• 同样地邮件数据库超过设置限额时,用户打开数据库时会收到错误消息

    Likewise, when a mail database exceeds its set quota, the user receives an error when he opens his mail database.


  • 用户体验不同之处进一步收到一封通知他们超过限额的电子邮件

    The user difference is the further re-enforcement of receiving an email message that notifies them that they are over-quota.


  • 如果授权员工用户,您使用页面修改联系人详情,就您收到邮件通知企业提案设定您的优先选项

    If you are an authorised staff user, you may use this screen to adjust your contact details and tailor your preferences regarding the business proposals for which you receive emails alerts.


  • 例如,安吉星SYNC用户可以定期收到关于他们汽车状况的电子邮件

    Both OnStar and SYNC subscribers, for example, can receive regular e-mails with details of their vehicles' health.


  • 太多用户断定对方一旦收到邮件立刻打开阅读

    Too many users assume that the minute someone receives an E-mail it, the person will read it.


  • 如果服务器存在尚未复制客户机邮件,则用户收到邮件通知无法本地收件箱中找到邮件

    If there is new mail on the server that has not yet been replicated to the client, the user receives a notification of new mail, but is unable to find the new mail in his local Inbox.


  • 用户登陆收到大量邮件提醒促销希望提高回访率。

    Also, if you sign up for them, expect to receive an excessive number of emailed alerts and promotions aiming to get you to return on a daily basis.


  • 用户使用邮件数据库服务器副本时,则用户收到通知之前消息先到达收件箱

    When the user leverages the server copy of the mail database, the message is in the Inbox prior to the notification.


  • 三分之一用户指出他们发送的咨询电子邮件没有收到回复,这表明客户服务仍然是旅游网站一个问题所在

    One-third of users revealed that they had received no response to emailed questions, suggesting that customer service remains an issue for travel web sites.


  • 获得应允设定预期时机可以保证用户知道他们收到电子邮件频率以及条件

    Asking for permission is a great time to set expectations, ensuring your customers know how often, and under what conditions, they will receive email communications from you.


  • 收件箱每天可能收到数百封电子邮件消息结果用户可能错过一些会议邀请通知重新安排会议通知

    The inbox can be flooded with hundreds of email messages daily, and as a result, users may miss some meeting invitations or reschedule notices.


  • 需要基础架构投入运行之后收到通知所有用户建立电子邮件服务器电子邮件客户端

    Set up email server and email clients for all users that need to be notified when the cloud infrastructure becomes operational.


  • 订阅的主题出现更新时,用户收到电子邮件通知

    When an update is made, the user receives and email notification.


  • 另外有些时候用户错误地地址添加他们地址簿中,并且收到某些其他用户邮件

    Also, occasionally, a user mistakenly adds your address to their address book and you end up essentially getting somebody else's mail.


  • 新的消息回复发布用户概要信息中时,用户收到一条电子邮件通知

    People receive an E-mail notification whenever a new message or response is posted to their profile.


  • 然而周二晚些时候一些脸书用户显然收到所有那些潜在恼人邮件提醒——就算他们尝试阻止它们也无济于事。

    Late Tuesday, however, some Facebook users apparently had all of these potentially irritating notifications turned back on — even if they'd tried to block them.


  • 一旦收到邮件所有用户需要双击邮件附带链接可以打开应用程序而且可以在以后继续使用

    Once received, all the users need to do is double-click on this attached link. Doing this will open up the application and they can proceed to use it.


  • 一旦文件传输完成,将用户发送一封电子邮件确认IBM已经收到文件,如图27所示。

    Once the files have been transferred over, an email is sent to the user confirming that IBM has received the files, as shown in Figure 27.


  • 自从为那些电子邮件信息公开用户推出的交往社会网络以来,谷歌收到数以千计投诉

    Google received thousands of complaints when it launched its social network from users whose E-mail contacts were Shared publicly.


  • 用户一般是收到其他用户邮件邀请后加入SixDegrees的。

    Members normally joined SixDegrees after receiving an email invitation from an existing member.


  • 许多用户选择关闭这些邮件提醒——因为如果5以上好友,那么你收到脸书的邮件次数可能真人发给你邮件的次数还多。

    Many users choose to turn these E-mail alerts off — because, if you have more than about five Facebook friends, you might get e-mails from Facebook robots more often than from humans.


  • 用户要求留下电子邮件地址这样他们的涂鸦经过核准后,收到发表通知

    Users are asked to leave their email addresses, so that once their messages are approved, they can receive notice of publication.


  • 1基于清单1中的配置一个用户可能收到电子邮件

    Figure 1 shows an example of the E-mail a user will receive based on the configuration in Listing 1.


  • 邮件数据库超过警告门限时,用户打开邮件数据库时会收到错误提示然后会发现如图9所示主题QuotaWarningReport的电子邮件

    When a mail database exceeds its warning threshold, users receive an error when they open their mail database, and then find a message with the subject Quota warning Report as shown in figure 9.


  • 用户收到密信时,SocialToo可以用SociaToo自己定制邮件替换Twitter系统通常发出默认邮件信息

    SocialToo can now replace the default email messages that Twitter normally sends out when a user receives a DM with a customized email from SocialToo itself.


  • 虽然五十万用户收到警告邮件网站每年用户大概有一千万,卫报一名发言人称只有少量用户信息存有危险。

    Although half a million people received the email warning, and the jobs site itself receives about 10 million unique users per year, a Guardian spokesman said only a "minority" of users were at risk.


  • 同样可以包含Internet地址收回邮件但是只有那些具有有效LotusNotes地址用户才能收到收回通知

    Also, you may recall messages from groups that include Internet addresses, but only those users in the group with valid Lotus Notes addresses receive a recall notice.


  • 自从为那些电子邮件信息公开用户推出的交往社会网络以来,谷歌收到数以千计投诉

    Google received thousands of complaints when it launched its social network from users whose email contacts were Shared publicly.


  • 成功为用户注册安全电子邮件,该用户收到一封电子邮件,其中包含有关如何完成注册的说明。

    The user was successfully pre - enrolled for email security and will receive email instructions on how to complete enrollment.


  • 成功为用户注册安全电子邮件,该用户收到一封电子邮件,其中包含有关如何完成注册的说明。

    The user was successfully pre - enrolled for email security and will receive email instructions on how to complete enrollment.


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