• 长期被用于战争个月卫星开始不正常的偏离方向转移,开始发生断电情形

    After several months of prolonged war use, the satellite began to erratically swerve and shift, and power blackouts began to occur. Tireless attempts to correct it were unsuccessful.


  • 问题远不止这些,雷声公司产品太笨重了,用于战争重复下指令,火力强的武器装载推迟

    The problems don't stop there. Raytheon's baby is bulky, and despite repeated requests to send it into battle, shipments of the energy weapon have been delayed.


  • 当我们在为这个伟大建筑工程成就而感慨万千的时候,可能忘记这个伟大的建筑物不是用来观赏的,可是用于战争中的一个武器

    As remarkable an architectural and engineering achievement the Wall is, it is not possible to forget it was not built for show. It was a functioning weapon of war.


  • 事实看来解释有点牵强或强词夺理。奥巴马利比亚军事行动这点狡辩边都沾不上,因为国会没有拨款用于利比亚战争

    It was a big stretch, given the actual facts -- but Obama can't even take advantage of this same desperate expedient, since Congress has appropriated no funds for the Libyan war.


  • 巴基斯坦,无人机广泛用于这场以前仅局限阿富汗,如今却被美国煽动国家武装分子之间毫无必要战争

    In Pakistan, the drones are widely seen as a tool with which the us has instigated an unnecessary war between the state and militants who were previously focused on fighting in Afghanistan.


  • Krusenstern号另一用于教学的船只,1926年建造于德国不来梅哈芬港的斯特明德区,1946年作为战争赔偿交给苏联,现在成为俄罗斯海军的一艘航海训练船。

    ‘Krusenstern’ was built in 1926 at Geestemunde in Bremerhaven, Germany and was surrendered to the USSR 1946 as war reparation. It is now a Russian Navy sail training ship.


  • 全球系统飞行超过28500小时其中21500小时用于支援全球反恐战争

    The Global Hawk system has logged more than 28,500 total program flight hours, of which more than 21,500 hours were flown in support of the global war on terrorism.


  • 先进空间技术如果被用于谋取军事优势进行战争严重危及外空和平安全和全人类福祉。

    Used to seek military superiority or to wage wars, advanced space technology will seriously endanger the peace and security in outer space and jeopardize the happiness and welfare of mankind.


  • 美军的注意力将不是常规战争武器,而是非常规战争(如伊拉克阿富汗战争)所需要武器。

    It is a move away from weapons for conventional conflicts, focusing instead on weapons needed for the unconventional warfare the us is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • 宣言用于南部联盟控制区域法律效应并不明确,宣言重新定义这场战争,具有重要象征意义

    The proclamation applied only to areas under Confederate control, and its legal impact was uncertain, but it redefined the nature of the war and was of great symbolic significance.


  • 加特林机枪美国内战晚期用于了战场,这场战争由于某些高级官员新式武器忧心忡忡而被拖延之后加特林机枪便在国内国外得到广泛使用

    After a late entry into the American Civil War, delayed by suspicions of newfangled weapons among some senior soldiers, the Gatling gun was put to use at home and abroad.


  • 由此引出我们已经取得进展最后一个领域重新致力于原子能用于和平而非战争目的。

    And this brings me to the final area where we've made progressa renewed commitment to harnessing the power of the atom not for war, but for peaceful purposes.


  • 即使喜欢丑陋胜利,而非漂亮的失败道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军对战争描述,也体育运动,因为没有什么能代替胜利。

    But even he prefers an ugly victory to a beautiful defeat. What Douglas MacArthur said of war is as true of sport - there is no substitute for victory.


  • 另外一则谚语爱情战争其他场合:“事实大于雄辩。”付出的行动大于你说出的话

    Another proverb is true in love and war or other situations: "Actions speak louder than words." it means that what you do is more important than what you say.


  • 机构报告中,上调原因在于伊拉克阿富汗战争追加开支以及用于存款保险失业救济额外支出

    The agency's report said the increase came as a result of supplemental spending for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as additional funding for deposit insurance and unemployment payments.


  • 一些特殊荧光化学传感器可以用于对TNT,DNT爆炸进行检测军事战争工业生产以及日常生活安全十分重要的。

    Some special fluorescent chemical sensor could be used to detect TNT, DNT and other explosive agent which is very important for military wars, industrial production, daily life safety and so on.


  • 好吧知道呢?真:亚马逊在宣传上本书中的技巧不但可以用于线上营销甚至战争期间也能用来搞演说。

    Oh. Who knew? No joke: The Amazon blurb says you can use these techniques for "online marketing campaigns and even effective wartime propaganda. " Goebbels says, "I love this book! "


  • 1985年以来,55个国家已经终止死刑或者此前限制特殊罪行(诸如战争期间所犯罪行),而目前则已完全禁止死刑。

    Since 1985, 55 countries have ended the death penalty or, having already limited it to "extraordinary" crimes (such as those committed in wartime), have now banned it outright.


  • 影响方法一种规范化系统动力学建模方法,近年来被越来越多地复杂战争过程建模之中。

    Signed digraph is used to model the dynamic system problems. It is used more and more popular in the modeling of the complicate process of modern warfare.


  • 英雄飞跃战斗姿态股票电荷冷却时间,剑圣战争使者人才使英雄的飞跃,用于任何立场可能战斗

    Heroic Leap will be usable in Battle stance and shares a cooldown with Charge, but the Juggernaut and Warbringer talents will allow Heroic Leap to be used in any stance and possibly while in combat.


  • 实际上中国古代青铜用于制造祭祀的礼器战争武器,而很少用于制造农具。这些器具通过占有最高超技术和珍贵的材料,体现出权力的力量。

    As a matter of fact, bronze in ancient China was often used to make ritual tools for sacrifices and weapons for wars, and was rarely used for agriculture.


  • 人类最大敌人是贫穷、饥饿、疾病和战争。如果世界上的强国他们用于太空竞争的金钱和努力的一半用来解决这些问题,这个世界不知要变得比现在好多少。

    For the first time in his history, man has the overwhelming technological resources to combat human suffering, yet he squanders them on meaningless pursuits.


  • 人类最大敌人是贫穷、饥饿、疾病和战争。如果世界上的强国他们用于太空竞争的金钱和努力的一半用来解决这些问题,这个世界不知要变得比现在好多少。

    For the first time in his history, man has the overwhelming technological resources to combat human suffering, yet he squanders them on meaningless pursuits.


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