• 知道喜欢升级计算机最新电影类的事情太多事情可以

    I like to, you know, update my computers and I like to see the latest movies. Stuff like that, there's so much things to do.


  • 电视剧电影歌舞青春,CSI海岸情缘相当知名电影电视剧

    He played in TV shows and movies like High School Musical, CSI, Marine Food of Love are all fairly well-known films and television shows.


  • 我们一瞥那永恒的电影艺术大部分提高超越的一个方法

    It gives us a glimpse of the eternal and, like art at its most sublime, like this film, a means for transcendence.


  • 我们希望这部动画电影一面镜子,不同的人看了有不同感受,”《大鱼海棠》导演之一梁旋说道

    "We hope this animated film will mirror every audience in its own way," said Liang Xian, co-director of Big Fish.


  • 这部电影自己所拍摄挽歌,整个幕布布满了饱和蓝色,而画外音则是他用自己的生活描述的这个世界。

    The film is his last testament as a film-maker, and consists of a single shot of saturated blue colour filling the screen, as background to a soundtrack where Jarman describes his life and vision.


  • 幽默真的很喜欢早期电影是《走唱情歌》《69两头勾》,因为这些电影把他的个性表达的一览无余。

    He has a very good sense of humour and I really liked his early films Monrak Transistor and Sixty-Nine because his personality showed through.


  • 这部电影展示音响完美结合

    The movie displayed a perfect fusion of image and sound.


  • 美国形象——汽车城市牛仔——成为电影中的主要

    American imagery—the cars, the cities, the cowboysbecame the primary imagery of film.


  • 随着计算机合成变得越来越便宜精密现在电影行业可以逼真地在屏幕上重现人物甚至已经过世几十年的演员

    As computer-generated imagery has become cheaper and more sophisticated, the film industry can now convincingly recreate people on-screen even actors who have been dead for decades.


  • 电影播放技术最初西洋镜”的形式演变而来直到发展个时期;这个时期中,投影到幽暗的影院屏幕之上,电影作为一种大众消费的形式而出现

    The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.


  • 诺蒂说:“奇妙历史性根本突破在于,作为一名电影可以做到实时看到你拍摄的影。”

    "The magical, fundamental, historical breakthrough is that as moviemaker, you are actually looking at what you are doing," says Spinotti.


  • 任天堂迪士尼梦工厂华纳达成协议,将可以3ds下载3d电影用户享受无与伦比效果。

    Nintendo has forged deals with Disney, Dreamworks and Warner to make a selection of 3d animated movies available on 3ds via digital download.


  • 如果那个时期“太空少年”、“月球基地计划”为代表B级世界兴趣,这部电影真是无可取代的影记忆。

    I cannot recommend this film enough if you have an interest in the world of 1950s B-movies that produced titles like "Teenagers From Outer Space" and "Project Moonbase".


  • 这部卡梅隆泰坦尼克号》以来首次执导的大型故事片标志着三维电影时代到来——这种三维指具有长宽的影

    Instead, Cameron's first full-length dramatic feature since Titanic comes billed as the shape of films to come - and that shape has height and width and depth.


  • 在戈达尔的电影总是可以看到绘画作品,他还大胆无形引用其它影片中的书籍的内容。

    Mr Godard's films have always been filled with paintings, quotations from books, and images from other films boldly referenced between invisible quotation marks.


  • 电影回到未来》(第二部)描绘了先进远程临场技术,主演迈克尔·j·福克斯广告海报3d鲨鱼吓到了。

    The film Back To the Future II also depicts advanced telepresence technology, as Michael J. Fox is startled by the 3d image of a shark pouncing on him from an advertising poster.


  • 英国烟草控制研究中心已经将致信英国电影分级委员会BBFC要求提高级别,以便保护青少年远离“有害”。

    The UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies has written to the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) asking it to do just this to protect children from "particularly harmful imagery".


  • 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克创造了电影一些引人注目

    Alfred Hitchcock created some of the most arresting images in film history.


  • 大型电影公司把目光集中创造3d之上

    The large studios, he said, are focused on creating 3d spectacles.


  • 过去堆积的故事,人物神情声音已然成为电影片段这些片段里,导演的过去不仅多次重复,从而造就了现在的蒂姆.波顿电影而且这些片段里导演的过去也被展现得淋漓尽致

    The narratives, the images, the look and the sounds have all become moments in which the director’s past is not only repeatedly made present but in which it is repeatedly amplified.


  • 国际消费电子展上松下公司推出了一款152英寸等离子屏幕,其效果很多电影院还要

    At CES, Panasonic unveiled a 152-inch plasma screen that produced a better image than many cinemas.


  • 术语数字电影倡导联盟(DCI)对数字影打包建议中做出定义

    The term has been defined by Digital Cinema Initiatives, LLC in their recommendations for packaging of DC contents.


  • 电影奇妙时刻年幼的1900(科里·巴克饰演)趴在彩色玻璃挡板上,注视着房间里模糊的舞池当中旋转盛装舞者的

    In the most magical moment, the young Nineteen Hundred (Cory Buck) presses his nose against a stained-glass partition to observe the blurred images of whirling, formally attired ballroom dancers.


  • 威尔士一部电影利用影故事陈述精心的导演了具有里程碑意义关于报业集团发行人威廉姆斯道夫赫斯特起落的一生。

    It was the first movie by Welles, who bucked studio and storytelling conventions to craft a landmark film about the rise and fall of a William Randolph Hearst-like newspaper publisher.


  • 拍一部自己电影——一部相机一个视频剪辑软件一些配乐,开始乐子吧。有些电影纯粹静止制作成的。

    Make your own movie - Take a camera, get an edit package, find some music and have fun. Some movies was made purely with a stills camera.


  • 同样运用电影、影资料等一切熟知未来会运用的媒介

    The same applies for film, audio and video recordings in all known and future medias.


  • 室外屋顶檐篷起伏天花板由动态led照明表面覆盖给予釜山电影中心象征性代表性特征

    The dynamic LED lighting surface covering the undulating ceilings of the outdoor roof canopies gives the Busan Cinema Center its symbolic and representative iconographic feature.


  • 读过原著观众跟随情绪脑海中的文字化,对应成为电影画面

    Read the original audience will follow the emotional mind the image of text, corresponding to become a movie version of the screen.


  • 2015年第七系列电影星球大战觉醒再次出演了该角色数字也在最新一部系列电影《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》中出现

    She reprised the role in Episode VII of the series, "Star Wars: the Force Awakens" in 2015, and her digitally rendered image appears in the newest installment, "Rogue One: a Star Wars Story."


  • 2015年第七系列电影星球大战觉醒再次出演了该角色数字也在最新一部系列电影《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》中出现

    She reprised the role in Episode VII of the series, "Star Wars: the Force Awakens" in 2015, and her digitally rendered image appears in the newest installment, "Rogue One: a Star Wars Story."


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