• 但是,表示,要因为已经发生我们身上的事而责怪其他人并不,但是,用户之上消费主义中重新使我们生活步入正轨我们应该开始携手合作。

    And yet, he says, it's too easy to blame other people for what has happened to us all: in order to win our lives back from consumerism, we need to start pulling together again.


  • 这个切片之上任何属性可以包含在其中,从而用户提供额外的描述信息

    Attributes from any of the levels above the slice can be included to provide additional descriptions or information to the user.


  • 2中的品牌用户登录字段之上放置一个图像

    The branding in figure 2 places an image above the user login fields.


  • 处于游标定位模式时,用户可以切换或者定位游标输入区域任何一个字符之上

    When in cursor-positioning mode, the user can tab to, or position the cursor on, any character in the input field.


  • 设备驱动处于内核之上运行用户每个驱动都作为单独进程运行,受到内存管理硬件严格约束只能访问自己拥有的内存。

    Above the kernel, running in user mode, are the device drivers, each one running as a separate process tightly restricted by the memory management hardware to accessing only its own memory.


  • 用户当前窗口之上再打开一个窗口时,可能焦点变化感到疑惑

    Confusing changes in focus can happen when the user opens a new window on the top of the current one.


  • 状态通常用户动作所触发(注册登录),并且出现内容之上就像桌面应用中的一个窗口

    Modal Windows are always triggered by a user action (e.g. signing up or logging in) and appear on top of the main content, like a window in a regular desktop application.


  • 类别之上是否还有另外一级抽象(用户愿意通过使用IICE 进行浏览)?

    Was there another level of abstraction above the category that users would like to browse through with II CE?


  • 增强现实性涉及叠加视频之上虚拟物体使得智能手机用户可以看到

    Augmented reality involves overlaying virtual objects on top of the video feed a smart phone user sees.


  • 通过这种运行服务器之上应用程序窗口发送远程用户的方式,减少客户资源需求,也减少管理布署成本

    Such an application runs on the server and only the application window is sent to the remote user, reducing the client side resources needs, the administration and deployment costs.


  • 另外数据库之上应用程序及其用户仍然需要交互不论模式如何变化

    Furthermore, the applications on top of the database and its users still need to interact with it regardless of its schema evolution.


  • 这个修改用户空间启用一个新的接口,它可以允许其他操作系统在启用KVM的内核之上运行

    This modification enabled a new interface to user space that allows other operating systems to run above the KVM-enabled kernel.


  • 相反工作一个被称为“用户平台”的程序中——如此称呼是因为用户是直接工作在这些程序之上的。

    Instead, you'll be working with what are referred to as "user-space" programsso called because users actually work with the programs directly.


  • 内核互斥锁原子api之上实现对于内核用户可见的。

    The kernel mutex is implemented on top of the atomic API, though this is not visible to the kernel user.


  • 质量可消费能力必须的,在各种过程之上一致的用户体验

    Quality and consumability must be high, with a consistent user experience across process variants.


  • 这些表面运用到触屏显示器之上。”一技术可以帮助用户触感定位手指

    Those surfaces would be on top of the touch-screen display, " says Sheehan, so this could help users position their fingers by feel.


  • 系统建立老式命令界面之上用户需要干巴巴的提示性语言打交道,比如C:\>之类。

    It was based on an old-fashioned command line interface that confronted users with surly little prompts such as C:\>.


  • 尽管不是odfdom组成部分,但是它设计ODFDOM之上用户可以这一覆盖定制现有的ODFDOMAPI满足指定需求

    Although not a part of the ODFDOM package, it is designed as a layer on top of ODFDOM, in which users are able to overwrite or customize the existing ODFDOM API to meet a specified requirement.


  • 广泛控制性,因为用户管理功能的存在,例如激活或者关闭合并ldap服务器之上用户

    More control, because user management functions, such as enabling and disabling of users on the corporate LDAP server.


  • 它们建立完善的平台之上的,意味着用户不再依赖制造商少数铃音而是安装大量第三方软件

    They are built on well-established "platforms," which means the user is no longer dependent on a few bells and whistles from the manufacturer but can install a wide range of third-party software.


  • 众多开源软件之后,各种机器人框架可以彼此优势基础之上进行开发不是用户一。

    With so much great open source software out there, it's wonderful that various robot software frameworks can build on each other's strengths rather than forcing users to choose between them.


  • 在EMF模型之上多种网络接口包括SOAP接口网络用户界面,以及一个类似REST的接口。

    Various Internet interfaces are generated at the top of the EMF model, including the SOAP interface, but also the web user interface and an interface similar to REST.


  • 通过用户界面创建模式时,应该脚本放到虚拟映像部件之上

    In the case of pattern creation through the user interface, you would drag and drop the script package onto the virtual image part.


  • 事实上,情况恰恰相反:网页服务器即便是TLS 1.0版本之上接纳tls 1.11.2连接也可能会使一些浏览器表现混乱,从而惹怒用户潜在的投资者。

    In fact, the opposite was true: by even accepting TLS 1.1 and 1.2 connections in addition to 1.0, a web server could confuse some browsers, annoying users and potential punters.


  • 当然供应商偏爱不完善互操作性因为这样可以将用户绑定在它们的私有产品之上

    Of course, the vendors love imperfect interoperability because it locks customers into their proprietary offerings.


  • 曾经一些项目定义了Eclipse之上servlet用户界面

    For some projects, I have defined a servlet user interface over Eclipse.


  • 除此之外,styleClass属性用户详细说明了工具外观情况message属性提供了显示在工具条之上文本

    In addition, the styleClass attribute defines how the bar looks to the user, and the message attribute provides the text that shows above the bar.


  • 为了成功Geronimo需要基本规范之上用户提供明显优势

    To be successful, Geronimo needs to provide clear benefits to users over and above the base specifications.


  • 话而言,试图SharePoint的基础之上制作一个用于协同工作软件包,而不会IT企业用户带来令人头痛问题。

    In other words, it's a comprehensive attempt to build a working collaborative software package on top of SharePoint, without all the headaches for it or business users.


  • 下一代客户机具有升级即时消息传递用户体验交付了构建于Eclipse框架之上的可扩展插件模型

    It is the next generation client with an upgraded instant messaging user experience that delivers an extensible plug-in model built on the Eclipse framework.


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