?


  • 欧盟统计局的分析师们采访了来自10个国家男性女性工作者。

    Analysts from Eurostat, the EU's statistical office, interviewed working men and women in 10 countries.


  • 研究中,女性男性问及工作之外时间,有多少时段被同事监管者经理顾客客户们因为工作的事情而遭到占用。

    In the study, men and women were asked how often co-workers, supervisors, managers, customers or clients contacted them about work-related matters outside of normal business hours.


  • 许多早先归属男性工作领域如今几乎全被女性占据想想秘书教师职业

    Many professions that started out as the province of men are now filled mostly with women-secretary and teacher come to mind.


  • 这些统计来自英国国家统计发布的一项最新报告。 该报告表明,英国男性女性健康工作方面存在很大差异

    This comes as a new report by the Office for National Statistics uncovers wide discrepancies in men and women's health and working lives.


  • 现在女性工作面临压力男性大得她们对于家庭义务以往并没有什么两样。”太太

    "Now, women face a lot more pressure than men in the workplace but their obligation to the family is the same as it was in the old days," said Mrs Zhang.


  • 女性男性似乎工作场所职业理想上的考虑有所不同或许解释了他们期望薪水为什么不同。

    Women and men seem to differ in workplace and career aspirations, which may explain why salary expectations differ.


  • 参加此项国际性调查男性女性中,一半他们工作影响了他们伴侣之间的关系”。

    Nearly half of men and women who took part in the international research project said their jobs "interfere with having a strong relationship with my spouse/partner."


  • 196320年前提议法,同等工作量的男性女性确立同薪制。

    The Equal Pay Act, proposed twenty years earlier, establishes equal pay for men and women performing the same job duties.


  • 196320年前提议法,同等工作量的男性女性确立同薪制。

    The Equal Pay Act, proposed twenty years earlier, establishes equal pay for men and women performing the same job duties.


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