• 因此因素都会影响周期实际上,周期似乎个因素结合产生的。

    Thus both factors can affect the cycle, which, in practice, seems to be generated by conjunction of the two factors.


  • 空气上升产生真空引起空气流动

    Wind is a current of air caused by a vacuum caused by hot air rising.


  • 雷电闪电产生冲击波,它认为引发暴雨的原因,暴雨风暴典型特征

    Thunder, the shock wave that comes from a lightning flash, is thought to be the trigger for the torrential rain that is typical of storms.


  • 例如一些毒液基于化学物质,另一些基于细菌,所以它们显然不同途径产生的,可能我们想象那样密切相关

    For example, some venoms are chemical-based, and others are bacteria-based, so they clearly had to have developed along different routes and may not be as closely related as we thought.


  • 兰皮诺认为某些岩是流星撞击而产生的,不是冰川

    Rampino thinks that certain tillites were produced by meteor impacts, not glaciers.


  • 们类似于彩虹,但它们是月光不是太阳光直接照射产生的。

    They are similar to rainbows, but they are created by moonlight instead of direct sunlight.


  • 右下角围绕着天蝎座Sigma突出红色星云将恒星的光线散射开来而产生反射星云。

    The prominent reddish nebula at the lower right surrounding the star Sigma Scorpii is a reflection nebula produced by dust scattering starlight.


  • 南极天文台三大观测宇宙天文台之一,旨在检测宇宙大爆炸而产生的大量存在于微光辐射中的扭曲现象,利用天文望远镜对宇宙射线背景进行筛选,再利用星系群的特点确定一个,即宇宙射线穿过气体时会产生轻微混乱,混乱的一刻就是所的那个点。

    The telescopes sift through the background cosmic radiation to find spots where it has been slightly perturbed as it passes through extremely hot gas, a hallmark characteristic of galaxy clusters.


  • 命题真理经验事实决定不是我们意图决定的,这样产生一个关于自然的问题。

    A proposition whose truth is determined by the fact of experience rather than what we mean, so this raises a natural question.


  • 跳过调度触发结果通常简单地数据库中的时间调度程序当前时间相比较而产生

    This skipping over schedule triggers usually results from simply comparing the time in the database with the current time in the schedule program.


  • 人类身体进化又需要依赖这种蠕虫产生至少水平化合物才能保证正常范围内运作

    It may be that our bodies evolved to depend on at least low levels of worm-produced compounds to keep them running within normal bounds.


  • 沙丘顶上可以看到英里外大海笼罩沙漠热量冰冷的格拉洋流交汇产生雾气之中

    From the crest there is a view to the ocean, three miles distant, shrouded in fog created by the convergence of desert heat and the icy Benguela Current.


  • 讨论而产生一系列行动是更易管理促进足够经常进行调查,从恶化抓住问题

    The list of actions that grow out of the discussions is more manageable, which encourages surveys to be conducted often enough to catch problems before they fester.


  • 这些不切实际的认识只能一些单身而产生问题变得更加麻烦

    These unrealistic statements only serve to make the problem some have with being single worse.


  • 地球大气层中的甲烷活体生物产生的,木星其他气态行星上的甲烷是大气层中其他化学物质相互作用产生的。

    On Earth, atmospheric methane is generated by living organisms, but on Jupiter and other gas giants, methane is produced by light interacting with other chemicals in the atmosphere.


  • 这种混杂繁衍产生了一个叫作美国人种族

    From this promiscuous breed, that race now called Americans have arisen.


  • 该病的特点反复发作——脑细胞突然通常短暂过度放电而产生物理反应

    It is characterized by recurrent seizures - which are physical reactions to sudden, usually brief, excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain cells.


  • 这些为客户提供便利服务需要消耗电能电能是电厂设备产生的。

    All of these amenities require a certain amount of electric consumption, in turn delivered by a utility generating it from one of its plants.


  • 对话屏幕特定任务选择产生

    A dialog screen results from the selection of a specific task.


  • 新的研究表明:称作暗物质神秘物质可能只是虚像物质反物质短寿命粒子之间引力相互作用而产生的。

    The mysterious substance known as dark matter may actually be an illusion created by gravitational interactions between short-lived particles of matter and antimatter, a new study says.


  • 研究人员发现极化率大小明显DNA长度决定——80个碱基对长度的DNA链产生了60%的极化率,25个碱基对长度所致的极化率达到10%。

    The researchers found that the polarization was a strong function of the length of the DNA strands – with 80 base-pair-long strands giving 60% polarization but 25 base pairs only yielding about 10%.


  • 关注最近新闻人们都会知道,《世界没有解决世界依赖石油问题没有解决依赖产生无数相关问题

    Anyone who has paid attention to recent news knows that world Without oil did not solve the problem of the world's dependency on oil or the myriad related issues this dependency creates.


  • 此外技术用于探索副作用它们有些药物始料未及蛋白质结合产生

    The technique could also be used to look for side effects, which are sometimes caused by drugs binding to proteins in unexpected ways.


  • 事件创建、更新删除业务对象产生

    An event results from a business object being created, updated, or deleted.


  • 瑞士公投有些出于政客要求许多称为创制”的公投,即公民请愿提议而产生国家法律投票

    Some Swiss votes are ordered by politicians, yet many, known as "initiatives", are binding votes on national legislation triggered by citizens' petitions.


  • 地震位置发生当地地震学家称作东方地震带上菲律宾板块亚欧大陆板块相互挤压产生

    The earthquake's location was in what geologists in the area call the East Seismic Belt, where earthquakes are caused by the collision between the Philippine plate and the Eurasian plate.


  • 地震位置发生当地地震学家称作东方地震带上菲律宾板块亚欧大陆板块相互挤压产生

    The earthquake's location was in what geologists in the area call the East Seismic Belt, where earthquakes are caused by the collision between the Philippine plate and the Eurasian plate.


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进来说说原因吧 确定