• 电视很多优点我们了解最新新闻,让我们足不出享受娱乐生活

    Television has many advantages. It keeps us informed of the latest news and also provides entertainment in the house.


  • 40年前人们常常电影院现在更多坐在家里打开电视观看那些通过电视频道在千家万播放的电视节目。

    Forty years ago people used to flock to the cinema, but now far more people sit at home and turn on the TV to watch a programme that is being channelled into millions of homes.


  • 除了光纤光纤到节点这些方式外,电信运营商使用其他一些方式打进电视市场

    As well as FTTP and FTTN, there are other ways for telecoms operators to get into the television market.


  • 就这样一家地疯跑,丧命的还有一位70高龄的老奶奶,当时她正在鞭炮以及一名坐在沙发里电视男子,同时的妻子一个打的女孩也被伤。

    Yang killed a 70-year-old woman who was making firecrackers, and a man who was watching a television drama on his sofa. He slashed the man's wife and a girl drawing well water.


  • 就这样一家地疯跑,丧命的还有一位70高龄的老奶奶,当时她正在鞭炮,以及一名坐在沙发里电视男子,同时妻子一个打的女孩也被伤。

    Yang killed a 70-year-old woman who was making firecrackers, and a man who was watching a television drama on his sofa.He slashed the man's wife and a girl drawing well water.


  • 就这样一家地疯跑,丧命的还有一位70高龄的老奶奶,当时她正在鞭炮,以及一名坐在沙发里电视男子,同时妻子一个打的女孩伤。

    Yang killed a 70-year-old woman who was making firecrackers and a man who was watching a television drama on his sofa.He slashed the man's wife and a girl drawing well water.


  • 天鹅湖》和《睡美人》已经通过电视直播方式走进了千家万

    Through television,live broadcasts of 'Swan Lake'


  • 本周来自富士电视新闻工作组日本街头,看到废墟中的条狗。

    A news crew from Fuji TV saw a couple of dogs this week, lying in the wreckage of Mito, Japan.


  • 直到现在天空电视订购上缴增值税率也才只有20%正常税率一半税率优惠的原因是为了增加的选择余地,形成现在的双头垄断。

    Until now, the VAT paid by Sky's subscribers has been half the normal 20% rate, a tax break designed to promote an alternative to the existing "duopoly".


  • 毫无意义演讲和其它活动占据了电视黄金时间将近1800万家庭观看这场大会。

    The useless exercise had taken all the prime-time television hours, when nearly eighteen million households were watching the convention.


  • 20年前电视走入千家万获得类似评论

    The television attracted similar comment when it became commonplace two decades later.


  • 550万享用在线视频同时考虑取消现在的付费电视的用中,大约一半考虑更换其他的付费电视提供商

    While 5.5 million homes would be open to canceling pay TV due in part to the availability of online video, about 50 percent of these households are also considering a switch to a new pay-TV provider.


  • 按照Goldmedia咨询公司的说法,只有540万真正偏爱付费电视

    Only 5.4m households plump for true pay-TV, according to Goldmedia, a consultancy.


  • 调查公司预计2015年,将有1,200万家庭,也就是大约10%将不再使用有线卫星光纤电视服务

    The research company expects 12 million households, roughly 10%, to go without cable, satellite or telco video service by 2015.


  • 我们用电电视iPOD或许达到了最高的技术水平,可是送到我们千家万电网几乎还是20世纪水平。

    Our electrically-powered TVs and iPods might be state-of-the-art, but the grid that brings that juice to our homes is barely 20th century.


  • 有线电视16342万有线数字电视4503万

    Subscribers to digital cable television programs were 45.03 million.


  • 上一次电视看到一个几十农民开发资源种植了好几的绿色蔬菜但是一直没有来订购出去

    I last saw on television, there is a village of farmers dozens of development resources, planted several acres of green vegetables, but no one has been ordered out.


  • 我们希望电视艺术手段带给欢乐不是紧张带给千家万

    Our hope is that television can bring people happiness art means, and not to bring tension to millions of households.


  • 水上人家在船屋里睡觉做饭电视有些船屋很大足够一家四口甚至更多人生活。

    On the water, families slept, cooked and watched television on houseboats, some big enough for a family of four or more.


  • 北京人家电视里,来自希腊运动员参加奥运会水球比赛

    Greek players are seen taking part in water polo match during the Beijing Olympic Games on TV in local people's house in Beijing.


  • 网络电视通过高速宽带连接电视节目带入千家万通常需要一个电视机顶盒订阅相关节目。

    IPTV USES fast broadband connections to bring television programs into homes. It normally requires a subscription and a special box on top of the television.


  • 哈斯廷斯建立直接处理来自制片厂授权许可。有线电视电信光纤业务构成了威胁

    Hastings has also set up deal to license content directly from studios, which poses a major threat to cable TV and telecom fiber-to-the-home businesses.


  • 适合电网发达地区游牧民高山远离居住群的边远住所检测场站,作为满足照明电视为主供电

    It mainly used for lighting and TV power supply for undeveloped power grid area, such as nomads area, single family in high mountain, residence far away from living community and detection place etc.


  • 由于直播卫星最大优势只用有限1 ~2颗卫星,就可以无限数量家庭直播上百套电视节目。

    The greatest advantage is the DBS only use limited 1 ~ 2 satellites, and can live to an unlimited number of family households collected television.


  • 就这样一家地疯跑,丧命的还有一位70高龄的老奶奶,当时她正在鞭炮,以及一名坐在沙发里电视男子,同时妻子和一个打女孩也被伤。

    Yang killed a 70-year-old woman who was making firecrackers and a man who was watching a television drama on his sofa. He slashed the man's wife and a girl drawing well water.


  • 电视发明电影带进了千家万

    The invention of television has made it possible that movies can be watched at home.


  • 第二闯进人家偷了电视一部录像机。

    The next day, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.


  • 打扰一下,先生旅馆电视节目只有3个吗?

    Guest: Excuse me. sir. Are there only 3 programs in your hotel?


  • 用型光伏发电系统通过光伏电池将太阳能转化为电能,一部分电通过逆变器将直流电变为交流电交流负载包括电视电冰箱等)工作;

    The independent photolatic power generation transforms solar energy into electric through the solar panels. One part was transformed to the AC load, such as television, refrigerator and so on.


  • 电视多姿多彩的世界带入了千家万

    Television has brought the world into our homes.


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