• 参考方式成员国自己决定

    The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by the Member States.


  • 银行资金成员国捐助

    The bank's capital is subscribed by the member states.


  • 石油输出国组织最高权利机构成员国选出,开会两次

    The supreme authority in OPEC, which is headed by delegates from member countries, and meets twice a year.


  • 综合楼以及广场上,众多雕刻品塑像其他成员国捐赠艺术品

    Inside the complex as well as on the grounds, there are numerous sculptures, statues and other works of art donated by Member nations.


  • 国际货币基金组织根据收费建立称为配额”—成员国支付根据每个个国家财富基础。

    The IMF is funded by a charge - known as a "quota" - paid by member nations - based on a country's wealth.


  • 强调国际组织成员国的让渡行为而获得某种排他的能力和资格时,主权让渡则表述主权权利”的让渡

    Where one indicates that an international organization obtains certain control or domination over its member states, transfer of sovereignty should be expressed as transfer of "sovereign powers".


  • 很多保守党人利用新的欧元条约作为一些英国业务放到桌面上机会,新欧元条约27个欧盟成员国同意

    Many Conservatives would like to use a new treaty on the euro, agreed on among all 27 eu members, as a chance to put some British business onto the table.


  • 其它东欧国家一样,波兰人认为问题富裕国家造成的,但是作为地区的最大欧盟成员国波兰也需要自身的能源政策

    Like others in eastern Europe, the Poles think the problem has been caused by richer countries. But as the biggest EU member in the region, they need an energy policy, too.


  • 这项提议拯救面临债务危机国家负担比如德国这样富有欧盟成员国转移给债券持有者

    The proposal would shift the burden of rescuing countries that face a sovereign-debt crisis away from richer EU members, such as Germany, and towards bondholders.


  • 同时,如果不情愿让伊朗叙利亚以及以后跟风其他国家承担责任的话,《不扩散核武器条约成员国作出遵守条款的承诺同样毫无价值。

    Meanwhile the promises made by the NPT's members to stand by the treaty will likewise count for nothing without the will to hold to account Iran, Syria and the others that may follow them.


  • 那个时期基金组织成员国29个增加187个。

    During that time, membership of the Fund has gone from 29 countries to 187.


  • 如果危机变得过严重欧盟有可能被迫发行全体成员国担保欧洲债券清偿到期债务。

    It's possible that the crisis will become so severe that the eu will be forced to issue euro bonds, guaranteed by all the member nations, to cover the debt.


  • 许多成员国希望看到扩大目前15个理事国组成的安理会,加强地区代表性增加常任理事国的数目。

    Many countries want to see the 15-member council expanded to include broader regional representation and additional permanent members.


  • 后者则是老牌欧洲国家俱乐部47个成员国组成(其中还包括俄罗斯土耳其),总部位于法国境内的斯特拉斯堡。

    The second is the grandfather of European clubs, which has 47 members (among them Russia and Turkey) and plods along in Strasbourg.


  • 为了粮农组织成员国提供支持,动物生产卫生设计国家区域全球各级实施具体项目。这些项目的资金可粮农组织直接提供,或捐助者通过双边或多边协定提供。

    In support of FAO's Member countries, the Animal Production and Health Division (AGA) designs and implements specific projects at country, regional and global levels.


  • 作为联合国粮食农业组织(FAO)世界卫生组织(WHO)一个联合机构,食品法典委员会(食典委)171个成员国加上欧洲共同体组成。

    CAC, a joint body of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) is composed of 171 member countries, plus the European Community.


  • 安静幕后交流已经成为这个机构存在重要价值安全贡献,对这种交流来说,一个25个成员国组成的安理会过于庞大了。

    A 25-member UNSC would often prove too large for the kinds of quiet, behind-the-scenes exchanges that have been one of the body's principal valuesand contributions to security.


  • EFSF开始忙碌之前峰会得出的结果17个欧盟成员国签署批准花费数周时间

    The summit’s conclusions have to be signed and ratified by all 17 euro-zone governments before the EFSF can get busy. That could take weeks.


  • 匈牙利大部分软件公司出口税收先前2003年时候,欧盟15个成员国制定的。 所以匈牙利遵从欧盟的成员国收取百分之十七的出口税对于巴尔干半岛地区则收百分之十四。

    Most of the export revenues of the software firms (53%) came from the former 15 member states of the EU in 2003, followed by 17% share of the new EU-members and 14% of the Balkan countries.


  • 以前固体生物燃料可持续性标准欧盟成员国决定

    Formerly, sustainability criteria for solid biofuels were left to the EU member states to decide.


  • 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)10个成员国组成地区性国家集团,今年霾害再现时机简直就是对组织对这种灾害无能为力一种残忍嘲弄

    The timing of the haze's reappearance was cruel for the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), a ten-member regional block whose impotence the smog mocks.


  • 分子结构五个成员国不饱和内酯两个羟基

    Its molecular structure is made up of a five member, unsaturated lactone ring with two hydroxyl groups.


  • 不管是个人公司还是图书馆无论是在澳大利亚还是在赞比亚现在可以下载欧盟从其1952年创建开始的文档。欧盟当年6个国家创建,现在已有27成员国

    Individuals, companies and libraries from Australia to Zambia can download files dating back to 1952 when six countries created what is now the 27-member EU.


  • 不管是个人公司还是图书馆无论是在澳大利亚还是在赞比亚现在可以下载欧盟从其1952年创建开始的文档。欧盟当年6个国家创建,现在已有27成员国

    Individuals, companies and libraries from Australia to Zambia can download files dating back to 1952 when six countries created what is now the 27-member EU.


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