• 然后,把生长抽成真空,使晶体较小温度梯度的温场中自然冷却温。

    Under such circumstances, two different types of temperature fields required by the growth and annealing of crystals respectively can be provided in the same chamber.


  • 发明提供延伸生长提供热化前体气体准确输送的气体注射器装置

    This invention provides gas injector apparatus that extends into a growth chamber in order to provide more accurate delivery of thermalized precursor gases.


  • 采用控制环境生长研究2个密度水平CO2浓度升高红桦幼苗物质分配营养影响,并分析了红桦干物质分配与养分浓度的关系。

    The effects of elevated CO2 concentration on dry matter allocation and nutrient contents of red birch seedlings were studied under two planting densities in controlled environment Chambers.


  • 那些试验都是实验生长癌细胞而非的动物(体内进行的。

    Those studies were done in cancer cells grown in the lab, not in living animals (in vivo).


  • 来自地球更深处地热水可以直接用来家庭办公供暖或是中的植物生长提供帮助。

    Geothermal water from deeper in the Earth can be used directly for heating homes and offices, or for growing plants in greenhouses.


  • 罗斯维尔博士称,这些发现有些是意料中的,因为实验中就发现阿司匹林可以减缓遏制肿瘤细胞系生长

    The findings do not come entirely as a surprise, Dr. Rothwell said, because aspirin has been found to slow or prevent the growth of tumor cell lines in the laboratory.


  • 这个理念是将立体式农场建筑物办公紧密结合在一起植物生长建筑物边缘,被玻璃层之间,通过一个传送带进行转动

    This idea involves the integration of vertical farms into buildings and offices, with plants growing around the edges of the building, sandwiched between two glass layers and rotating on a conveyor.


  • 实验研究显示豆瓣叶子提取物抑制乳腺癌细胞生长

    Laboratory studies also showed that extracts taken from watercress leaves inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells.


  • 几年时间里,实验诱导生长人类皮肤用于烧伤患者其他今天必须经历痛苦皮肤移植的病人身上

    And within a few years, he says, human skin could be coaxed into growing in a lab and be given to burn victims and other patients who today must undergo painful skin grafts.


  • 返回实验之后,他们营养基使这种细菌生长

    Back at the lab, they grew the bacteria in a broth of nutrients.


  • 虽然许多实验成功制得心肌细胞,但是目前科学界尚无标准养料生长因素的培养基配方帮助培养正常跳动的细胞。

    Although plenty of LABS have made them, there are no standardized recipes for the nutrient and growth factor broths that help them grow into properly beating cells.


  • 一个原因树木的分的导管系统(Compartmentalized vascularsystem),因此可以允许树木一部分死亡而同时一部分仍然在旺盛生长

    One secret to their longevity is their compartmentalized vascular system, which allows parts of the tree to die while other portions thrive.


  • 神经元进行实验实验时,科学家它们一种药物刺激它们生长额外的突触

    In laboratory experiments on clumps of neurons, scientists can give them a drug that spurs them to grow extra synapses.


  • 为了识别血液样本一个建筑物通风系统中的细菌研究员或者临床医生通常必须从获得样本开始到使实验培养基生长

    In order to identify the bacteria in a blood sample or in a building's ventilation system, researchers or clinicians usually must start by coaxing it to grow in culture in the lab.


  • 目前情况看,现在的孩子他们6生长过程中应期望注射14疫苗总共注射48出生第一新生儿注射第一次疫苗开始!

    As it stands, children are expected to get 48 doses of 14 vaccines by the time they're just 6 years old - starting with the first vaccine given on the day of birth in the newborn nursery!


  • 目的研究昆虫生长调节剂S 31183实验条件下对淡色库蚊成虫吸血产卵及卵孵化的影响。

    Objective To study the action of the insect growth regulator S 31183 on blood biting, oviposit, and eclosion of Culex pipens pallens.


  • 为了弄清ar -V7雄激素受体区别其他研究者发现实验生长前列腺癌细胞产生AR - V 7序列

    To see how androgen receptors made from AR-V7 differ from others, the researchers forced lab-grown prostate cancer cells to produce only the AR-V7 sequence.


  • 多晶硅生长工艺过程都要通过加热调整来实现。

    Technique process of growth of the polycrystalline silicon is based on the adjustment of the heating chamber.


  • 日本调查人员牛奶中分离一种叫做激原的蛋白质并用实验实验证明了确实能促进骨骼生长

    Japanese investigators isolated a protein, kininogen, from milk and demonstrated in laboratory experiments that it promotes bone growth.


  • 方法促进生长心肌天然心肌外观收缩功能状况几乎一致—尽管该心肌生长实验

    It looks, contracts and responds almost like natural heart muscle - even though it was grown in the lab.


  • 只塔兰图拉毒蛛被注射特别营养素后,科学家实验了出来,生长100英尺,对亚利桑那州的居民造成威胁。

    When a tarantula which ha's benen injected with a special nutrient formula escapes from a scientist's laboratory it grows into a 100-foot beast that menaces the Arizona countryside.


  • 实验中用该产品肿瘤细胞进行试验时,他们发现单独使用睾酮相比,该产品能有力促进前列腺癌细胞生长。他们在《临床肿瘤研究杂志报道了一研究。

    When they tested it on tumor cells in the lab, they found it fueled the growth of prostate cancer cells more potently than testosterone alone, they reported in the journal Clinical cancer Research.


  • 另一个细菌生长热点男人办公个人数字助理

    Another hot spot for bacteria in men's offices: the personal digital assistant.


  • 实验研究已经证实成纤维细胞成骨潜能,多种生长因子联合应用具有更好促进成骨效果

    Research in the laboratory has proved the fibroblastic potency of bone formation, while the combined applying of many bone growth factors would has much better effects in promoting the bone formation.


  • 我校农业综合开发实验年前引种印度人参进行栽培驯化,其在实验地生长良好。

    Agriculture Comprehensive Development Laboratory in our school began to cultivate and domesticate the introduced Inidan Ginseng three years ago.


  • 试验采用间歇式密闭通气测定了冬小麦生长挥发的损失量。

    This paper aims to study the ammonia volatilization use continuous air flow enclosure method in wheat season.


  • 试验采用间歇式密闭通气测定了冬小麦生长挥发的损失量。

    This paper aims to study the ammonia volatilization use continuous air flow enclosure method in wheat season.


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