• 侧面切圆射流流布风板造成了鼓泡流化床内固流动的

    A new flow pattern in gas-solid fluidized beds is developed by using lateral tangent gas jets and a Spiral distributor.


  • 本文主要介绍侧面观测测量玻璃表面破坏深度试件制做、测试仪器

    The test pieces and instrument for side- testing method to measure the depth of destructive layer of fine- ground glass surface are mainly introduced.


  • 侧面轮廓表现人物特征表情并且注重人类表情最丰富的脸部各个份。

    The characteristics and expressions of people show well in outline . Silhouettes focus on the face and its various parts where human expression is concentrated.


  • 大口径管道柔性内胀式密封圈及连接结构方法。工作密封圈侧面装有气中空橡胶密封圈内充填物料形成

    The inventive working seal ring is formed by filling the hollow rubber seal ring with a gaseous material mouth on its side with material.


  • 剁碎切片切碎物体刀片侧面可以大蒜一些香料

    Use this knife to chop, slice and mince; the side of the blade can be used for crushing garlic and some spices.


  • 之所以称之为侧面的”,是因为它们另外”的方法表达含义需要使程序逻辑变得复杂不需要面向对象的方法

    I say "sideways" because they provide a way to express meanings "on the side," without complicating the program's logic, and without requiring an object-oriented approach.


  • 可以看见染缸侧面那儿装货员蜡笔草草划下记号,识别里面颜色

    I could see where the loaders had scrawled on the dye vatssides in wax crayon to identify the colors within.


  • 如果还记得同一家公司希望激光必胜客广告刻在月球上,后来缩减成本俄罗斯火箭侧面的广告位置

    If you recall, the same company had previously wanted to beam a laser AD up onto the moon for Pizza Hut, but had later scaled back to buying AD placement on the side of a Russian rocket.


  • 黑色塑像爸爸赛特页岩(Dorset shale)做的,我的侧面肖像。模仿的是著名墨索里尼侧面像:ProfilocontinodelDuce

    The small black sculpture was crafted by my dad from Dorset shale and is my continuous profile - our take on the famous sculpture of Mussolini's profile, "Profilo contino del Duce."


  • 特殊情况下可以输送建筑外侧,形成沿大厦侧面飞流直下瀑布RAFAA,这将成为“大自然力量一种象征”。

    On special occasions water is pumped out to create a waterfall over the edges of the building, which RAFAA says will be, “a symbol for the forces of nature.”


  • Alpha可以输入完整食谱网站产生完整图形,就麦片粥包装盒侧面的图形一样。

    With Alpha, you can type in the full recipe and the site produces a completed graphic that looks like it came right off the side of a cereal box. Read about a CNN test of 'Alpha'


  • 如果地板复合材料制成侧面搭接应该严密避免留下缝隙

    Where the floorings are made of composite materials, the joints with the sides should be profiled to avoid crevices.


  • 干净毛巾擦拭水龙头注意清洁水龙头背面侧面部分

    Wipe the water tap with a clean towel, pay attention to clean side and back areas of the tap.


  • 只见姥姥毽子往上抛,毽子下来时侧面一接,一下一下踢起来

    See grandma throw a shuttlecock upgrade, shuttlecock fell down on the side of the foot up, is about the play.


  • 薯片薯条侧面品尝,而柠檬之类的东西以及它们那样东西边上味蕾来尝味。

    Salty crisps and chips are tasted by the side of the mouth and things like sour lemons, vinegar and things like that also get tasted by the taste buds at the sides.


  • 他们条鱼侧面分割为鱼头、鱼身、鱼鳍几部分,直线、孤线、三角形圆圈等来表现。

    For example, they divided the design of a fish into head, body and fins, alternating straight lines with curves, triangles and circles.


  • 线条侧面清洁干净(不能油污),板螺丝全部丝攻攻牙一次。

    The bottom side of the line plate shall be cleaned up (no oil stains), and all the screw holes on the plate shall be tapped with screw taps.


  • 护坡结构中,侧面可以安装符合要求土木纺织品

    In the slope protection structure, the side of the stone cage net can also be installed to meet the requirements of the civil use of textile products.


  • 泰姬陵大理石砌成,中间镶嵌着彩色大理石共有八侧面许多开着拱门外墙中间廊道直穿而过。

    The building is made of fine white marble with inlays of colored marble. It has eight sides and many open arches. There is an open corridor just inside the outer walls.


  • 干净简单标识字母Q描绘了一个杯子勺子将出现侧面

    A clean, simple logo with the letter "Q" depicting a cup with a spoon appears on the lid and side.


  • 氯丁橡胶乳组成覆层将药条的四个侧面包覆起来。

    These strands were coated on four sides with a nonburning coating consisting of a neoprene latex based paint.


  • 方法:轮匝复合颞侧眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣加强下睑修复面瘫外翻,同时现有切口提升患侧面部。

    Methods Repairing lower eyelid ectropion of facial palsy by strongering lower eyelid supporting structure with orbicularis oculi muscle island flap and while uplifting the loosed face.


  • 方法微波变性异体神经和微波变性自体骨骼肌作为桥材料修复神经下颌缺损。

    Methods Rats facial nerve mandible branch gap was repaired using different grafts, either muscle autograft or sural nerve allograft denatured by microwave.


  • 有限元计算模拟了三角均匀分布侧面泵浦结构激光瞬态温升过程稳态温度分布情况。

    The temperature field and warming process of the transient and steady state in the laser rod by symmetrical trigonal side-pumping were simulated using the finite element analysis method.


  • 详细介绍电炉炼钢石墨电极侧面防氧化涂层特点开发过程

    This article has described the characteristic of the anti-oxidization coating on the side of graphite electrode used for EAF melting and its development process.


  • 有些盒子侧面英文写着“圣诞快乐”“新年快乐”。

    Some boxes proclaim "Merry Christmas!" and "Happy New Year!" in English on their sides.


  • 护罩正面两个侧面一个供引出二次接线,安全可靠。

    There is one hole in the surface and the two sides of the protection box used for secondary wiring.


  • 这件衣服是背面还是侧面扣钩扣住

    This dress hooks at the back, not at the side.


  • 这件衣服是背面还是侧面扣钩扣住

    This dress hooks at the back, not at the side.


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