• 由于特殊原因我们这次外访活动取消了。

    Our visit abroad has been cancelled due to some special reasons.


  • 前款所说由于特殊原因需要缩短折旧年限固定资产包括

    Fixed assets which for special reasons as mentioned in the preceding paragraph require the useful life to be shortened include.


  • 由于特殊原因,从1985年开始,江段失去了避雷线保护

    Because of special reason, from1985, across river section have lost lightning protection conductor.


  • 而在论语》中,由于特殊原因孔子经常有意无意违反合作原则

    In "the Analects of Confucius", due to special reasons, Confucius often naturally or half unconsciously violation of cooperative principle.


  • 英国由于相当特殊原因——英国脱最近成为了一个重要话题

    In the UK, it has become a big talking point recently too, for a rather particular reason: Brexit.


  • 达化石如此特殊原因之一就是保存完美,由于位于德国达姆施塔特附近的麦赛尔化石遗址是一个环境非常优越地方

    One reason Ida is so special is her exquisite preservation, and that is because the Messel pit, near Darmstadt in Germany, is a very exceptional place.


  • 由于一种医生解释不了原因tictac唯一消化的东西,这意味着身体需要的其他营养只能是特殊配方、并通过输液获得

    For reasons that doctors are unable to explain, Tic tacs are the only thing she can stomach, meaning she has to get the rest of her sustenance from a specially formulated feed through a tube.


  • 输出特殊标记代码还是存储一个文件了,这由于组织原因而非本质原因

    The particular markup codes that go to the output live in yet another file, for organizational not essential reasons.


  • 对话应该26相似选择useprojectnameasmodule name,除非由于特殊原因创建自己模块或者使用现有的模块。

    The dialog should look similar to Figure 26. Choose use project name as module name unless you have a specific reason to create your own or to use an existing module.


  • 有一类在押犯值得特殊关注:一些在押犯被认为是巨大威胁,但是这些由于一个个原因而没办法起诉

    Of particular concern is one category: detainees considered a severe threat, who for one reason or another cannot be prosecuted.


  • 由于特殊历史背景现实体制原因传统行政区行政不断强化

    However, due to special historical background and practical institutional reasons, the traditional administrative-region administration has been continuously strengthened.


  • 由于历史原因城乡结构我国具有特殊

    Due to historical reasons, the binary structure of urban and rural is more specificity in our country.


  • 英语行为主语信息高度浓缩特殊主语;汉译技巧由于多种原因很难把握

    The English action-noun subject is a kind of special subject with highly-condensed information, and its Chinese translation technique, for various reasons, is quite difficult to grasp.


  • 大学生作为一个特殊群体他们有着较高文化水平素质但是由于年龄阅历知识方面的原因创业成功率

    As a special group, college students have a higher cultural level and quality. But because of their age, experience, knowledge and other reasons, the rate of entrepreneurial success is not high.


  • 由于这个特殊原因无益风流韵事离婚分手这个社会轮番上演。

    For this particular reason, the futile love affair, divorce and painful separation happen in this society.


  • 由于塔里木地区地理环境特殊昼夜温差比较,因面小呼吸损耗固定顶油品蒸发损耗主要原因

    The standing loss is the major cause for fixed-roof oil tanks due to the special geographical environment and great day-night temperature difference in Tarim area.


  • 长期以来由于历史原因特殊国情因素影响,选举法城市农村公民的选举权进行差别性的规定

    But due to historical reasons, special conditions and other factors for a long time, the electoral law provided a differential provisions of the right to vote of urban and rural citizens.


  • 由于唐传奇作家特殊身份以及历史的、时代的种种原因,使唐传奇呈现出鲜明的诗化特征具体表现为人物主题形式的诗化。

    Because of the special identities of the writers and historical reasons, Tang legend demonstrates distinctive poetic features, which are embodied in the characters, themes and forms.


  • 套管一种常用化工管道,由于输送介质特殊故障率较高分析故障原因提出预防措施

    Jacket tubes are widely used in chemical industries. Malfunction ratio is comparatively high due to transferring special media. Analyze reasons of the malfunction and propose measures of prevention.


  • 我国由于立法监管方面原因银行消费者保护方面存在很大问题给予消费者特殊的保护十分必要

    In China, Owing to legislative and regulatory reasons, there are still problems in bank consumer protection. Therefore, it is quite necessary to give bank consumer special protection.


  • 由于特殊原因广东咨议在许多方面显得与众不同

    Owing to some special conditions, GuangDong Advisory Bureau was very different from others.


  • 亮度变化原因不是由于星体物质特殊

    Algol's brightness variations are not due to some special quality of a single star.


  • 数控机床由于本身复杂性使故障具有复杂性特殊,引起故障原因多方面的。

    The complexity of NC lathe results in the particularity and complexity of its faults. The reasons are various.


  • 可能由于中国高校特殊专利产出机制债权制度自发形成的产权安排原因造成的。

    This may be due to the special patent output mechanism of Chinese universities and the property ownership arrangements under the law of obligation.


  • 艺术类图书由于大小不一、厚度不一、装订形式较特殊原因排架不够合理,容易造成乱架倒架,利用率不高。

    Due to the above reasons, current shelving of art books is not rational, which can easily cause art books out of order and reduce availability of art books.


  • 由于东南亚国家种种特殊原因东盟经济一体化未能取得实质性的进展。

    Due to various reasons peculiar to the nations of Southeast Asia, ASEAN could not yet make substantial headway when it comes to economic integration.


  • 我们之所以要给死亡骑士提供特殊魔,部分原因由于死亡骑士们无法携带盾牌远程武器或者常用的坦克类武器,因而令他们无法达到坦克所要求防御能力。

    We added that sigil and enchant because death knights had difficulty reaching the defense "cap" in part because they don't have shields, ranged weapons or often tanking weapons.


  • 由于特殊历史原因中国股票市场上市公司内部普遍形成流通股流通股不同性质的股票,从而造成了两类股票同不同价、同股不同权市场制度与结构。

    Because of historical reasons the listed company interior generally went on to form non - circulation stock and the circulation stock two kinds of stock in the China stock market.


  • 由于特殊历史原因中国股票市场上市公司内部普遍形成流通股流通股不同性质的股票,从而造成了两类股票同不同价、同股不同权市场制度与结构。

    Because of historical reasons the listed company interior generally went on to form non - circulation stock and the circulation stock two kinds of stock in the China stock market.


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