• 时间时候,我第一件事就是一些热门电影然后零食来享受电影时光

    When I have time, the first thing I'd like to do is to find the hot movies and then buy some snacks, enjoying my movie hour.


  • 我们不再能够他们交谈他们共度时光电影日落开怀大笑。

    We're no longer able to talk with them, spend time with them, watch a movie, look at the sunset, and have a laugh.


  • 我们分析型人士宁肯独自好书电影共度时光愿意呆在一起。

    We analyticals would rather spend time alone with a good book or movie than with people.


  • 自己外出享用顿晚餐看一场电影,或只是下午时光阅读书店古董店。

    Take yourself out to lunch or to a movie, or simply spend an afternoon reading, browsing in a bookstore, or antiquing.


  • 亲人朋友黑暗中房子里恐怖电影享受愉快时光也许把沙发背后当做避难所

    It's the perfect time for family and friends to watch horror films on the TV in the dark and maybe seek refuge behind the sofa!


  • 安排自我时光出去电影或者朋友公园散散步,总是要出去一下。

    Write down your "me" time, add a trip to the movies or a hike in the park as well as outings with your friends on that list.


  • 布瑞尔卡特每天电影消磨时光

    Brill and Katya spend all day watching films.


  • 墙壁地板柳条家具芙蓉黄色心情振奋又轻松,当你随着一部电影逃离现实随着乐里蓝(Luriline)模型复制品,缓缓过往时光

    A pallet of Hibiscus yellows on the walls, floor and wicker furniture will uplift and relax you as you escape with and old movie or drift into days past as the model of the Luriline ship replicates.


  • 如果孩子电影麦当劳,但度过的时光并不甜美,你浪费了一个下午感觉就像是你丢失了宝贵物品

    If you take your kids to a movie and McDonald's and it's not perfect, you've wasted an afternoon, and it's a sense that you've lost something precious.


  • 米高梅电影公司Eventful合作影迷要求放映他们喜剧浴盆时光》。

    MGM also used Eventful to have fans request screenings of its comedy, Hot Tub Time Machine.


  • 不管是电影丰盛晚餐、在后院里约会还是那些不会让彼此烦恼事情,只要那些能让你们回忆起曾经恋爱时的美好的时光好。

    Whether it's to a movie, a nice dinner, a backyard date, or something you both have never tried, find something that will be reminiscent of what you did together when you were dating.


  • 当时假期,能看电影、看足球赛——米凯尔的说法,有一段“社会真正地联系在一起……而且有未来”的时光

    There were holidays, cinema trips, football matches - there was, as Mikael puts, it a time when he was "really connected to society... and there was a future".


  • 有时真的愿意相信一些讲述时光倒流电影幻想终归幻想,现实如此无奈

    Sometimes, I really would like to have to believe some film of back in time to fantasy always fantasy, the reality is so helpless.


  • 电影只讲述了青春时光展示似乎就是青春的全部

    The film is about three days of youth, yet it seems to show all that youth is ever about.


  • 称为华盛顿周围时光查理”,饮料女人,他的人生故事成为好莱坞电影主演著名影星汤姆·汉克斯

    He was known around Washington as "Good Time Charlie" for his love of drinks and women, and his life story became a Hollywood movie starring famed actor Tom Hanks.


  • 这部电影给人留下印象深刻,使人回忆起过去时光

    This movie serves as an impressive reminder of the good old days.


  • 这个电影使想起童年时光

    The film made me think of my childhood.


  • 这部电影描写一位中国老人幸福时光

    This film describes the happy moments of an old Chinese man.


  • 但是这部电影一种戏剧性十足时运不济的浪漫元素,这部短篇小说(主要)讲述了滑稽严酷现实时光倒流生活方式

    But while the movie is something of a dramatic, star-crossed romance, the short story is hilariously grim about the realities of an aging-backwards lifestyle.


  • 时光网上的一则评论说,珍惜生命远离这部电影。而豆瓣网的用户问道为什么允许我们负分

    'Cherish your life and keep away from this film, ' read one comment on Mtime. 'Why aren't we allowed to give scores below zero here?' asked a Douban user.


  • 电影点酒最棒时光

    Watching movies, as [well as] drinking wine. That's my best time.


  • 年间我们已经看到了很多关于青春电影导演尝试提醒人们他们已经过去早期时光

    During these two years, we have seen many movies about the youth, the directors try to remind people of their passed early days.


  • 这些时光充满情感就是那些充分展现分别与重逢场景的电影可以成为经典的原因。

    These times are filled with emotion, which is why those movies which effectively show it become classics.


  • 认为电影就是“雕刻时光”,本质对客观现实时间真实纪录,但这种真实纪录应当包括人物主观心理感受,因为也是客观现实重要组成部分

    Tarkovsky regard films as sculpting in time, and the essence of films is recording realistic time including the character's mentation, because this is also an important part of reality.


  • 这部电影充满双关语以及低俗幽默——就是人们预期中的那种好莱坞动画,为带来喧闹的快乐时光

    The movie comes full of puns and bathroom humorexactly the kind of raucous good time you'd expect from Hollywood animation.


  • 于是就会达拉斯社区中心网吧各种电影来看,打发我的闲暇时光

    So I would go to the Dallas Community Center to get on the internet and find various films or anything that I could get my hands on that dealt with enterainment.


  • 年轻夫妇工作之余一起享受时光他们在一起看着浪漫情节电影逛街晚饭,没有争吵打闹幸福

    That's happiness. Young couples usually enjoy themselves together in their spare time, they watch the romantic movie, go shopping, cook dinner, without quarrel or fight, that's happiness.


  • 年轻夫妇工作之余一起享受时光他们在一起看着浪漫情节电影逛街晚饭,没有争吵打闹幸福

    That's happiness. Young couples usually enjoy themselves together in their spare time, they watch the romantic movie, go shopping, cook dinner, without quarrel or fight, that's happiness.


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