• 实用新型由于设置执行可以有效地避免有害气体腐蚀

    With the aluminum casting actuator box body, the utility model can effectively avoid the corrosion of harmful gas.


  • 现有技术相比,实用新型由于设置压缩空气进口喷嘴,它能量消耗效果

    Because the utility model is provided with the compressed air inlet and the jet nozzle, the energy consumption is low and the silk suction effect is favorable.


  • 由于设置虚拟化主机服务器方式所限,添加更多内容硬盘存储空间常常要支付看似离谱的费用

    Because of how virtualized host servers are set up, adding more memory or hard disk storage often comes at what seems like a ridiculously high price.


  • 由于设置了多个按钮方便用户发表音乐视频图片用户量很快超越传统以长文为主的主流博客网站

    And with large buttons dedicated to Posting music, video, and photos, it encourages users to go beyond the blocks of text that are the mainstay of typical blogging and social websites.


  • 由于先驱们努力现在大约有40%的美国学校设置计算机科学课程

    Thanks to the efforts of the pioneer, about 40 percent of US schools now offer computer science as a subject.


  • 但是某个输入字段必需的,或者由于字段是必需的而应该设置缺省时,应该删除字段。

    However, you should not remove an input field when the field is required or should be set to a default value because the field is required.


  • WPT记录过程中我们每个客户端的线程数设置1(),由于需要访问一个页面,所以数字不相关的。

    In the WPT recording, we set the number of threads per client to 1 (one), but because there is only one page to visit, this number is irrelevant.


  • 由于单个服务器环境因此您可以接受缺省设置

    Because this is a single server environment, you can accept the default Settings.


  • 由于可以约束表达式设置任何任意属性(包括自己定义),或者在约束使用,因此存在很多可能

    Since you can set any arbitrary attribute value (and yes, that includes values that you define) to a constraint expression or use it in a constraint, there are a lot of possibilities.


  • 由于段代码试图建立客户机连接,因此这个标记应该设置0。

    Since this code is attempting to set up a client connection, the flag is set to 0.


  • 由于我们拥有单向关系将影响设置关系方式因为每一必须设置

    Because we have one-way relationships, this affects the way you set up the relationships, since each side has to be set.


  • 可能错误包括:缺少目录和/或不正确的权限安装程序尝试自动设置一些目录,可能由于权限设置而失败。

    The installer will attempt to automatically set up a number of directories, but this may fail due to permission settings. In this case you will find the missing directories listed.


  • 斯蒂教授由于更多工作自我组织“,由人们自己设置时间表,所以拖延症问题变得严重了。

    Prof Steel says procrastination is becoming a bigger issue because many more jobs are "self-structured", with people setting their own schedules.


  • 缺省情况下,由于处理需要设置假。

    This is set to false by default because of the processing required.


  • 由于没有默认设置所以必须创建一个条目

    There is no setting by default, so you must create an entry.


  • 然而由于我们之前设置远程-注册帐户管理员用户,所以我们只要通过执行以下这些步骤,就将远程注册表访问权限限制管理员

    However, as the remote-registry accounts we set up earlier are admin users, we can restrict remote registry access to administrators only by following these steps.


  • 不过由于安全方面要求NIS +设置正常运行较为困难,更为复杂

    NIS + is, however, significantly more difficult and complex to set up and keep running because of the security requirements.


  • 然而如果设置可能会由于分区创建大小而浪费所管理系统的宝贵内存资源

    However, if you make it too large, you can waste valuable memory resources on your managed system due to the size of the page table created for the partition.


  • 由于规划日志很大启用设置可能影响查询性能

    Since planning logs are large, there may be an impact on query performance when this setting is enabled.


  • 由于代码没有设置名片应该显示人员”信息,因此名片此时空白

    The business card is blank because the code doesn't set the "person" it should display. That's the next step.


  • 由于已经正确设置(模拟)寄存器IS r正常进行处理,就仿佛一个真正的中断

    Since you have already set the (simulated) register values appropriately, the ISR will process normally as if it was a real interrupt.


  • 由于不必指定安全性设置

    You do not need to specify security settings.


  • 由于创建内核空间进程,还需要设置一些额外选项

    But because you're starting the process from kernel space, a few additional options are available.


  • 由于传播模式设置SUPPORTS所以不会启动任何事物,因此方法有效地利用了一个本地(数据库)事务

    No transaction is started because of the SUPPORTS propagation mode, so the method effectively USES a local (database) transaction.


  • 需要使用Portlet部署描述符提供一些必须设置,而且,由于这些也是Portlet开发人员提供的,因此被认为是自定义代码

    Some required Settings need to be provided with the portlet's deployment descriptor, and since these items are also supplied by a portlet developer, they are therefore considered custom code.


  • 由于目标lpar网络设置不同,所以不能创建ApplicationServer工具过程直接使用默认安装

    Since the network Settings of the destination and source LPARs will differ, the default installation cannot be used directly in the process of creating the Application Server appliance.


  • 由于设置仓库数据库透明的,仓库数据库管理员(database administrator,DBA)在做出更改必须清楚连接

    Because this setup is transparent to the warehouse database, the warehouse database administrator (DBA) must be aware of the connection before making changes.


  • 由于绑定certificates设置TrustStore,如图17所示,因此将根据ca证书来检查消息中的证书。

    Because the value TrustStore is set in the Certificates column of the bindings, shown in Figure 17, the certificate in the message is checked against the ca certificate.


  • 最后由于一个servlet我们设置相应内容类型使用来自Print Writer的数据刷新它。

    Finally, since this is a servlet, we set the appropriate content type and flush the data from the PrintWriter.


  • 由于门户设置环境复杂性,因此,WebSpherePortal响应度量报告诊断委派诸如itcam之类的功能丰富的其他产品

    Because of the complexity of portal setups and environments, WebSphere portal delegates response measurement, reporting, and diagnosis to additional feature-rich products such as ITCAM.


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