• 由于需要二十岁时更少保持体重,因此计算需要每份热量。

    Because you'll probably need to eat less than in your 20s to maintain a healthy weight, every calorie needs to count.


  • 通过手边自动迅速的路线节省小时由于你需要全部细节包括产品改变平台方向准确旅行时代

    You will save hours by automatically having the quickest routes to hand, with all the details you need included line changes, platform directions and accurate journey times.


  • 协会由于背景了解哪里需要设备划算

    And the Association also said that because of your background, you had a good idea of where to go to get the best deal for the equipment you needed.


  • 由于大学各科系毕业要求不同需要查阅信息手册。

    Since graduation requirements vary among divisions of the university, you should consult the Bulletin of Information.


  • 新冠肺炎,我不能回家,但需要为我担心。

    Because of COVID-19 (新冠肺炎), I can't go home, but you don't need to worry about me.


  • 由于代谢一个自然过程身体通常会自动维持代谢平衡满足个体需要

    But because metabolism is a natural process, your body generally balances it to meet your individual needs.


  • 由于原本每年需要作为被试参加一定数量实验,所以这次只是两个小时而已

    As you are required to act as an experimental subject for a certain number of hours in a year - this will be two more of them out of the way.


  • 最后还有一个重要的事,Lyle由于时间紧迫需要一个人协助做工作流程管理认为谁合适

    Last but not least, Lyle, since we're under tighter time restraints, I'll need someone to assist me with workflow management. What's your recommendation?


  • 这样,不仅仅能够学习语言前后关系,而且还能学习到你需要了解所有词汇。 (但是由于某种原因从没学过葡萄牙语102)( 译者注:括号里的原文是:but somehow never learnedin Portuguese 102。

    Then you'll learn not only the language in context but all the words you really need to know (but somehow never learned in Portuguese 102).


  • 说:“记录下一次扰动的时候,你需要其他地方数据进行对比,从而确保不是由于其他因素导致的。”

    "When you record a disturbance, you need to ensure that it is not caused by another factor, by comparing it with data at other locations," he said.


  • 而且由于这种需要手术可以今年冬天准备一个点的假期了。

    Since the disease requires surgery, be sure to use it for a long vacation this winter.


  • 由于开源软件已经兴起一种文化如果打算成为其中一部分需要理解规则

    A culture has arisen around open source software, and you need to understand its rules if you are going to become a part of it.


  • 结论需要读者收获帮助他们看到不同的、新鲜的东西或者读者由于个人的关注点而感谢的论述。

    Your conclusion gives your reader something to take away that will help them see things differently or appreciate your topic in personally relevant ways.


  • 不过洗牙次数不能去除由于四环素系统性疾病导致的牙齿深度着色,因为这些色素进入的牙齿内部,需要采取更加积极地措施来对付它们

    No amount of cleaning will remove the severe staining left by tetracycline or systemic disease because these pigments lie inside the tooth; you'll have to take more aggressive measures against these.


  • 由于单例对象作为实例存在而不是静态成员,所以能够惰性初始例对象,即需要第一次时候去创建它。

    With singletons implemented as single instances instead of static class members, you can initialize the singleton lazily, creating it only when it is first used.


  • 由于它们并不具有社交性,一点也需要真实世界接触,它们就决不能代表个性

    But because they aren't social, even in the limited way that requires some degree of human contact in the physical world, they will also never be an extension of your personality.


  • 然而如果发现段时间很难过焦躁无聊或者绝望,或者看上去很由于可能情绪消沉并且需要一个顾问医生

    However, if you find that you are sad, irritable, bored, or hopeless much of the time, or if you just can't seem to shake the blues, you might be depressed and need help from a counselor or doctor.


  • 如果压力由于自己已有他人交流了这时需要上自己的好友出去喝杯咖啡

    If your stress stems from the fact that you haven't talked to another human being in two days, then it's time to call some friends for a cup of coffee.


  • 所以看来不仅需要上性命就可以有工资只要好好活着,努力干活,就可以了。 虽然有时还是会出现由于压力大而引起胃溃疡的情况,但相比来说,应该还是可以接受的。

    So, it turns out that you don't have to risk life and limb, save lives or suffer from stress-induced stomach ulcers to make a decent salary.


  • 由于面向服务器的,服务器ubuntu包含了所有需要启动托管站点的软件。

    As it is for servers, the server version comes with everything you need to start hosting a site.


  • 是不是由于工作繁忙需要经常在外面餐厅吃饭

    Whether you because the job is busy, need often outside restaurant?


  • 由于这些受到一般AppleNDA保密协议的限制,因此只能显然需要下载这些软件最新Lion版本重新安装它们

    These are covered by the usual Apple NDA so I will just say that you also obviously need to download the latest Lion versions of these and reinstall.


  • 7适量饮食冬天可能食欲,不管是因为节假日的原因或是由于身体需要太多能量的原因。

    Eat properly. You may tend to eat more in winter, whether because of holidays or because your body craves more energy.


  • 由于补充剂可能副作用相互作用药物应该需要一个知识渊博健康保健提供者监管

    Because supplements may have side effects or interact with medications, you should take them only under the supervision of a knowledgeable health care provider.


  • 这时提示可以数据库文件添加项目中;选择的是“No”(否),因为我不需要的数据库工程一起发布,同时还由于喜欢机器只有数据库的文件。

    You'll be prompted to add the database file to the project if you like; I selected "No" since I don't need to distribute my database with my project and prefer to just have one copy on my machine.


  • 小孩的话,知道由于亲眼目睹了家暴行他们需要时间愈原所留下的那种心理创伤

    If you have children, they need time to recuperate from the trauma of witnessing abuse.


  • 由于大部分已经知道,主要设计分类满足爱好者需要更多余量零下极端超频

    As most of you have already known, the Classified is mostly engineered to meet the enthusiast's need for more headroom for subzero extreme overclocking.


  • 由于主题本身范围宽泛涵盖很长一段历史时期所以需要选择作为报告内容信息有所区别

    The themes themselves are very broad and cover a long period of time, so you will need to exercise some discrimination in the information you choose to present.


  • 由于自己爱情中喜欢求新求变,需要配合的灵敏触觉丰富想象力的机敏型恋人。

    Since you are an inventive lover, you need a very sensitive partner who can respond to your delicate touch and lively imagination.


  • 降低债务——由于特许经销商投入自己资金不再需要通过更多扩大企业规模。

    Lower debt - Since the franchisee are putting up their own capital, you don't need to take up bigger debt to expand the business.


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