• 个月帕尼亚虽然情愿勇敢地决定尝试教育公众争取通过法律禁止司机汽车行驶使

    Four months later, Pania reluctantly but courageously decided to try to educate the public and to fight for laws to ban drivers from using cell phones while a car is moving.


  • 亲爱的,”用手语说,“为什么我们商定一些简单信号?”

    "Honey," she signs, "Why don't we agree on some simple signals?"


  • 仅仅因为包含有益的技术可以撤掉保护孩子们教职员工机的系统了。

    You can't just say that because the phones contain useful technology, you remove the systems in place to protect children and staff from the abuse of them.


  • 当然美国可以收看节目(基本上可以),但是免费;也面向大众,播报本地新闻

    Sure, you can do it—sort of—on mobile phones in America. But it certainly is not free; nor is it widespread or capable of providing local news.


  • 因为有些研究包括了那些频繁使数据或者那些使用手机年限够长的人数据,哈德尔猜测他们罹患癌症风险太低

    Because some studies included data on people who used cell phones infrequently, or who had not used them for many years, Hardell suspected that their cancer risk findings were too low.


  • 换言之对于适当使(研究中指使时间超过小时)的户,没有确凿证据可证明使用手和患脑癌之间存在关系

    In other words, there was no smoking gun found that links moderate cell phone use, defined in the study as under a half hour a day, with brain cancer.


  • 漫步纽约豪华社区就会发现,两个人中就有遛狗,甚至有人狗装在提袋里,或是推车自己的爱犬。 宾德介绍说,人们对宠物的宠爱也是无奇有。

    Take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog -- on a leash, being carried in a bag or even being pushed along in a stroller.


  • 吸鼻涕鼻涕粗鲁的,澳大利亚常常可以看到有人纸巾鼻涕

    Sniffing instead of blowing your nose is considered rude. In Australia it is common to see people using handkerchiefs or tissues to blow their noses.


  • 堵住耳朵:“停下来!”

    She put her hand over her ears, said, “No! Stop!


  • 干嘛试试完全用手来做设计模板呢?

    Why not try an entirely new design template by hand drawing your design Outlines?


  • 发短信(2004)发送超过140字符文本信息

    Texting (2004) Sending 140 character text messages over cell phones.


  • 我们推荐24小时使机——我们知道其长期后果而且花费会飞涨

    We don't recommend spending 24 hours a day on a mobile phone - we don't know the long-term effects, and bills could go through the roof.


  • 除此之外世界各地实验室还有更多出名机器人,它们有的能用手安全地抓起东西有的能走上几步,保持特别昂贵头部倾斜。 凭着这些技能,它们得了媒体的头条

    A range of less famous models in labs around the world grab headlines by gripping objects without destroying them, or walking a few steps without tipping onto their extremely expensive heads.


  • 所谓插电婚礼其实就是客气要求宾客整个婚礼至少在结婚仪式期间相机其他电子设备

    An unplugged wedding simply means that you've politely asked your guests not to use phones, cameras or other devices during your wedding or at least during the wedding service or ceremony.


  • 可以撑住自己摔跤但是也许就落得跟一样的下场:腕关节折断肌腱受损

    You could have broken your fall with your hand but might have done what I recently did in a fall and fracture your wrist and damage tendons in your hand.


  • 合适时间恰当地点使用手都会生活造成负面影响

    Checking it at the wrong times, and in the wrong places, can have a negative impact on your life.


  • 同时充电充着充着就爆炸了,这样事件层出穷,现如今如何安全地使机已经成了我们必须了解知识

    At the same time, the phone charging is filled with the explosion, such events are endless, and now, how to use the phone more secure has become the knowledge we must understand!


  • 另外我们建议使邮件地址因为常常自动阻止接收信息量邮件

    In addition, we do not recommend using cell phone address because cell phone will reject to receive too heavy message automatically.


  • 死了!”老头儿,“!”了起来。

    Dead! 'said the old man.' Oh, no! 'he put his face in his hands and began to cry.


  • 他们零件

    They can't pick up the small pieces with their fingers.


  • 巴德厕所觉得,管是是在公共的厕所里,大家对所有厕所里使行为”。

    Hubbard: in the bathroom, yeah. And I'll say, you know, public bathroom or not, let's just go with "no" across the board on usage in the bathroom, please.


  • 工作的时候喜欢电脑游戏同龄人一样

    When nI am not working, I like to to play computer games, use a cellphone and do other things that children my age do.


  • 死了!”老头儿。“!”了起来。

    "Dead!" Said the old man. "Oh, no!" he put his face in his hands and began to cry.


  • 死了!”老头儿。“!”了起来。

    "Dead!" Said the old man. "Oh, no!" he put his face in his hands and began to cry.


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