• 由于笔者技术水平时间紧迫等客观条件所限,错误再所难免

    Because objective condition of authors engineering level and urgent time, errors may exist.


  • 由于笔者时间能力所限,所得税会计研究一些尚未解决问题

    Because of the restriction of time and ability, there are some unsettled questions in the research of income taxes accounting.


  • 由于笔者着眼点透过先秦古希腊神话比较研究考察中西文化异同。

    The first is the advance of the research for the pre-Qin myths, the Greek myths and the comparison between them.


  • 由于笔者知识水平有限文中错误疏漏之处,恳请尊敬的各位老师不吝赐教。

    There must be some mistakes and omissions in the paper due to the author's limited knowledge, could I request respected teachers to grant criticisms and instructions.


  • 由于笔者知识水平有限文中错误疏漏之处,恳请尊敬的各位老师不吝赐教。

    As the author level of knowledge is limited, in the text there are errors and omissions in, the author implores the distinguished teachers Spared comments.


  • 由于笔者知识水平有限,因此文中错漏之处在所难免,恳请各位老师专家不吝赐教

    Due to limitation of knowledge and experience, there might be some mistakes in this thesis. The Author kindly asks for the grant instruction from all professors and experts.


  • 当然由于笔者知识有限文中难免出现错误疏漏之处,恳请各位老师、学者不吝赐教。

    Of course due to the limited knowledge of the author, there are some inevitable errors and omissions existing in this paper.


  • 由于笔者飞利浦半导体市场沟通部门工作较长时间,因此对于并购中的沟通有所侧重

    Since the writer has been working at the market communication department of Philips Semiconductors for over a year, an emphasis has been laid on the communication part.


  • 由于笔者掌握资料知识视野的限制,文章中难免存在一些不足有待以后深入学习和研究。

    However, because of the limit of resources and knowledge, there must be some insufficiency but will be improved by further study.


  • 由于笔者学识有限,就资产注入问题了上述初步研究未能量化出双方利益均衡点得出更为精确结论

    Due to limited knowledge, the writer does preliminary research, and can not explore the real interest equilibrium of shareholders and draw more accurate conclusions.


  • 由于在线预订搜索服务市场份额已趋饱和笔者认为我们需要考虑以下几个方面

    Given the stagnating market share for online booking services and search - I think we need to consider a number of issues.


  • 笔者认为存在两种可能解释:其一有些回答家庭调查尽管由于天气原因赋闲在家仍然认为他们工作

    I have two possible explanations: some people who answered the household survey thought they were still working even though they stayed home because of weather.


  • 笔者在一家计算机制造工作,该厂的产品由于静电辐射(缩写esd)过于敏感不得不退出市场

    The author once worked for a computer manufacturer that made a computer that was so sensitive to electro-static-discharge (ESD), they had to withdraw it from the market.


  • 笔者实习所在公司由于员工增加加之不同员工不同的时期进入公司,就增大了员工培训难度成本。

    The rapid increase of new employees, who swarm into the company that I practiced in different period, overweighs the difficult of employee's training and company's cost.


  • 由于材料限制笔者主要重罪分析中入手。

    Because of the restrict of the material, I commence the analysis of felony mainly.


  • 由于各种客观因素影响VTS功能受到很大限制,笔者资源环境两个方面做了简要分析

    But because of various objective factor, the VTS function was limited. here, author has done brief analysis with regard to resource and the environment.


  • 由于我国现行法律共同侵权行为制度规定得规范具体笔者认为必要重新构建之。

    The writer thinks it is essential to recreate the institution of joint torts because it is not very normative and specific in actual law of our country.


  • 由于选定财务指标评估体系存在一定的不足,笔者进行优化将现金流量因素融进指标评价体系,便于对具体案例进行分析解构

    I optimize the chosen financing index appraisal system due to its inefficiency, and cash flow is considered in the index appraisal system so that the analyze of concrete cases will be much easier.


  • 书中由于历史原因存在某些不足,笔者提出了相关见解指导现今儿科临床提供帮助

    Besides, the author also puts forward some views on the defects of the book, which are due to historical reasons, so as to offer assistance to the guidance on current pediatrics clinics.


  • 由于两种方法各优缺点笔者建议两者结合起来

    Since both the two approaches have advantages and disadvantages, it is proposed that they be combined.


  • 由于网络不同主体对版权保护作用不同,笔者分别从网络服务提供者、网络内容提供者和网络普通用户的角度出发,讨论了不同主体不同侵权责任原则

    Because of the different USES of the different subjects on Internet, the author discusses the different tortuous principle of the different subjects — ISP, ICP, and Private users.


  • 由于公共图书馆大学图书馆的服务宗旨和服务对象不同,在涉及到二者的区别时,笔者分别进行了比较

    As there is difference between public library and university library in service tenet and service object, so sometimes the paper compares them respectively.


  • 笔者认为之所以这些景象发生由于历久裕如物资生涯需求得不到知足发生的压制心思作祟

    The author thinks that the reason for the occurrence of these images is due to the lack of satisfaction of the needs of long-term to effortlessly material life and suppress in mind mischief.


  • 最后笔者指出由于社会因素引起的会话差异随着交际团体的不同而不同

    At last, the author points out that these differences may differ according to different speech communities.


  • 由于样本数据限制笔者只能分别地块作物两个角度进行论证。

    I discuss the problem only from the perspectives of land and crops due to the limitation of samples.


  • 由于文化交际兴趣浓,笔者试图跨文化视角探究关联理论

    Being very interested in intercultural communication, the author attempts to approach relevance theory from an intercultural perspective.


  • 笔者认为并非质量问题而是由于使用不合理所致

    I believe that the quality is not the problem, but due to the use of unreasonable.


  • 由于按照需求分析设计功能之间存在余,因此笔者这些功能映射层次结构的功能上。

    Due redundancies exist in the functions between the requirement analysis; the author maps this functions to a layered architecture.


  • 笔者认为单位犯罪未遂单位直接故意犯罪中,犯罪单位着手实行犯罪,由于意志以外的原因而未能达到犯罪既种未完成犯罪形态

    The author considers that unit attempted crime is a kind of inchoate conformation and the unit has implemented criminality but failed beyond its will in direct intention crime.


  • 笔者认为单位犯罪未遂单位直接故意犯罪中,犯罪单位着手实行犯罪,由于意志以外的原因而未能达到犯罪既种未完成犯罪形态

    The author considers that unit attempted crime is a kind of inchoate conformation and the unit has implemented criminality but failed beyond its will in direct intention crime.


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