• 本文介绍一个实用电力调s CADA系统的通信枢纽微机硬件结构选型

    This paper introduces a practical hardware structure of a hub of SCADAcommunications of local electric power dispatch and the microcomputers selection.


  • 这些大坝建于一个世纪以前,是洛杉矶木材造纸厂提供电力的,大坝阻断6鲑鱼上游产卵

    Built nearly a century ago to provide power to lumber and paper mills in the town of Port Angeles, these dams blocked access to upstream spawning beds for six species of salmon.


  • 研究团队同时还考量他们算法应用电网从而能够更好输送环保型稳定性欠佳电力能源

    The group will also look at applying their algorithms to electricity grids, to make them work better with environmentally friendly but unreliable sources of power.


  • 现在我们都知道,所谓“准备最充分”就是这样岛大一针反应堆完全丧失电力供应,使核反应堆中心装置核废料冷却水中断供应。

    This, we now know, is what "well prepared" looks like: total loss of power at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor, which deprived the reactor core and spent-fuel pools of cooling water.


  • 成为计算光明未来代表一个处理存储变得电力一样可以无所不在便宜获取的世界

    "The cloud" has come to represent the bright future of computing, a world where processing and storage become as ubiquitous, cheap and accessible as electricity.


  • 近日关于输电线路规划绿色电力的讨论正在华盛顿如火如荼进行着。

    Discussion about transmission line planning and green power is popular in Washington these days.


  • 不论是刚成立企业,还是大型工业集团,应该使他们都能够简便电力出售给国家输电网

    It should also be simple for new producers of electricity-from clever start-ups to big industrial firms-to sell power back to the grid.


  • 因此,IT系统不再那样消耗资本了,一系统只需要花费运营成本,就电力系统一样。

    It systems will increasingly no longer be a capital expense, but an operational cost, like electricity.


  • 如果手机持续不断在“定位”,即使用户使用手机,手机电力照样被耗光。

    If the phone is constantly trying to pinpoint where it is, it will suck power even when the user isn't actively doing something with the phone.


  • 这份报告说,有超过100万的加沙居民目前食品援助生活相当于这一区总人口80%。此外,加沙电力供水污水处理系统也都已经瘫痪

    According to the report, more than one million people or 80 percent of Gaza's population is now dependent on food aid and that Gaza's power, water and sewage systems have collapsed.


  • 法瑞斯表示结果制作Planar电池材料中有97%有效用于存储电力

    The result, says Mr Faris, is that 97% of the materials used to construct a Planar cell are actively engaged in storing electricity.


  • 麻省理工学院工程设计同事共同努力储能装置整合各种系统之中,他希望有一这样发电装置能为家庭汽车不分昼夜提供电力

    And he is going to work with his engineering colleagues at MIT to try to integrate his storage device into systems that he hopes one day will power homes and cars all day and all night.


  • 例如,2003年电力消耗如此出人意料猛增以致于中国因为电网电而开始经受反复电力管制

    In 2003, for example, electricity consumption surged so unexpectedly that China began suffering from repeated brownouts as the grid ran short of power.


  • 还是真的需要胆量才行的飞机白天电池充电时会一直爬高到了晚上为了节省电力一直不断缓慢下降

    This will involve some daring, with the aircraft spending all day climbing as its batteries are recharged and then descending slowly under power throughout the night to conserve energy.


  • 这个特性可以实时收集电力消耗数据

    This provides for the collection of power consumption data in real time.


  • 告诉BBC诸如电力运输食品等领域全面减少温室气体排放很重要的。

    He told the BBC that cutting greenhouse gas emissions was important across the board, in areas such as electricity, transport and food.


  • 随着夏季到来他们足够的能力利用常规可再生能源,或者国外购买电力最近进口一反常态超过了出口

    As summer approaches they have enough capacity in conventional and renewable power or can buy from abroad: recently, imports have uncharacteristically outstripped exports.


  • 他们用来未来的职员展示电子墨水的显示屏是如何没有电力支撑的情况下无限期显示图像的。

    They're used to demonstrate to potential new hires how an e-ink screen can hold an image indefinitely without being connected to a power supply.


  • 引起极光太阳能量抛射引起风暴能够影响宇航员的太空行走卫星甚至通信电力系统

    The solar ejections that cause auroras can also create geomagnetic storms that can affect spacewalking astronauts, Earth-orbiting satellites, and even communications and power systems on the ground.


  • 时至今日没人会说连接个千万伏特发电站”—取而代之是我们约定俗成电力本来就需为我们需要进入的一栋房屋的每一个房间准备就绪.

    Today, nobody says "I need to connect to a megawatt power station" - instead we assume that electricity will be available on demand in almost every room of every building we visit.


  • 随着城市电力需求增长铺设电线就要通过破坏街道路面进行。不过需要在现有管道里填充更多铜线可以更简单解决这个问题。

    As urban power demands increase, we could rip up streets to lay new lines, but an easier solution is just to cram more copper into the conduits we already have.


  • 加州凯姆保留拥有唯一一个正在保留运转的电力农庄

    The Campo reservation in California is the only one with a working commercial wind farm.


  • 对策往往只是简单停止能源供应河南省钢铁厂命令停工数日一些村镇民居电力供应也被切断了。

    Many responded simply by switching off electricity supplies: in Henan province, steel works were ordered to close for days, and power was cut to homes in towns and villages.


  • 多年世界各色科学家小组一直致力于无线供电研究,效率一直是主要问题确切说是电力在空气传输效率问题,绝大部分电力在到达目的之前就损失了。

    Various groups of scientists around the world have been working on it for years, but the problem has mainly been the efficiency, or rather the inefficiency with which power is transfered over the air.


  • 基载电力需要全天候稳定传输,柴油机发电顺应急剧上升的供应需求

    Baseload power is delivered at a steady rate around the clock, while diesel is more suited to meeting spikes in demand.


  • 基载电力需要全天候稳定传输,柴油机发电顺应急剧上升的供应需求

    Baseload power is delivered at a steady rate around the clock, while diesel is more suited to meeting spikes in demand.


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