• 那时剧院,又无电影院,也无咖啡馆死气沉沉。

    There were no theatres, no cinemas, no coffee bars. It was dead as anything.


  • 本周六下午,两部欧洲电影博物馆剧院上映

    Films at the Museum Two European films will be on this Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre.


  • 英国,运用这种方法经典例子约克Jorvik中心,位于布拉德福德国家摄影电影电视博物馆以及伦敦帝国战争博物馆。

    Good examples of this approach in the UK are the Jorvik Centre in York; the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford; and the Imperial War Museum in London.


  • 许多工作机会许多图书馆研究用,不同博物馆参观还有许多电影院剧院中心娱乐

    There are plenty of opportunities for work, many big libraries for studies, several differrent museums for visit, and numerous cinemas, theaters and centers for entertainment.


  • 电影《博物馆奇妙改编米兰·崔克小说,生动地再现了恐龙地球上漫步世界

    Adapted from Milan Trenc's novel, the film Night at the Museum brings to life a world where dinosaurs wander the earth.


  • 可以散步、在河里游泳,但这里没有商店、电影院或咖啡馆。

    You can go for long walks and swim in the rivers but there are no shops, cinemas or cafes.


  • 我们第一次一起电影的票根,这是第一次为做早餐时剩的蛋壳,这是我们第一次约会时从博物馆拿的化石。

    This is a movie stub from our first date! This is an eggshell from the first time you made me breakfast in bed!


  • 想去沙特阿拉伯世界上最大IMAX屏幕上看上10分钟电影花费的代价五个小时的队。

    The cost of viewing a 10-minute movie at the Saudi Arabian Pavilion, which has the largest IMAX screen in the world, is waiting in line for four or five hours.


  • IMAX公司使用产品自然历史博物馆放映过关于鱼类影片而现在却可以将其应用数码电影需求(的作为经常被移动适应更大银屏)。

    Once associated with films of fish in natural-history museums, IMAX now offers its products to multiplexes (the first few rows of seats are sometimes removed to accommodate the bigger screens).


  • :“你看,部戏就是从公寓咖啡馆展开的,所以知道电影里什么

    She says, "Well, it all took place around an apartment and a coffee shop so I don't know what would we do?


  • 然后睡个饱,博物馆或者电影院(白天音乐会便宜),随意闲逛,穿着雪地树林里去探探险——一些周末假日通常不会做的事情。

    Then, sleep in, go to a museum or the movies (matinees are cheaper), take a serendipitous walk, venture off into the woods on snowshoes - do something you don't normally do on a weekend or holiday.


  • 如果喜欢恐龙,就帮他买相关的电影或者带他博物馆

    If he likes dinosaurs, find books and movies about them, or visit a museum.


  • 高雅通俗文化交汇尼斯宫的博物馆电影院

    Highbrow and popular culture meet at the Tennispalatsi with its museums and movie theaters.


  • 看电影参观美术馆展览会博物馆老朋友见面,去健康俱乐部锻炼或者进行高山自行车运动

    Well, going to a cinema, visiting the galleries, exhibitions and museums, finding and meeting old friends, exercising in the health club or mountain biking.


  • 小型电影院里展示的是专门博物馆制作的电影

    The miniature cinema shows short films made exclusively for the museum.


  • 看到他们那家咖啡馆墙上法国电影的海报,一个封皮上来自哥本哈根广告笔记本文具比邻。

    The cafe where I saw them had French movie posters on the walls and it was next to a little stationery shop that sold notebooks with old paint advertisements from Copenhagen printed on the cover.


  • 我们认为这种形式线性媒体比如平面媒体电视或者电影,甚至于艺术形式比如绘画雕塑或者博物馆展览,都适合我们多元化当代社会

    Forms that, in our opinion, fit much better with our multifaceted contemporary society than linear media such as print, television or cinema — or even fine art painting, sculpture or installations.


  • 西岸的购物者们躲零售天堂里,把自己保护起来,以免受经济危机带来的伤害。这里有许多咖啡馆餐馆可供选择—还有即将出现的多幕电影院

    The shoppers at Westfield are cocooned in a retail paradise, sheltered from the weather, with a score of cafés and restaurants to choose among and—soon—a multi-screen cinema.


  • 此外,这个电影的官方网站人们提供了一些活动组织链接比如绿色和平”加州蒙特里水族馆

    The film’s website provides links to campaigning organisations such as Greenpeace and the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California.


  • 电影电视音乐艺术世界博物馆时尚网络内容(不管质量如何),都是作家音乐家艺术家设计师创作的。

    Movies, television, music, the art world, museums, fashion, Internet content (whatever its measure of quality), are produced by writers, musicians, artists, and designers.


  • 段关于博物馆臧品描述概括了这个独特之地。 介绍词以单调长音的腔调配合潦草画电影播出迎接入口处的参观者重现混合着探究,诡计时代错置的浪漫的氛围。

    This description of the museum's collection, intoned in the scratchy film that greets visitors upon entry, captures the mix of inquiry, intrigue and anachronistic romance that defines this rare place.


  • 据商学院克里斯托弗·麦肯娜迪斯尼公司一直坚持利用老式电影档案馆

    Disney constantly mines its archive of old films, observes Christopher McKenna of Said Business School.


  • 电影制片人亚历山大菲利普其他章鱼是否能比得上保罗的功绩怀疑态度,但是可以理解水族馆尝试

    Filmmaker Alexandre Philippe is skeptical that the other octopi can match his feat, but understands why the aquarium owners are trying.


  • 一座新的博物馆武汉市揭幕,一部与这次历史有关电影在全国的电视放映

    A new museum opened in Wuhan. A historical movie was aired on state TV.


  • 去去博物馆看看电影读本好书什么的。

    Go to the museum, see a movie, read a good book, or take up oil painting (or some other hobby).


  • 选择纽约犹太遗产博物馆公然首映他们战争影片——这部残酷无比、充满巧语讥讽且颇具修正主义色彩的电影,导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺制片人哈维·韦恩斯坦可谓勇气十足。

    It WAS bold of Quentin Tarantino and his producer, Harvey Weinstein, to pre-screen their brutal, wisecracking, revisionist war film at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York.


  • 选择纽约犹太遗产博物馆公然首映他们战争影片——这部残酷无比、充满巧语讥讽且颇具修正主义色彩的电影,导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺制片人哈维·韦恩斯坦可谓勇气十足。

    It WAS bold of Quentin Tarantino and his producer, Harvey Weinstein, to pre-screen their brutal, wisecracking, revisionist war film at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York.


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