• 郭金说“成本上升,召回时有严格规章,更复杂检测--形势更严峻。”

    Costs are rising, there are recalls, stricter regulation,more complicated inspectionall these things make it difficult.


  • 罗杰斯,“结果要么花费时间渲染这部电影,使影片成本加倍,要么不会得到栩栩如图像。”

    The outcome would be either the movie would takefour years to render, would double the cost of the movie, or youwouldn’t have had the lifelike images, ” Rogers said.


  • 按照奈特的说法,企业缩减人力资源预算把使用实习当作成本较低筛选过程

    According to Natt, companies have scaled back human resources budgets and use internships as a low-cost screening process.


  • 它们好处,例如预防致命疾病更高收入远远地超过微不足道成本以至于穷人应该抢购。 但事实却并非如此

    Their benefitspreservation from fatal diseases, higher lifetime earningsso massively outweigh the tiny costs that poor people ought to snap them up.


  • 健康保险自付照料费用或是收入减少额,考虑到一个孩子成本

    You will need to consider the costs of having a baby from health insurance co-payments to day care or a reduction in income.


  • 这两份报告鸿海大规模地用雇用青年实习减轻飙升成本已经影响了今年利润损害了股票价格

    Both reports said Hon Hai was hiring young students and interns on a vast scale at low wages to mitigate soaring costs that have eroded profits and hurt its share price this year.


  • 平均收入降低或是平均成本的上升或者两者兼有,这些情况都会带来水平的降低。

    That lower living standard will be brought about either by lower average money wages than would otherwise prevail or by higher average living costs, or by a combination of both.


  • 一方面,毕业违约时违约金很少至少他们拿不到毕业证成本小的多。

    On the other hand, to break the contract, they would not have to pay a heavy price, at least, much less than if they were not granted the certificate.


  • 一方面,毕业违约时违约金很少至少他们拿不到毕业证成本要小的多。

    On the other hand, to break the contract, they would not have to pay a heavy prize, at least, much less than if they were not granted the certificate.


  • 成本尤其是高校成本近几年广泛关注主要原因就是高校的学费标准制定成为社会关注的焦点。

    The reason why students' average cost, in recent years gains wide attention is that the establishment of tuition standard has become the focus of the whole society.


  • 结果致命性溺水健康经济成本所有种类伤害中是最高的。

    As a result, the lifetime health and economic costs of a non-fatal drowning are the highest on average of any kind of injury.


  • 经济方面-由于营林主要成本栽植随后管护上,他们愿意等待高产品种问世

    Most of the cost of establishing a plantation is in the actual planting and subsequent protection, and they would prefer to wait faster-growing, high yielding species are available.


  • 不仅增加保险中介交易过程复杂性而且导致了保险中介交易成本的明显提高。

    This not only increased complexity of insurance intermediary transaction process, but lead to high endogenous transaction cost.


  • 这个成本越来越大,每秒每分每时每天每月每年每剧增,丢弃决策变得越来越不忍

    The cost grows as the time goes by and makes the change of decision more and more difficult.


  • 职业教育一个突出特点就是实用性,也就是它所培养的毕业走上社会能够很快地胜任工作。出色地职工作。

    A typical characteristic in vocational education is its practicality, that is, students to get into work after graduating from the school and finish their work well.


  • 然而如果市场结构由于资本流入导致新企业进入市场,从而提高了企业的平均成本这样,资本流入反而会贫困化效应。

    However, if the market structure is endogenous, then a capital inflow tends to be immiserizing because it increases entry and lets firms increase their average cost.


  • 高等植物循环水培系统成本低廉结构简单净化效果显著植物修复系统。

    The high terrestrial plants cultivated with recycling water system is a kind of phytoremediation system with a low cost , simple construction and high purification efficiency.


  • 不改变成本前提容重一年植物纤维复合板水性进行了研究。

    With the prerequisite of production cost unchanged, the water resistance of fiber composite plates of low unit weight annual plants is studied.


  • 应用已建立医学教育成本测量方法,测量我国高等医学院校成本部门成本教育成本

    The total cost, department cost and cost per student are measured by applying the developed costing methods for medical colleges and Universitise.


  • 完善的资助政策是实施研究教育成本分担政策保证

    The perfect assistance policy can ensure a policy of the sharing postgraduates' educational cost.


  • 本文着重研究高校标准教育服务成本计量核定问题。

    This paper highlights the accounting and checking of the cost of colleges' equal standard education service per student.


  • 结果表明炼钢污泥可以改善性能提高球团矿质量降低球团矿的成本

    The results show that adding steelmaking mud to pellet can improve the properties of raw pellet, can increase the quality of pellet and can decrease productive cost of pellet.


  • 随着成本分担试行,高校中经济贫困研究日益增多从而影响研究教育质量

    With the trial implementation of cost-sharing of education, the number of poor post-graduate students in university is also increasing, which influence the quality of post-graduate education.


  • 研究教育成本分担问题最大特点就是复杂性

    The biggest characteristic of the graduate education cost shares is its complexity.


  • 系统整体观点概括,也就是为何如何实行研究教育成本分担机制。

    That is to say, why and how to implement the graduate education cost share in systematic and whole view to summarize.


  • 调查样本分析发现,成本及在校规模影响学校负债重要因素。

    By the analysis of investigation stylebooks, the thesis points out that the average costs of each student and the scale of students is the most important factors of college's liabilities.


  • 调查样本分析发现,成本及在校规模影响学校负债重要因素。

    By the analysis of investigation stylebooks, the thesis points out that the average costs of each student and the scale of students is the most important factors of college's liabilities.


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