• 苏珊一同去电脑展吗?

    Susan, do you want to go with me to the computer show?


  • 此外重要参加电脑展促销策略消费者机会交流展示产品

    In addition, it is important to participate in the computer exhibition promotional strategies, and consumers have the opportunity to communicate and demonstrate new products.


  • 比方Computex(台北国际电脑展),现在全世界第二科技商展。

    Computex, for example, is now the world's second largest technology trade show.


  • 如果参加台北国际电脑展厂商口号的话一定更多的产品,低的价格”。

    If the vendors at Computex had a common slogan, it would be "more for less".


  • 海伦我们六家主要零售商大部分分店做展示。而且我们展示队伍已经电脑展起跑了。

    Helen: OK. We have six major retailers running demonstrations at most branches. And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows.


  • 台北国际电脑展华硕股份有限公司(Acer Inc。)均展示款不同的平板电脑

    At Computex, both Asustek and Acer Inc. showcased several variations on tablets.


  • 芯片操作系统多样化今年电脑展呈现出的主要趋势,这个领域多年以来一直微软和英特尔主导。

    Diversification in both chips and operating systems is a major trend at this year's Computex after the industry relied for years on Microsoft and Intel.


  • 这个一年一度活动亚洲大规模的电脑展今年大约1,724名参展商超过5,000个展位

    The annual event is the largest computing show in Asia, with about 1,724 exhibitors and more than 5,000 booths this year.


  • 台北国际电脑展(Computex)周二正式开幕,将持续周六英特尔微软按计划将做主旨演讲

    Computex officially opens on Tuesday and runs through Saturday, with planned keynote speeches from Intel and Microsoft.


  • 穿着基于硬件珠宝可能阻止参加约会除非他们参加国际消费电子展电脑展还是Tom ' sHardware办公室派对

    Wearing hardware-based jewelry will likely prevent anyone from landing a hot date unless they're attending CES, Computex, or a Tom's hardware office party.


  • 1内华达州拉斯维加斯举行的消费者电子展中的参观者看到大量平板电脑在2011年进入市场

    Visitors at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, in January 2011 saw a rain of tablets that will enter the market in 2011.


  • 今年早些时候,拉斯维加斯举办地CES(消费电子产品展)上,华硕首次展示了新奇概念上网本,整个电脑通过5显示屏嵌入到键盘上

    Earlier this year, during CES in Las Vegas, Asus first unveiled a novel netbook concept of sorts that saw an entire computer stuffed inside a keyboard with a 5 inch display built-in.


  • 这个新的平台会是CES展上展出的Vizio智能手机平板电脑47,55英寸HDTV电视机的重要特性

    The new platform will be featured on new 47- and 55-inch HDTV sets at CES, as well as a new Vizio smartphone and tablet.


  • 拉斯维加斯——索尼公司计划发布平板电脑国际消费电子展上露面了,问题关键不在这里而是索尼别出心裁地宣称定位不是iPad杀手

    LAS VEGASThe tablet Sony has plans to release stands out at CES because it's actually not here, but mostly because Sony appears to stand alone in that it isn't positioning it as an iPad killer.


  • Opera目前移动手机流行浏览器。 他们2011年一月份举行的消费者电子展Android系统推出了新的平板电脑浏览器。

    Opera is the most popular browser for mobile phones, and it’s showing off a new tablet browser for Android today at the Consumer Electronics Show.


  • 1966年开始算起,总共吃了18辆自行车15架超市购物手推车7电视6展吊灯张床,1雪橇,1塞斯纳飞行公司产的轻型飞机台电脑

    His diet since 1966 included 18 bicycles, 15 supermarket trolleys, seven TV sets, six chandeliers, two beds, a pair of skis, a Cessna light aircraft and a computer.


  • 有人告诉我们说,快乐,我们就需要最新式样板展车,最新式的电视电脑一切都是耍把戏,是一种营销活动

    We are told we need that latest model car, or TV or computer to be happy, but it's all a trick, a marketing move.


  • 亲眼看过迪尔曼·克瑞恩原作策展工作回到数字时代完全依据于在电脑上阅读作品

    Witnessing Tillman Crane's original works of platinum/palladium printing, I get back to my work for digital age, that is, viewing his works totally depending on computer.


  • 但是这种技术的好处不可衡量,直到电脑制造商消费电子产品展展示他们使用这项技术计划才能知道。

    Butt the benefits won't be measurable until after the CES show, when computer makers are expected to disclose their plans for using the technology.


  • 经营产品男女手袋背包、展业洗漱包、化妆包、电脑包、手包、钱包、皮带各式箱包精品皮具礼盒

    Operating the products intended, handbags, backpacks, wash gargle, cosmetic bag, computer bag and hand bag, purse, belt, all kinds of bags and fine leather box, etc.


  • 计算机芯片制造商展示下一代互联网2010年国际消费电子展展示为中心的平板电脑。

    Computer and chip makers showcased the next generation of Internet-centric tablet devices on the ces 2010 show.


  • 拉法尔加广场艺术展展出电脑图像幽灵森林突出森林砍伐

    Computer images of a "ghost forest" art installation planned for Trafalgar Square show the vast scale of a project designed to highlight deforestation.


  • 建议:轻承载小型电脑键盘架任何侧壁的下抽屉任何需要25公斤以下的承载,要求3/4展的用途

    Recommended applications: light-loaded small cabinet, computer keyboard and any drawers without side walls, or any applications requiring 25kg load or less and requiring 3/4 extension.


  • 凯斯自从神经系统毁坏后就变成一个冷漠安静其实还是渴望可以回到可以一展长才电脑世界里。

    Case has been a shell of a man since his nervous system was burned out, and he yearns to navigate the virtual, cyberspace world of the matrix again.


  • 找出电脑里存在问题,但说实话,已经一筹莫展了。

    To tell the truth, I'm at my wits' end trying to figure out the problem with my computer.


  • 找出电脑里存在问题,但说实话,已经一筹莫展了。

    To tell the truth, I'm at my wits' end trying to figure out the problem with my computer.


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