• 电脑这个国家商业用电5%。

    Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption.


  • 了它,科学家们就能找到更便宜、更简单的用电的方法。

    With it, scientists can find cheaper and easier ways to use electricity.


  • 他们能提供汽车电池为无处用电手机用户充电

    They also invite those without access to electricity to charge their phones using car batteries.


  • 爱迪生无疑世人所铭记——推广家庭用电先锋

    Edison is rightly remembered as the man who pioneered the widespread domestic use of electricity.


  • 在家用电时候关掉电灯其它一些电器

    Turn off the lights and other electronics in your home when you are not using them.


  • 现在它们用作能够90%工厂用电发电机的原料。

    Now, they are used to power generators that produce 90 percent of the plant's electricity.


  • 今夏,限制用电的措施可能会挫败人们抵制核电热情

    Brownouts this summer might weaken people's anti-nuclear zeal.


  • 一代零排放太阳能光伏电板技术,使好处更加不言而喻。

    Better still would be electricity from a new generation of emissions-free solar photovoltaic panels.


  • 但是,打个比方的话:所谓的扩展就像是一个用电插座扩展就是那个插头。

    However, as an analogy: extension points are like electrical sockets and extensions are like plugs.


  • 如果处理器能用的形式不是用电形式工作了”,Joshi

    "It would be nice to also see processors that work optically instead of electronically," Joshi says.


  • 水电站发电量一般国家用电22%,而剩下大约73%的电量均煤炭发电站提供。

    Hydro stations normally produce only about 22% of the nation's power. Most of the remainder-73%-comes from coal.


  • 到了1890,家庭用电使用仍在继续而且电已成为20世纪人们生活不可缺少一部分。

    By the 1890s it was clear that domestic electricity was here to stay, and would be an indispensable part of 20th-century life.


  • 他们一些效率不高工业用电电价翻了一番。这些工业主要的电力消费者包括钢铁水泥皮革制造商

    They have also doubled electricity prices for some inefficient industries that are high electricity consumers, including steel, cement and leather makers.


  • 这些太阳能电池每年可以发电650万千瓦时,这些电力可以供应超过九千个美国家庭,足以满足校园用电需求。

    Those solar panels will produce 6.5-million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year.


  • 我们用电电视机iPOD或许达到了最高的技术水平,可是送到我们千家万户电网几乎还是20世纪水平。

    Our electrically-powered TVs and iPods might be state-of-the-art, but the grid that brings that juice to our homes is barely 20th century.


  • 但这不是主要问题水电站发电量一般国家用电的22%,剩下大约73%的电量均煤炭发电站提供。

    Scare water is not the primary problem, however. Hydro stations normally produce only about 22% of the nation's power. Most of the remainder-73%-comes from coal.


  • 我们今天用电方式好像我们进一个商店里看不到价位:我们选取我们想要东西月底收到一张莫名其妙的账单

    The way we buy electricity today is like going to a store without seeing prices: we pick what we want, and receive an unintelligible bill at the end of the month.


  • 如果一切顺利,在急需空调用电喀土穆地区输送电力同时,甚至可能实现这个国家长久以来未完的梦想——灌溉苏丹北部待垦耕地甚至能够长久以来的梦想电力输送给Khartoum来运转空调灌溉苏丹南部农田。

    If all goes well, it may even fulfil an old dream to irrigate swathes of farmland in northern Sudan, while sending electricity to run the thirsty air-conditioners of Khartoum.


  • 酒吧入口附近一个话亭打了电话

    I called her from a public phone booth near the entrance to the bar.


  • 答录机筛选打来的电话。

    I use my answerphone to screen my phone calls.


  • 工作良好姿势极其重要。

    Good posture is essential when working at the computer.


  • 教师即时讯息电话传真回答学生问题

    Instructors answer student questions by e-mail, instant message, phone or fax.


  • 作为劝导方式一个实例。

    It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.


  • 警方跟踪器监视缓刑期间青年罪犯

    The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.


  • 曾是二手的,现在已经过时了

    Household appliances were bought secondhand and are outdated.


  • 作为一种营销手段子邮件发送广告非常成功的。

    Sending advertising by email is very successful as a marketing device.


  • 一个小青年正在试图用电线短路的方法发动汽车。

    A youth was inside the car, attempting to hot-wire it.


  • 调查显示,这些孩子超越来自富裕家庭的孩子,甚至超过了那些使的孩子。

    It showed such children surpass youngsters from richer backgroundseven those who could use computers.


  • 调查显示,这些孩子超越来自富裕家庭的孩子,甚至超过了那些使的孩子。

    It showed such children surpass youngsters from richer backgroundseven those who could use computers.


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