• 用者使用扩音器录下字句以便星期练习串字

    You can use a microphone to record words so you can practice your weekly spelling.


  • 用者可以每日如同展现“时光倒流使用一次异能。

    Once per day, the wielder can use time regression as though manifesting the power.


  • 信息包括用者夜晚经历快速眼动出现的次数以及出现的具体时间

    The data includes how many REM episodes the user experienced during the night and at what times.


  • 发生这种情况时,没有获得线程置于对象的锁争用者一个逻辑队列中。

    When this happens, the thread failing to acquire the lock is put into a logical queue of lock contenders for the object.


  • 释放以后,系统用者最高优先队列前端选择线程,以便试图锁定对象

    When a lock is released, the system chooses the thread from the front of the highest-priority queue of contenders to try to lock the object.


  • 如果一个擅自用者被遗弃土地连续不受干涉地占用12土地所有人产权将消灭。

    Where a squatter occupies derelict land and continues in uninterrupted possession for 12 years, the owner's title to land is destroyed.


  • 基于优先FIFO行为——前面同步示例中,将接着执行具有最高优先级的线程——适用用者等待者队列

    Priority-based FIFO behavior — as in the earlier synchronization example where the highest-priority thread is chosen to execute next — also applies to the queues of lock contenders and lock waiters.


  • 袭击者威胁他们

    The attacker threatened them with a gun.


  • 游戏游戏之类触觉设备游戏

    Players use a haptic device such as a joystick to control the game.


  • 闹事者成堆燃烧轮胎挡住了街道

    The rioters barricaded streets with piles of blazing tyres.


  • 受害者棒球球棒殴打致死

    The victim was clubbed to death with a baseball bat.


  • 一位表演者用小提琴演奏古典音乐选段

    A performer plays classical selections on the violin.


  • 一个蓄意破坏公物者链锯锯倒了一棵树

    A vandal with a chainsaw cut down a tree.


  • 抗议者昨天用燃烧弹烧大使馆

    Protestors firebombed the embassy building yesterday.


  • 示威者卡车大门闯进大使馆

    The demonstrators used trucks to smash through embassy gates.


  • 不明来路的袭击者座房屋得千疮百孔

    Unknown attackers riddled two homes with gunfire.


  • 警察高压喷射示威者

    Police blasted the demonstrators with water cannons.


  • 官员们护卫驱走抗议者

    Officials used guard dogs to eject the protesters.


  • 一次,劫机者都是手榴弹机组人员

    In each case the hijackers bluffed the crew using fake grenades.


  • 音乐灯光刺激购物者更多的东西。

    Music and lighting are used to encourage shoppers to buy more.


  • 受害者父亲极其宽宏大量口吻讲了话

    The father of one victim spoke with remarkable magnanimity.


  • 反叛者仍然可以游击战术使国家难以统治

    The rebels would still be able to use guerrilla tactics to make the country ungovernable.


  • 警察催泪弹驱散抗议者

    Police dispersed the protesters with tear gas.


  • 军人塑像很受收藏者们青睐

    Military figures made out of lead are prized by collectors.


  • 我们专门用飞机送舞者进去。

    We'll have to fly the dancers in specially.


  • 一些管理者直觉来检验理性分析结果

    Some managers use intuition as a check on the results of more rational analysis.


  • 者用嘶哑声音他们喊道:“哈利昆抓住起来,里去。”

    Fire Eater yelled at them in a hoarse voice: "Take Harlequin, tie him, and throw him on the fire."


  • 一个阿姆斯特丹商人马赛的商人那里购买肥皂,他可以交换者那里,荷兰盾荷兰货币)付给交换者等值的钱。

    An Amsterdam merchant purchasing soap from a merchant in Marseille could go to an exchanger and pay the exchanger the equivalent sum in guilders, the Dutch currency.


  • 它们紧紧地抓住猎食者腹部牙齿爪子紧紧抓住不放。

    They cling to the belly of their oppressor and hang on with tooth and claw.


  • 它们紧紧地抓住猎食者腹部牙齿爪子紧紧抓住不放。

    They cling to the belly of their oppressor and hang on with tooth and claw.


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