• 对于起火火灾事故首先切断电源避免事故的扩大机组烧毁事故的发生。

    For the fire accident of electrical fire, first cut off the power supply, to avoid accident expansion and burning accident unit.


  • 供应电源切断

    The electricity supply has been cut off at the mains.


  • 辅助材料一样,热源处发,从电源制冷

    Like paraelectric materials, this generates electricity from a heat source and produces cooling from an electrical source.


  • 式混合动力汽车单纯汽油动力汽车的废气排放量更少,尤其是他们使用电源运行时,完全不会产生废气

    Plug-in electric hybrids give off less exhaust than gas guzzlers. And when they're running on battery power, they generate no fumes at all.


  • 的工作方式是将根针状喷丝头连上高压电源从中接地收集器释放出一股带液体

    Electrospinning works by connecting a needle-like spinneret to a high-voltage power source and releasing a charged liquid from it towards an earthed collector plate.


  • 温度计里有三个红色气泡角落水盆龙头放出的水像眼泪一样滴滴答答手机充一下电源插口先是吱吱作响,随后即刻

    The thermometer had three red bubbles, the tap in the corner sink dribbled tearfully, and, when I tried to recharge my phone, the socket just sizzled and promptly cut out.


  • 卫星上装有无线收发设备电源,可对信号接收、处理、放大发射,从而大大提高通信质量。

    Telstar is launched as the first "active" communications satellite—active as in amplifying and retransmitting incoming signals, rather than passively bouncing them back to Earth.


  • 城市大部分地区没有多头电源插座受欢迎。

    With power still out in most of the city, generators, flashlights and multiple-plug outlets were popular items.


  • 那个市镇很远但是如果那里的话外部电源充了相机也许奇迹般地自行修复

    The town was still a long way off but if I could reach it that night, then maybe with a medicinal dose of electricity from the mains the camera would miraculously mend itself.


  • 无线、无线耳机数字通信设备包括在内,还包括计算运行所需电源软件

    Radios and a headset for audio and digital communication will also be included, along with the power source and software needed to run the Army’s computer applications.


  • 来自Glasgow大学DuncanGregory教授:“步兵需要用于武器无线全球定位系统以及很多其他设备重要部分所需的电源。”

    Professor Duncan Gregory, from the University of Glasgow, said: 'Infantry need electricity for weapons, radios, global positioning systems and many other vital pieces of equipment.


  • 他说到,“所以只要保持控制电源我们变频器能够时维持运转。”

    So our VFDs have been able to ride through these outages, as long as we keep the control power active.


  • 试验机主机电源设备可以上下移动

    Host eleven, testing machine power supply with power but the equipment can not move up and down.


  • 不用,务必关掉电源

    Turn off power strips and electronic devices when not in use.


  • 石峰操作模式确保潜在有害的110交流电源不断病人池。

    The Pinnacle is battery powered when in operating mode ensuring that potentially harmful 110 V AC power is kept away from your patient.


  • 找出击穿芯片可以电源插上测量

    To find out the breakdown of the chip, you can plug in the power measurement power.


  • ,「组7500」可以没有外接电源的情况下,连续使用约四至六个小时

    On a full charge, the Model 7500 can operate from four to six hours without external power.


  • 沉积物还原炉钢制底板、大型水冷式钢制炉筒、电源以及真空公用设施组成

    Settlings reactor consists of steel baseplate large water-cooled steel furnace cylinder power supply as well as such utilities as electricity air vacuum and water.


  • 装置可以成为一种切断开关”,如果检测无线数据传送,在用户试图手机关闭断开手机电源

    It could be developed to act as a sort of "kill switch" that would disconnect a phone's power supply when it detects that a radio is transmitting data after its owner has attempted to turn it off.


  • 配有等离子电源严格按照等离子电源制造商要求进行连接

    If equipped with plasma power had, then need to be in strict accordance with the plasma power supply manufacturer's requirements for electricity, gas connection.


  • 所有工具连接装配电源之前,都应该开关关掉

    The switches of prair conditionerstically all electrical power tools should quite possibly be turned off fair conditionersing connecting or disconnecting power supply.


  • 电源不同极性时荷效果亦不同,接电源负极所能够达到的最大荷质比较大。

    Experiment is performed and the result shows that the sharp electrode is the best and power supply should connect the negative pole.


  • 飞机系统理论提出,对飞机电源系统的工作可靠性等性能提出了更高的要求。

    After the theory of the More Electric Aircraft Power Supply System is proposed, higher reliability is needed for the Aircraft Power Supply System.


  • 感应耦合等离子体触角安装窗上以便定位在中心上,并且将来自射频电源的射频功率传输加工室内部

    An inductively coupled plasma antenna, which is installed on a center of the dielectric window, transfers radio frequency power from an RF power supply to the interior of the processing chamber.


  • 感应耦合等离子体触角安装窗上以便定位在中心上,并且将来自射频电源的射频功率传输加工室内部

    An inductively coupled plasma antenna, which is installed on a center of the dielectric window, transfers radio frequency power from an RF power supply to the interior of the processing chamber.


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