• 一倡议南非葡萄酒协会发起

    This initiative is prompted by Wines of South Africa (WOSA).


  • 据悉,架飞机南非约翰内斯堡飞抵的黎波里机场

    The Libyan plane was flying from the South African city of Johannesburg to Tripoli when the accident happened.


  • 这项研究南非艾滋病项目研究中心南非科学家进行

    The study was done by South African scientists with the Center for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa.


  • 令人难以置信地,南非少数白人统治所造成心灵创伤可能已经成为电影创作肥沃土壤之一。

    Improbably, the traumas suffered as a result of South Africa's white-minority rule have now become one of cinema's most fertile territories.


  • 代表团南非名备受尊敬法官理查德·戈德斯通主持,九月十五日周日发表了报告

    The mission was chaired by a respected South African judge, Richard Goldstone and published its report on Tuesday September 15th.


  • 世界献血首次于2004年6月14日举办南非国家血液服务机构约翰内斯堡主办国际启动

    World Blood Donor Day was held for the first time on 14 June 2004, with an international launch in Johannesburg hosted by the South African national Blood Service.


  • 南非保险公司OldMutual掌握52%股份伦敦上市意味着在南非当地不会造成什么混乱。

    The 52% stake is owned by Old Mutual, an insurance firm with South African roots but which is listed in London.


  • 南非德班巡游意大利热那亚港途中,“梅洛迪”号昨天晚上预定行程停靠在约旦海岸的亚喀巴。

    The Melody, on a cruise from Durban in South Africa to the Italian port of Genoa, was last night continuing to a scheduled stop at Aqaba on the Jordanian coast.


  • 这种非同一般的生物南非生物学家MikePickerJonathanColville最先发现的。

    The unusual creature was first spotted by South African biologists Mike Picker and Jonathan Colville.


  • 过去南部非洲发展共同体,作为一个南非非正式领导的15国区域俱乐部,常常会顺着穆加贝的意洗白投票中的作假。

    In the past, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), an influential 15-country regional club which South Africa unofficially leads, has whitewashed flawed polls in Mr Mugabe's favour.


  • 在世卫组织美国疾病预防控制中心的支持南非医学研究理事会主办的耐结核专家协商会于9月7-8日约翰内斯堡举行

    The Expert Consultation on Drug Resistant TB, hosted by the South African Medical Research Council with support from WHO and CDC, takes place in Johannesburg, 7-8 September.


  • 里约热内卢,人们觉得南非举办世界杯让他们非常开心,如果南非人们希望vuvuzela来表达他们热情,公平

    A. Here in Rio one of the things that is already coming across is the sheer joy of the South African population in hosting the tournament and if that is expressed with the vuvuzela, then fair enough.


  • 这个信息南非的宣教士anthonyDECROUD写的,如果喜欢这些谚语朋友们分享愿上帝祝福你。

    This message was written by ANTHONY DE CROUD, a missionary from South Africa. If you like these proverbs, please share them with your friends. God bless you.


  • 南非百万富翁Mark Shuttleworth创立公司Canonical -站在ubuntu背后-这么多年来一直在感兴趣用户免费邮寄ubuntu安装CD也因此加速了市场渗透

    Founded by South African millionaire mark Shuttleworth, Canonical — the company behind Ubuntufor many years shipped Ubuntu CDs to interested users for free, thus speeding its market penetration.


  • 南非体育委员会两个组织合并形成的。

    Athletics South Africa was formed by an amalgamation of two organizations.


  • 最先呜呜祖拉羊角制成,用来召集村民,如今呜呜祖拉已经成为南非世界杯的标志尽管很少有人喜欢它们

    Originally carved from antelope horn and used to call villagers together, vuvuzelas are viewed by many as symbols of South Africa, though not everyone likes them.


  • 此外虽然项目盖茨基金会资助研究者仍然受到南非移动电话缴费系统基础设施限制。

    Furthermore, although the project is funded by the Gates Foundation, researchers were limited by the infrastructure of South Africa's mobile phone payment system.


  • 南非虽然举办世界杯,但是它所带来令人迷醉团结精神国家自豪感没有持续很长时间

    THE warm, fuzzy feeling of national pride and unity engendered by South Africa’s hosting of the football World Cup did not last long.


  • 莫罕斯·甘地一座位南非的故居近日一家法国旅游公司购得,甘地的出生地印度引发痛苦失落感

    A former home of Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa has been bought by a French tourism company, causing bitter disappointment in his birthplace, India.


  • ‘盔甲卫队’公司雇佣450名保安人员大约300人为廓尔喀人,其余澳大利亚人、南非人和美国人混合组成。

    It said about 300 of the 450 ArmorGroup guards are Gurkhas and the rest are a mix of Australians, South Africans and Americans.


  • 此项试验南非豪登省18-24岁男子进行,法国国家艾滋病研究机构资助

    The trial was carried out in Gauteng province in South Africa among men aged 18-24 years and was funded by the French Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le SIDA (ANRS).


  • 此项试验南非豪登省18-24岁男子进行,法国国家艾滋病研究机构资助

    The trial was carried out in Gauteng province in South Africa among men aged 18-24 years and was funded by the French Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le SIDA (ANRS).


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