• 奥运圣火传递可口可乐公司三星公司一家中国本地公司:联想公司共同赞助。

    The sponsors are a Chinese company, the Lenovo Group, along with Coca-Cola and Samsung.


  • 以前一样阁下提供一个标题在下面的套式评论留下联想

    As before, it's up to you to provide the caption: please leave your Suggestions in the comments thread below.


  • 每个部件整个重量表面支撑比较厚重的部位联想承受大部分重量导管结构

    The entire weight of each object is supported by its skin, with thicker areas that are reminiscent of natural vascular structures bearing most of the load.


  • 宽吻海豚莫林它的喙突(它细长的鼻子)操作触摸屏学习符号联想物体

    Merlin, a two-year-old bottlenose, USES his rostrum (that's his elongated beak) to operate the touchscreen, learning to associates symbols with objects.


  • 他们甜蜜小猫一样鼻子大大的眼睛哪些感觉傻乎乎的脚蹼不得不人们联想,他们是不是一个大海豚,一个小猫和一个牛犊填到一个堆满脂肪的柔软可爱的大气球里面而来呢?

    They have a sweet kitty cat nose, big dark eyes and those silly flippers that make you think that they might be an interbred of a dolphin, a cat and a calf into a blubbery ball of soft fury cuteness.


  • 现在读者可能联想几十年来一些不同的国家[18]不同军事机构用于地下基地数万亿美元[17]。

    Readers may by now have made the connection with the trillions of dollars17 spent in recent decades by various military agencies on underground bases in a number of different countries18.


  • 矗立在神庙前,人们欣赏到精妙的熔融玻璃组成外部层,从而联想雪花晶体结构复杂微妙

    Standing next to the temple, visitors will appreciate the complex subtlety of the exterior cladding manufactured from melted glass that recalls the configuration of snowflake crystals.


  • 学校综合体设计特点屋顶收顶的立面交替出现,而这些倾斜的立面让人联想到了沃洲农舍典型特点

    The design of the new school complex is marked by the alternating use of lateral facades crowned by high roofs and pitched facades reminiscent of the typical features of large Vaud farmhouses.


  • 平衡结构框架落地窗组成,外观让人联想现代住宅比如菲利普•约翰逊康涅狄格玻璃

    The balancing structure comprised a wooden frame with floor-to-ceiling windows, with a look reminiscent of Modernist houses like Philip Johnson's Glass House in Connecticut.


  • 找出单词意思想想那些紧密相连的词语联系的词语联想文章里的意思

    When you try to find out what new words mean, remember that some words go together. Think of a meaning that goes with the other words in the story.


  • 中间经历最初对自然界直观认识,到对同一事物联想类推的过程。

    They had the intuitive recognization at first. Then they gave an analogise and association on the things of the same kind.


  • 表意文字(象形文字):图画文字。绘画象形符号表达物品;并表达引起联想意念概念。中文字一种表意文字

    Ideogram: a form of picture writing in which a symbol may represent the object drawn or the ideas or meanings associated with it. Chinese characters are a form of ideogram.


  • 硬化中碳钢制作而成,其硬度超出450布氏硬度,臭锁的黑白花纹会让人联想臭鼬

    The SkunkLock is made out of hardened medium-carbon steel that exceeds 450 brinell, and is painted in black and white stripes reminiscent of a skunk.


  • 顾客心理能级出发提出品牌资产品牌认知度、品牌知名度、品牌联想、品牌美誉度、品牌忠诚度构成。

    From clients mind level, the brand assets are made up of brand cognitive degree, brand awareness degree, brand association degree, brand beauty degree and brand loyalty degree.


  • 室外当地典型材料组成:风化木材让人联想起田园风光常见的质朴的建筑

    The exterior is composed of materials typical of the region: weathered steel and timber, evocative of rustic buildings seen nestled in the pastoral landscape.


  • 联想事物想起另一事物的心理过程

    Association is a psychological process that things occur tous from one to another.


  • 展馆许多不锈钢组成,上面堆积着一些转轮,它们形状让人联想孩童时代玩过的纸风车

    The pavilion is formed by a forest of stainless steel rods, stacked with mills reminiscent of a children's pinwheel.


  • 原因陕北自然植被破坏以前,当时人们并不陌生鱼及女阴的相类联想

    The reason is that natural vegetation in northern Shaanxi were destroyed before the fish was no stranger to the people, by the female fish and similar association.


  • 现象语言中的普遍现象,转义是多义词中较为特别意义类型,是通过联想对比直接指称事物现象转而指称一事物或现象而产生的意义。

    Connotation is a relatively special type of meaning in polysemous words: it is recognized through associations or comparisons to convert directly related thing or concept into another.


  • 双鱼座的神话可以联想到双鱼座逃避特质

    By the myth, we can think Pisces has escape character.


  • 语言情感联想所导致的、受民族文化制约文化涵义

    Language, caused by emotional imagination and restricted by national culture, has the cultural connotation.


  • 我们容易约翰·弥尔顿联想力量形式很可能处在英国文学经典中心位置有关。

    Now, probably the form of power that we most readily associated with John Milton involves his position at the dead center of the English literary Canon.


  • 狮子联想狮子座特性容易就可以想到很多高贵同情心王者之风,但是忘了狮子才是出外狩猎

    Lenovo from the Lions to the characteristics of the Lions Block, it is easy to think of many noble, compassionate, king of the wind, but do not forget, the mother lion is to go out hunting.


  • 这座以钢铁玻璃建材叶片联想而成水晶宫”,被尊为功能主义建筑典范

    The steel and glass as a building material from the leaves Lenovo from the "Crystal Palace", the title of functional architecture model.


  • 住宅木材建成,让人联想海事建设桌子白色的。

    It was constructed in wood, recalling the maritime construction and using white painted table.


  • 当时联想将亚太区大中华合而为一,定名为亚太俄罗斯区”,陈绍鹏领衔

    At that time, associate to close and be Asia-Pacific area and big China area one, denominate is " Asia-Pacific and Russia area ", present as leading role by Chen Shaopeng.


  • 当时联想将亚太区大中华合而为一,定名为亚太俄罗斯区”,陈绍鹏领衔

    At that time, associate to close and be Asia-Pacific area and big China area one, denominate is " Asia-Pacific and Russia area ", present as leading role by Chen Shaopeng.


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