• 皮肤由于经过暴晒严重灼伤时期

    skin exposure due to severe burns after the period.


  • 由于经过次跌倒levi - Strauss已经很脆弱了,他并没有参加这些活动

    Already frail after several falls, levi-strauss did not participate in these events.


  • 由于经过改进技术特征比如更快处理器更少电能消耗等等),一代硬件激发了人们的兴趣

    New generations of hardware are interesting because of improved technical characteristics (for example, faster processors, less energy consumption, and so on).


  • 由于经过长期蕴藏橡木酒桶强烈香味特优香干邑花香可以互相配合,达到完美的效果

    Because after a long hidden, the strong smell of oak barrel Fine Champagne Cognac with the flowers can complement each other to achieve perfect results.


  • 由于经过一段时间锻炼者的身体锻炼已经适应,就需要比较大锻炼量影响休息时新陈代谢作用

    Because the conditioned body is adapted to exercise, the exercise must be more vigorous to influence resting metabolism.


  • 对于旋转天体(例如小行星)而言,其一侧由于太阳辐射加热,这样,即将离开阳光一侧的表面由于经过了阳光的照射而比将要进入阳光照射的一侧温度会

    As one side of a rotating body (i.e. an asteroid) is heated by the sun's radiation, the surface rotating away from the sun will be warmer than the surface rotating into sunlight.


  • 这些作家代表了一个充满活力社区由于成员有着不同的历史立场期望信仰,这个社区必须经过不断的协商和再协商

    These writers represent community as dynamic, as something that must be negotiated and renegotiated because of its members' divergent histories, positions, expectations, and beliefs.


  • 由于安全缘故所有求职申请人经过严格的审查。

    All candidates are carefully vetted for security reasons.


  • 用户空间注意由于用户进程出现单独地址空间,在它们之间移动数据必须经过某种进程通信机制

    In user space, note that because user processes appear in separate address Spaces, moving data between them must occur through some form of inter-process communication mechanism.


  • 黑客不再关注传统目标可能由于这些平台已经比较成熟可能是因为它们现在了。

    Hackers have moved their attention past traditional targets, perhaps due to the inevitable maturity of those platforms, or perhaps because they are now simply passe.


  • 由于所有数据经过SSH隧道,因此受到 SSH使用当前加密机制保护

    Since all data is now tunneled through SSH, it is secured by the current encryption mechanism in use by SSH.


  • 经过再三地深思熟虑,史蒂文深信由于地上捡起了因此小鸟身上覆盖着“我们人类”味道因此爸爸鸟妈妈必将会抛弃

    After much deliberating, Steven being convinced that because he had picked up the bird, it's parents would abandon the bird because "our" scent was all over it.


  • 长跑训练每年良好的开局——经过一个假期容易松懈了训练,或者由于工作家庭社交活动而很早停止了训练。

    Starting the new year right - During the holiday season it is easy to miss training sessions, or quit early because of work, family and social commitments.


  • 对于适当工作负载,进行垃圾收集结果由于检查内存更少,收集更快有效而且经过检查的对象回收比例更高一些

    For the right sort of workload the result is collections that are faster and more efficient since less memory is examined, and a higher percentage of examined objects are reclaimed.


  • 由于这些蔬菜水果会经过供应链各个节点暴露在常温下或者其它因素导致污染

    As it travels through various points of the supply chain, there are possibilities of this food being exposed to temperatures or other factors that could lead to its contamination.


  • 由于模型经过了优化,因此可能会描述实现本性,对用于实现用例的组件服务进行标识

    As that model is refined it may describe the nature of the use case realization, identifying components and services used to implement the use case.


  • 几乎时间,由于银河系本身经过恒星影响星云就会朝太阳方向照亮夜空彗星

    Every so often, a passing star or the tidal effect of the Milky Way itself jostles the cloud, sending some of the chunks sunward to light up the night sky as comets.


  • 由于XML数据没有经过验证,说明更新成功

    But the update is successful because the XML data is not validated.


  • 淡绿色表示的在“雨果飓风经过遭到破坏林地(例如由于伐木火灾)。

    Light green shows forest areas that were already disturbed (for example, from logging or fire) prior to Hurricane Hugo's passing.


  • 由于经过床岩地势变化,以及前部缺乏压力厚度缩小冰川遭受压力

    The glacier incurs stresses due to the change in the bed-rock topography it flows over, the lack of pressure in front of it and the reduction in thickness at the front.


  • 科学家将更好地利用特别制造自动望远镜寻找由于行星经过造成恒星亮度极小变化

    Scientists are also increasing their use of automated telescopes that are programmed to look for minuscule variations in a star's brightness caused by an orbiting planet passing in front of it.


  • 由于csv格式经过了良好的归档并且易于遵循,因此IT开发人员可以现有电子表格数据库其他来源轻松地生成Workbench兼容的映射文档文件

    Because CSV format is well-documented and simple to comply with, it developers can easily generate Workbench-compliant mapping document files from existing spreadsheets, databases, and other sources.


  • 由于又一波海浪经过长途跋涉海岸遭遇,又与海岸发生复杂相互作用专家海啸冲击力可能非常多变

    Because of the complicated interactions with the coast as wave after wave strikes after traveling great distances, experts said, the impact of a tsunami can be highly variable.


  • 意味着,这些鸟类由于思考如何生存下去方式,而又经过的繁衍,它们大脑已经变得更大

    This means that over generations their brains have grown bigger as they think in new ways about how to survive.


  • 去了很时间但是今晚由于我们今天这场选举采取行动,这个决定性时候变革来到美国

    It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment change has come to America.


  • 由于飓风季节已经开始人们不禁问,如果强飓风从墨西哥湾漏油附近经过从该处直接穿过什么后果

    Now that hurricane season has begun, people are asking what will happen if a major hurricane passes close to or directly through the Gulf oil spill.


  • 由于侵蚀海底下沉经过地质时代的变迁,中心火山已经不见踪影,而只留下珊瑚礁环绕覆盖沉入海底的火山岛上

    Over geologic time the central volcano becomes extinct, followed by erosion and subsidence beneath the sea surface, leaving the coral reefs as a ring around (or cap on) the submerged island remnant.


  • 由于侵蚀海底下沉经过地质时代的变迁,中心火山已经不见踪影,而只留下珊瑚礁环绕覆盖沉入海底的火山岛上

    Over geologic time the central volcano becomes extinct, followed by erosion and subsidence beneath the sea surface, leaving the coral reefs as a ring around (or cap on) the submerged island remnant.


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