• 莱尔请求学校董事会将太阳能电池板的使用纳入项目。她解释说是因为清洁能源的使用有助于学校现代化建设。

    Claire asked the school board to add solar panels to the project. Because, she explained, clean energy would be helpful to a really modern school.


  • 运用燃料电池进行发电可以在坏天气清洁汽车提供能量

    That could be used in fuel cells to make electricity or to power clean vehicles without endangering the climate.


  • 假如总是使用不能为你的“电池充电就可能意味着取消一些活动或者一些方法清洁园艺工作分配出去

    You can't recharge your batteries if you're always using them. This might mean eliminating some activities or finding ways to outsource household chores, like cleaning and yard-work.


  • 燃料电池安静清洁,又连续运行所以企业很快可以收回成本。

    Fuel cells, which are quiet and clean, can run continuously, so companies can recover their investment more quickly.


  • 然而新的方法可能会导致一种便携式海水淡化装置,它简单足以赛过使用太阳能电池的,然而其功能却强大得能满足一个家庭甚至一个村庄清洁用水

    However, a new method could lead to portable desalination devices simple enough to run off solar power or a battery, but powerful enough to supply a family, or even a small village, with clean water.


  • 自此自后,使用氢氧其他甲醇燃料的燃料电池冠以清洁安静绿色能源的名号而被大力追捧。

    Ever since, fuel cells burning hydrogen or other fuels such as methanol have been touted as clean, quiet and green power sources.


  • 系统里,电极产生化学反应清洁有机废物转化成二氧化碳储存在燃料电池里,供马桶夜间使用

    In it, electrodes generate chemical reactions that cleanse the bowl and turn organic waste into carbon dioxide and hydrogen that can be stored in a fuel cell for use at night.


  • 丰田汽车混合燃料技术方面赢得了人们很大的兴趣,他们正在开发一系列燃料电池电动汽车其他清洁能源汽车,这些汽车使用生物燃料清洁柴油

    Toyota Motor Corp., which has already won strong interest in its petrol-electric hybrids, is developing a range of fuel cell, electric and other clean cars that run on biofuel or clean diesel.


  • 离子电池首次提出20世纪70年代直到20年后得以商业化。在短期内,技术最有可能成为实现清洁电力之梦想金钥匙

    Lithium ion batteries, first proposed in the 1970s but not commercialised until 20 years later, are the technology most likely in the short-term to make the clean electricity dream viable.


  • 斯坦福大学科学家已经创造一种水中产生电能电池这种电池应用于江海汇合处大规模创造清洁能源

    Scientists at Stanford University have created a battery which can produce electricity from water - and which could be used where rivers meet the sea to create clean energy on a massive scale.


  • 日本公司决策者相信长期解决之道在于转向清洁技术太阳能电池电动车电池等日本公司已经具备优势领域

    The long-term answer, Japanese bosses believe, is to move into clean technologies such as solar panels and electric-car batteries—new areas where Japanese firms are already strong.


  • 声称电动自行车普通自行车摩托车要安全而且不久就开始使用清洁电池

    He argues electric bicycles are safer than bicycles or motorcycles and will soon start using cleaner, lithium batteries.


  • 服务费用(有线电视费,电话费安全,家庭清洁电池费,照顾小孩费,医药费,宠物花费)。

    Services (cable, telephone, security, home-cleaning, cell, Internet, childcare, health, pets).


  • 惯例清洁电池使用珍贵的清水

    Cleaning the panels conventionally USES precious water.


  • 今年主题清洁交通,这包括燃料电池天然气其他替代能源驱动轿车公共汽车

    A key theme this year is clean transportation, including cars and buses driven by fuel cells, natural gas and other alternative sources.


  • 所谓的清洁能源清洁:生物太阳能(BioSolar)用棉花蓖麻子不是用石化产品,来太阳能电池提供组件。

    Cleaner than clean energy: BioSolar creates new plastic backing for photovoltaic cells out of cotton and castor beans rather than petroleum products.


  • 质子交换(PEM)燃料电池一种清洁高效新型能源

    Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell is a clear and efficient new energy source.


  • 波士顿大学MalayMazumderNASA合作,最先开发使火星漫步者所使用的太阳能电池保持清洁技术

    Working with Nasa, Malay Mazumder from Boston University originally developed the technology to keep solar panels powering Mars rovers clean.


  • 彻底清洁接点表面可以清除电解残余物包括印制电路蚀刻剂、人体化学处理药品,会这些寄生电池影响降至最低。

    Thorough cleansing of joints and surfaces to remove electrolytic residue, including PC etchants, body salts, and processing chemicals, will minimize the effect of these parasitic batteries.


  • 如果忽略太阳能电池制造过程中产生二氧化碳排放量,太阳能容易被视为完全清洁”的能源

    It is easy to declare solar energy as a form of completely "clean" energy when the carbon dioxide burden it carries during manufacturing is ignored.


  • 太阳能一种取之不尽、用之不竭的可再生清洁能源太阳能电池研究开发也变的日益重要

    Solar energy is a regenerative and clean energy. The research of solar cells becomes more and more important.


  • 可再生能源发电配额制30个要求公共电力公司生产一定份额清洁能源电力人们蜂拥安装太阳能电池板的原因之一。

    Renewable portfolio standards, which in 30 states force utilities to generate a certain share of their electricity from clean sources, are part of the reason.


  • 此外建筑太阳能电池供能同时收集的废水作为清洁园艺用途

    Furthermore, the scheme is powered by solar panels for electricity, whilst greywater is harvested for cleaning and gardening purposes.


  • 屋顶放置着太阳能电池,用来产生可再生清洁能源

    On the rooftop, solar panels were placed for the generation of renewable and clean energy.


  • 微生物燃料电池可以剩余污泥中的化学能转化清洁电能,为污泥资源化提供新的思路

    Consequently, the microbial fuel cell can transform chemical energy of surplus sludge into the cleanest electrical energy, and it provides a new way of sludge recycling.


  • 留意听到一群孩子正在的周围玩耍我正把注意力集中照相机上,在摆弄胶卷清洁镜头检查电池调整设置

    I noticed and heard kids playing in front and behind me. But I was focused on my camera, fiddling with the film, cleaning the lens cap, checking the battery, adjusting the Settings.


  • 留意听到一群孩子正在的周围玩耍我正把注意力集中照相机上,在摆弄胶卷清洁镜头检查电池调整设置

    I noticed and heard kids playing in front and behind me. But I was focused on my camera, fiddling with the film, cleaning the lens cap, checking the battery, adjusting the Settings.


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