• 可以浏览打印复印,同时也可以让你利用无线网络功能通过数据线电脑电脑直接连接进行打印。

    Brother MFC6890CDW The Brother MFC6890CDW lets you scan, print and copy and lets you take advantage of its wireless network abilities to print from your computer without the hassle of cables.


  • 如果选民知道如何使用电脑怎能期望他们通过电脑完成投票过程

    If the voters do not know how to use a computer, how do you expect them to finish the voting process through computers?


  • 一种主题“我爱你”的电脑病毒美国引起了混乱亚洲欧洲政府商业电脑已经先期遭到严重破坏

    A computer virus titled "ILOVEYOU" has caused havoc in the United States after crippling government and business computers in Asia and Europe.


  • 外科医生观看手术图像时,他们移动连接电脑上的仪器电脑他们动作传递给执行手术的机器人仪器。

    As surgeons watch a three-dimensional image of the surgery, they move instruments that are connected to a computer, which passes their movements to robotic instruments that perform the surgery.


  • 金塔电脑投放市场当时最小台式电脑

    When launched, the Macintosh was the smallest desktop computer ever produced.


  • 它们可以连接便携式电脑台式电脑掌上电脑上。

    They plug into a laptop, desktop, or handheld computer.


  • 越来越多的自己的电脑他们的电脑可以互联网连接。

    More and more people have their own computers and their computers can be joined with the Internet.


  • 电脑游戏吗?电脑游戏。

    Do you play computer games? I play computer games.


  • 这些孩子余生电脑环绕着——电脑他们口袋里、在他们的办公室里、在他们的家里。

    These kids are going to be surrounded by computersin their pockets, in their offices, in their homes—for the rest of their lives.


  • 估计,加州家庭有600万台电视机电脑每天还有60007000台电脑正在过时。

    An estimated 6 million televisions and computers are stocked in California homes, and an additional 6,000 to 7,000 computers become outdated every day.


  • 上周朋友刘磊带了一个新的电脑游戏来,要求我爸爸电脑

    Last week, my friend Liu Lei came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on my dad's computer.


  • 电脑他们带来的问题越多受访者有可能报告说,电脑自己的“信念欲望”。

    The more their computer gave them problems, the more likely the respondents were to report that it had its own "beliefs and desires".


  • 反复琢磨那些已经存在的、尚未成熟创意,例如鼠标驱动的电脑数字音乐播放器智能手机、平板电脑等,并向其他公司展示如何这些构思变为现实。

    He repeatedly took an existing but half-formed ideathe mouse-driven computer, the digital music player, the smartphone, the tablet computer—and showed the rest of the industry how to do it properly.


  • 电脑吗?电脑迷。

    Are you a computer fan? I am a computer fan.


  • 主楼这里片很宽敞区域可供使用笔记本电脑可以电脑充电并且我们所提供网络连接可以覆盖到馆内的一个座位

    There is a whole area here on the main floor where you can bring a laptop and plug it in for power but on top of that we also have a connection for the internet at every seat.


  • 英国电脑成立正好是因为相反原因,即电脑带给人们他们成为有文化的人。

    He says that Computertown UK was formed for just the opposite reason, to bring computers to the people and make them "people-literate".


  • 尽管很多学生笔记本电脑带到课堂上,但他们并不到处着笔记本电脑他们喜欢轻便的东西

    Although plenty of students take their laptops to class, they don't take them everywhere and would prefer something lighter.


  • 如今很多大学生笔记本电脑平板电脑打字,以此来代替手写课堂笔记

    Nowadays, many college students have replaced taking class notes by hand with typing on laptop or tablet computers.


  • 多年来,智能手机电视平板电脑笔记本电脑台式电脑占据了巨大市场份额推动创新

    For years, smartphones, televisions, tablets, laptops and desktops have made up a huge part of the market and driven innovation.


  • 大学教授越来越频繁地针对智能手机笔记本电脑平板电脑学习成绩影响敲响警钟

    College professors are increasingly raising alarm bells about the effects smartphones, laptops, and tablets have on academic performance.


  • 反映年轻人手机平板电脑笔记本电脑投入关注

    This refers to all the attention young people devote to their phones, tablets and laptops.


  • 无线时代正在扩张范围,不仅包括我们手机平板电脑笔记本电脑包括我们的汽车、住宅甚至整个社区

    The wireless age is expanding to include not just our phones, tablets, and laptops, but also our cars, homes, and even whole communities.


  • 此同时,由于各大出版社不断为学前儿童开发教育电脑程序,电脑游戏越来越受欢迎。

    At the same time, computer games are becoming increasingly popular as major publishing houses continue to develop educational computer programs for children in preschool.


  • 们应该及时保存在电脑上写下的内容,因为电脑可能会突然死机。

    They should save their writing in time on the computer because it may stop working suddenly.


  • 们有一个设备齐全的音乐室供音乐课使用,一个拥有32台电脑电脑室和一个大的职工休息室供教师午休。

    We have a well-equipped music room for music lessons, a computer room of thirty-two computers and a large staffroom for teachers to have a rest during lunch lime.


  • 们把它复制到电脑上,玩完之后,我们把它从电脑上删除。

    We copied it to the computer, and after we finished playing, we took it off the computer.


  • 果你的家庭作业涉及到上网,而你没有自己的电脑,那么一定要在家庭电脑上“预定”一些时间,或者可以在学校图书馆使用一台。

    If your homework involves going online and you don't have your own computer, make sure you "book" some time on the family computer, or can use one in your school library.


  • 于那些必须长时间与电脑打交道的人来说,喝茶可以帮助他们建立一道抵御电脑辐射的屏障。

    To those who have to work with computers for a long time, drinking tea can help them to build up a wall against the computer radiation.


  • 如果数字,那么就会发给远端的电脑电脑就会反馈回一指令手机完成该条形码相关的操作。

    If a number, it is sent to a remote computer which responds with an instruction that tells the phone to perform an action associated with that particular bar code.


  • 如果数字,那么就会发给远端的电脑电脑就会反馈回一指令手机完成该条形码相关的操作。

    If a number, it is sent to a remote computer which responds with an instruction that tells the phone to perform an action associated with that particular bar code.


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