• 可以透过电子邮件传真还有电话约会

    You have email, FAX, and telephone dates.


  • 最酷最炫的。可以透过电子邮件传真还有电话约会

    Don: It's cool. It's 1 hip. You have email, FAX, and telephone dates.


  • 部分我们通过构建一个电话约会簿来说明J 2 MERMS功能

    In this section, we'll demonstrate the functioning of J2ME RMS by building a phone appointment diary.


  • 能用正确句子进行买东西指明方位点菜、打电话约会交际活动;

    Use accurate sentences to communicate in the context of go shopping, give the location, order food, make an appointment, etc.


  • 电话约会也罢,当面约会也罢,总得翻开本子见缝插针。这些看似平常其实正体现法国人严谨高效工作生活习惯

    An appointment by telephone or face to face or to date, opened the book... These seemingly ordinary, in fact reflects the French rigorous, efficient work habits.


  • 我们过多地给对方电话约会;我们总是随叫随到;我们会穿衣服、我们会因为一些不该笑话傻瓜似的;我们合适约会。总之,一切非常糟糕。

    We call our dates too often, we are constantly available, we wear the wrong clothes, laugh at bad jokes like a fool, date the wrong people and generally get it all badly wrong.


  • 上周电话说:“现在男朋友了而且我对网上约会兴趣。”

    "I have a boyfriend now, and I'm not interested in online dating," she said by phone last week.


  • 还没等你完全意识时候,周末甚至打不通任何一姑娘电话晚上没有一个约会感觉自己好像失去了所有。

    Then before you know it, the next weekend you might not be able to reach any women on the phone, have no date for the night, and feel like you've lost your edge.


  • 第一次约会的时候不要个人信息比如家里电话号码人家。

    Don't give out personal information like home phone Numbers and addresses on a first date.


  • 女孩们出去折磨——我打上数百电话,才能得到一次约会目的就是不要她们一看见我扔到街角不予理睬。

    Going out with girls was torture - I had to make hundreds of phone calls just to get a date and the goal was to try not to get dumped on the street corner as soon as they saw me.


  • 我们又开始了马拉松式的电话交谈工作生活约会以及得与失。

    We resumed our marathon phone sessions, dissecting jobs, life, her dates, my lack of them.


  • 第一约会的时候不要个人信息比如家里电话号码人家

    Don't give out personal information like your home phone number or address on the first date.


  • 打个电话——这可是个完全充斥着你们通过这个带电盒子交谈约会也!

    Phone it in – Oh yeah, the date that consists entirely of talking into a small electronic device.


  • 现在“大致安排约会”这个概念常识,它是指安排某人会面却没敲定时间地点,接着在外出才用移动电话最后决定细节

    But today the idea ofapproximeeting”—arranging to meet someone without making firm plans about time or place, and then finalising details via mobile phone while out and about—is commonplace.


  • 淘汰不符合条件的,电话邮件面试” 剩下的回复,最后约会侯选名单里的人。

    I weeded out the unsuitables, conducting initial "interviews" by phone and email before meeting those on my shortlist.


  • 意味着大量时间浪费在不能履行约会不会回复电话以及其他不会发生事情

    That means a lot of time falling through the cracks chasing down appointments, unreturned phone calls and other items that simply aren’t going to happen. Don’t try to plan on doing too many things.


  • 奈比尔第一后,为什么女人们不肯电话呢?

    Nabil: What are the main reasons women don't return a man's phone calls after the first date?


  • 并不只是关于演讲约会交流机会的,而是关于与客户在电话上交流时你的谈吐,以及在给投资者邮件方式, 是关于你在午餐会议时的交谈。

    It’s about the way you write emails to investors. It’s about your conversation during lunch meetings.


  • 没有电话办公室取消约会

    She failed to call the office to cancel her appointment.


  • 没有电话办公室取消约会

    Ann failed to call the office to cancel her appointment.


  • 按时参加会议约会也是信守承诺,如果参加宴会时迟到了,要打个电话告知,不辜负自己任务责任

    So show up on time for meetings and appointments, always call if you're going to be late for dinner, live up to your duties and responsibilities.


  • 我们经历过——理所当然地认为约会非常棒,从头到尾都表现的非常得体,然后,你一直电话过来……可是没有

    We've all been there - you thought the date went perfectly, he ACTS fine the whole time, and afterwards, you wait for him to call and... zilch.


  • 第一约会基础之上,成功地找到女人们真正的电话号码的方法,并且她们给你电话

    Figure out how to make it so that women WANT to give you their REAL number and make them WANT to call you back based on the first meeting.


  • 心情低落的时候,朋友畅谈一番也是鼓舞士气的不错的方法甚至产生避世的想法时,为什么你的朋友打个电话约会一下、个咖啡呢?

    When you're feeling down, chatting to friends is a great way to perk up. Even if you're feeling misanthropic, why not give someone a ring and arrange to meet up for a coffee?


  • 晚上,当肖尔先生佐藤女士约会时候,老板如两人事先约好的计划打来电话要求肖尔先生办公室测试一下某种电话会议系统。

    During a date with Ms. Sato one evening, his boss phoned Mr. Shaw on the pretext of asking him to stop by the office to test some teleconferencing gear.


  • 寻求建议调查电话处方,恋人约会给予提醒,时时观察症状……适当的都可。

    Get recommendations, do research, make phone calls, pick up prescriptions, accompany your sweetheart to an appointment, give reminders, track symptoms... whatever is appropriate.


  • 是否曾经的朋友爱人约会时,却不得不同时应付要求你工作的电话邮件或者短信?是这样匆忙应付更好还是放松下来,全身心面对你面前的这个更好?

    Is your time spent with a friend or loved one better if you have a rushed meeting interrupted by your emails and text messages, or if you can relax and really focus on the person?


  • 如果刚分居或者离婚可能难以判断何时重新踏出第一步,再次回到以前跟陌生人见面交换电话号码第一次约会日子会显得过早。

    Following a separation or divorce, it may be difficult to decide when is too soon to take that initial leap back into the world of meeting new people, exchanging Numbers, and going on first dates.


  • 如果刚分居或者离婚可能难以判断何时重新踏出第一步,再次回到以前跟陌生人见面交换电话号码第一次约会日子会显得过早。

    Following a separation or divorce, it may be difficult to decide when is too soon to take that initial leap back into the world of meeting new people, exchanging Numbers, and going on first dates.


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