• 一方面TTL模式相机闪光灯决定输出光量的。

    Through-The-Lens (TTL) mode, on the other hand, puts the flash unit’s output under the control of the camera and flash.


  • 两个平面垂直相机方向并且相机位置来确定。

    The planes are laid out perpendicular to the Camera's direction and are measured from the its position.


  • 构造干扰观测器,观测出相机运动产生的等效干扰力矩

    Equivalent disturbance moment by the infrared camera moving is seeked by constructing disturbance observation.


  • 一般情况下,可以相机测定整个画面光线亮度确定最佳曝光量

    In general, the camera to determine the whole picture of the radial brightness, and the optimum exposure.


  • 摄影师程序模式相机选择相应参数,相机选择的快门速度太高

    By shooting in Program Mode, the other photographer allowed the camera to make the decision - and the camera set a shutter speed that is too high.


  • 相对以前的定义我们定义不仅针对相机参数可变情况而且更清楚地指出关键性运动只是相机的外参数决定的。

    Comparing to the previous definition, our definition not only useful for the case of variable intrinsic parameters, but clearly show that critical motions are mainly caused by extrinsic parameters.


  • 灰色的月球表面,五星红旗映衬着黑暗的天空,这一幕是嫦娥机器人探测器的着陆器上的相机拍摄的,然后发送到地面控制中心。

    The scene of the Five Starred Red Flag against the dark sky on the grey lunar surface was taken by a camera on the Chang'e s robotic probe's lander and then sent to the ground control.


  • 制成胶囊小型核动力引擎驱动尽管不会船上一个固定相机的桅杆。

    She says the boat would be shaped like a capsule, powered by a small nuclear engine, and though there would be no sail, it would have a mast to hold a camera.


  • 现在这个相机还只能照出低质量的图像,也不能处理表面若干不同材料组成的物体

    At the moment the camera can produce only low-quality images, and cannot cope with objects that have several sorts of surface material.


  • 专家改进的哈勃功效强大的相机拍摄照片显示出一个神秘X形图案尘埃组成尾部飘带说明小行星正面相撞

    The picture, taken with upgraded Hubble's powerful new camera, shows a mysterious X-shaped pattern with trailing streamers of dust that suggest the collision was head-on, say experts.


  • 为了对数量进行精准估计研究人员不能根据照片数量进行核算,因为相机很有可能其他的动物引发传感器而发生的,比如猴子或者

    To arrive at a population estimate, the researchers can't just count the number of photographs, because the cameras are triggered by all sorts of things, like monkeys or leopards.


  • 他们的扫描仪相机电脑一家日益壮大且不知满足的美国安全公司提供的。

    Their scanners, cameras and computer applications are supplied by a US security industry that seems to grow bigger and more insatiable every year.


  • 上个月墨西哥搜索小行星机器人相机LINEAR首次拍下小行星碎片形成模糊

    The fuzzy cloud from the debris was first photographed last month with a robotic camera called LINEAR that searches for asteroids in New Mexico.


  • 相机可能手持或者安放好的照片摄影师远程自动拍摄。

    Cameras may be hand held or mounted, and photographs may be taken by a photographer, triggered remotely or triggered automatically.


  • 中情局研发办公室发明了这种可以鸽子携带小巧轻便相机

    The CIA's Office of Research and Development created this camera that was small and light enough to be fitted to a pigeon.


  • 中情局研发办公室发明了这种可以鸽子携带小巧轻便相机

    The CIA’s Office of Research and Development created this camera that was small and light enough to be fitted to a pigeon.


  • 蒂姆·贝蒂团队安置啄木鸟巢穴附近相机拍到的照片显示这些禽鸟对于实弹演习已经变得漠不关心

    Cameras placed in their nests by Mr. Beaty's team had shown that the birds were indifferent to live-fire exercises.


  • 艺术项目阿拉伯现代艺术博物馆授权。它要求Bilal相机所拍摄画面博物馆进行直播

    Bilal was expected to broadcast live images of from the camera to the new Arab museum of modern art as part of the project.


  • 张照片2010年12月哈勃视场相机3号(WFC3)通过3不同滤镜拍摄

    This picture was taken in December 2010 through three separate filters by Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3).


  • 哈勃太空望远镜成像图片用以追踪第三广域相机可视红外光摄于2009年8月2009年12月

    This Hubble Space Telescope image was captured in August 2009 and December 2009 with the Wide Field Camera 3 in both visible and infrared light, which trace the glow of sulphur, hydrogen, and iron.


  • 火星塔尔西斯火山构造地区被风侵蚀的地貌,照片美国宇航局的高分辨率科学成像实验相机摄于2010年7月31日

    Windblown features are visible on this shield volcano structure in Mars' Tharsis Region seen by NASA's HiRISE camera on July 31st, 2010. (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)


  • 57岁AlexanderSamoilenko坐在西方NGO捐赠越野车内,身穿军装手持猎枪相机,后者用于遭遇攻击的时候收集证据

    Alexander Samoilenko, 57, whom I find in an off-road vehicle donated by a Western NGO, is dressed in military fatigues and armed with a rifle and camera to record evidence against any offender.


  • 费格相机光线昏暗的情况下需要使用闪光灯原因是:闪光相机传感器提供大量额外光子,光线正是这种粒子组成的。

    That's why cameras use flashes in low-light environments: the flash gives the camera's sensors an extra dose of photons, the particles that make up light, Fergus says.


  • 之所以这种能力专门它们特制专用数码相机,这种数码相机麻省理工学院林肯实验室开发研制

    They are able to do so because they are fitted with special digital cameras whose electronics were developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory.


  • 幅图像哈勃存档数据合成而来,这些数据来自视野2号行星相机高级测量照相机

    This image is a composite of archival Hubble data taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 and the Advanced Camera for Surveys.


  • 相机可以安装体育场任一位置摄影师远程控制,在体育场内任一摄影师通过无线发射器实施远程操作

    The camera can be released by the remote operator from any location or by a photographer at the stadium using a wireless transmitter.


  • 幅图像哈勃存档数据合成而来,这些数据来自宽视野2行星相机高级测量照相机

    This image is a composite of archival Hubble data taken with the WideField Planetary Camera 2 and the Advanced Camera for Surveys.


  • 这种感知相机微软英国剑桥研究实验室成功开发的,可以挂件一样挂在脖子上。

    Worn like a pendant around the neck, it was developed at Microsoft's research lab in Cambridge, England.


  • 这种感知相机微软英国剑桥研究实验室成功开发的,可以挂件一样挂在脖子上。

    Worn like a pendant around the neck, it was developed at Microsoft's research lab in Cambridge, England.


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