• 便携电脑笔记本上网本智能手机有清晰可读屏幕。那么,为什么员工还需要一个电子阅读器下面原因

    Laptops, notebooks, netbooks, and smartphones all provide screens of readable data. Why would your staff need an electronic reader? These are five great reasons.


  • 笔记本游戏柄上的电子延长线颜利盼这样以生命为代价制造人们,连在一起。

    There is an electrical extension cord running from your laptop and mobile and games console to the people like Yan Li and Liu Pan dying to make them.


  • 2008年,电脑生产商出口9百9十万台无线笔记本成为年度热门消费类电子商品之一

    In 2008, computer makers shipped 9.9 million netbooks, making it one of the hottest consumer electronic products of the year.


  • 车厢电子速度表已经达到231公里/小时对面的日本商人笔记本上抬起头来,赞许的了点头。

    When the digital speedometer in the car hits 231 km/h, the Japanese businessmen sitting across from me look up from their laptops and nod in approval.


  • 因此笔记本电脑行业出现一个趋势更多电子产品设计成使用内置的可充电电池

    So, a small trend has begun in the industry: More electronic products are being designed with their rechargeable batteries sealed inside.


  • 他们将平板比喻为“电子版的鼹鼠笔记本”。

    The metaphor they used was "digital Moleskine, " a nod to the leather-bound notebooks favored in the design world.


  • 8月14号戴尔,一家电脑公司,宣布召回消费者使用电子产品公司索尼生产的410万的电池——了2004年上月售出笔记本电脑里。

    On August 14th Dell, a computer company, said it would replace 4.1m lithium-ion batteries made by Sony, a consumer-electronics firm, in laptop computers sold between 2004 and last month.


  • X100e缺点在于,电子配件的能效比不上大多数上网本一些超便携笔记本

    The downside is that the x100e's electronic components are not as power-efficient as those in most netbooks and some more expensive ultra-portable laptops.


  • 这里为大家描绘出胡克卧室书桌周围的东西,可抽拉的架子抽屉,很多USB接口,笔记本的,Ipod手机等等很多电子产品的。

    The nightstands in the Hooker bedroom collection pictured here have pull-out shelves, outlets and USB ports for charging laptops, iPods and phones.


  • 当然电子时代给予我们许许多多前人无法想象方便因而我们为生这个世纪庆幸,天上的飞机,地下的地铁,一直笔记本电脑和无所不能的手机,给了我们生活“直达车”的快捷;

    Of course, the electronic age has given us many imagined convenience, so we rejoice always for being able to live in this century.


  • 可以笔记本,一份电子表格或者其他任何需要工具记下是否一天完成了各项任务

    You may use a notebook, a spreadsheet, or any other medium you want. Write down there whether or not you have done a task in a particular day.


  • 大多数时间我会笔记本电脑编辑发送/接收电子邮件或者进行网络浏览

    I would be using the laptop mostly to write, to send/receive email and to Web browse.


  • 如果想要处理日常上网任务电子邮件文字处理的移动电脑没有需要弄一台全尺寸笔记本了。

    If you want a portable computer for everyday tasks such as email or word - processing, there's no longer a need for a full-size laptop.


  • 通过这种方式消费者印刷书籍杂志报纸能够下载电子平板电脑笔记本电脑甚至智能手机数字版本

    Take the way consumers are swapping from printed books, magazines and newspapers to digital versions that can be downloaded to e-readers, tablets, laptops or even smart phones.


  • 对于电子扬声器小型LED已经足够还不足以支持笔记本运行笔记本一般需要3050功率

    This would be enough to power an electronic speaker or small LED (light-emitting diode) lights, but not enough to operate a laptop, which requires an estimated 30 to 50 watts.


  • 看到这项应用会成为部分人电子邮件的替代品,这些忙碌工作人士可能并不会随时随地的都笔记本电脑带在身边,但是他却有收发文档需求

    You could easily see this app being used as an email alternative by busy, working professionals who can't carry their laptops with them everywhere but need to send and receive files.


  • 使用廉价电子游戏外围设备嵌入式加速计笔记本电脑手持电话各种PC设备,可以实现控制应用程序方式

    Inexpensive video game peripherals with embedded accelerometers and PC devices ranging in size from laptops to hand-held phones are enabling new methods for application control.


  • 三洋全球领先充电电池供应商笔记本电脑照相机其它电子产品以及包括本田福特标致雪铁龙在内汽车行业客户提供充电电池。

    Sanyo is the leading global supplier of rechargeable batteries for laptops, camera and other gadgets and its clients in the car industry include Honda, Ford and Peugeot Citroen.


  • 因为几乎每个大学生阅读电子书的便携设备笔记本

    After all, virtually every student already owns a portable device with a nice screen for reading eTextbooks: their laptops.


  • 企业需要电子邮件PIM应用程序范围扩展通过企业外部提供移动设备笔记本电脑和工作站使用浏览器进行访问用户

    Enterprises need to extend the reach of email and PIM applications to users with browser access through both enterprise-provided and publically available mobile devices, laptops, and workstations.


  • 最近里,笔记本洪流势不可挡,消费者电子协会数据说,2010年的笔记本销量比2007年一番。

    Shipments of notebooks have skyrocketed over the last three years, with sales in 2010 likely to be double what they were in 2007, according to the Consumer Electronics Association.


  • 喜欢收到一些需要智力礼物比如电子词典笔记本电脑等等

    I'd like to receive some intellectual gifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.


  • 可以一个笔记本电子表格或者任何你喜欢的工具

    You may use a notebook, a spreadsheet, or any other medium you want.


  • 2008年,惠普推出了EliteBook系列笔记本电脑用户可以在启动电脑的情况下,收发电子邮件、使用日历联系人功能。

    More recently, H-P in 2008 launched an EliteBook line of laptops that lets the user access email, calendars and contacts without having to power up the computer.


  • 乔布斯声称作为高端文字处理电子表格的工具iPad许多方面优胜昂贵的笔记本电脑台式机

    In many ways, Jobs claimed, the iPad would be better than pricier laptops and desktops as a tool for high-end word processing and spreadsheets.


  • 2006年,Sony——日本电子巨人——召回数百万笔记本电脑电池制造缺陷可能导致某些电池爆炸起火。

    In 2006 Sony, a Japanese electronics giant, had to recall several million laptop batteries because of a manufacturing defect that caused some batteries to burst into flames.


  • 是啊指出电子邮件坚持硫磺胆囊笔记本

    And yeah, I printed out that email and stuck it in my Brimstone and Gall notebook.


  • 可以使用大多数Android手机来创建一个无线热点从而使你的其他电子设备iPad笔记本电脑手机连接起来。

    You can create a Wireless hotspot with most Android phones that lets other devices like iPads and laptops jump on the same connection as the phone.


  • 这种所谓的Peltier效应可用来给诸如笔记本电脑这样的电子设备降温。

    This so-called Peltier effect also helps cool electronic device such as laptops.


  • 克兰西强调这些Google”图书应当能够任何设备阅读,包括笔记本电脑手机以及专用电子书阅读器

    Clancy also stressed that these "Google editions" should be readable on any device, including laptops, phones, and dedicated eReaders.


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