• 完全替代性生物燃料公司已经开始走出实验室,走进证券交易市场并石油公司合作建立第一工厂

    The drop-in firms are starting to come out of the laboratory, float themselves on the stockmarket, team up with oil companies and build their first factories.


  • Aurora生物燃料公司魏斯曼自从上个世纪70年代石油危机以来一直研究种植海藻作为燃油可能性

    Joseph Weissman of Aurora Biofuels has been researching the potential of growing algae as a potential source of fuel oil since the oil crisis of the late 1970s.


  • 不是唯一一家高效生物燃料领域发表声明公司

    It is not the only company with big claims for efficient bioethanol yields.


  • 除此之外报告生物燃料领域内20主要公司做了概述。

    In addition, the report offers profiles of 20 of the leading companies involved in the biofuels business.


  • 公司计划生产生物燃料同时进一步进行酵母菌培养可能发现在造酒、酿造烘焙健康食品生产中的用途

    The firm plans to cultivate further yeast strains that, as well as producing biofuel, might find USES in wine-making, brewing, baking and health food manufacture.


  • 公司希望美国一部分草原回复草地提供生物燃料所需纤维素

    Part of America's prairies, the firm hopes, will revert to grassland and provide the cellulose that biofuels will need.


  • 此种生物燃料来自麻风树不可食用植物石油中国西南部一个种植园中种植霍尼韦尔公司进行加工提炼

    The biofuel was derived from jatropha, an inedible plant grown by PetroChina, a state-owned oil company, on a plantation in southwest China and refined by Honeywell.


  • 几个加州的公司寻求运用改良过细菌制造高级生物燃料

    Several Californian firms are also seeking to make advanced biofuels using modified bacteria.


  • BP生物燃料头头公司决定遵守2规定。

    Phil New, the head of biofuels at BP, says his firm is determined to comply with RFS-2.


  • 尽管创造生物燃料原材料不是这家公司唯一目标(他们还生产纸浆木材),ArborGen仍将燃料当作一个市场

    Although creating raw materials for biofuels is not this company's only objective (paper pulp and timber are others), it sees such fuels as a big market.


  • 公司研发的M400 Skycar车型准备使用生物燃料飞天成为现实。

    The company intends for its M400 Skycar to run on biofuel and make flying cars a reality.


  • 坦桑尼亚超过20家欧洲公司提出雄心勃勃的计划,开发一些甘蔗麻风树、棕榈树种植园区,用以生产生物燃料

    In Tanzania alone, there are ambitious proposals put forward by more than twenty European companies to establish several sugar, Jatropha and palm-oil plantations in order to produce biofuels.


  • 就是那些希望开创生物燃料新篇章的公司改变的。

    This is what companies working on a new generation of biofuels want to change.


  • 公司希望在此之前降低生物燃料成本

    Before then the company hopes the cost of biofuel can be brought down.


  • 目前服务站销售自己发明的燃料顶住了外国石油公司的诱惑,拒绝出售生产生物柴油的专利

    He now sells his fuel at service stations, but refuses to sell his patent, despite attractive offers from overseas oil firms.


  • 诺维信股票减少今年早期损失,是杜邦公司美国第三化学公司声称计划丹尼·斯克一起建立一个试验工厂,用来制造第二生物燃料之后。

    Novozymes stock pared its loss earlier this year after DuPont co., the third-largest U.S. chemical company, said it planned to build a pilot plant with Danisco to make second - generation biofuel.


  • 新创公司LS9发布一项发现传统发动机用上生物燃料

    The startup LS9 reveals a discovery that could lead to biofuels that would work in conventional engines.


  • 奥德姆称,壳牌公司正在使用海藻柳枝稷等非粮食作物研发新的生物燃料

    Odum said Shell is focusing on biofuels from non-food sources like algae or switchgrass.


  • 在世界范围内,壳牌公司销售网络提供的生物燃料最多越来越生物燃料销售中获利

    Globally, Shell's sales network, which already distributes more biofuels than any other, will benefit from yet more juice.


  • 今年6月,霍尼韦尔公司拥有架Gulfstream G450飞机进行了第一使用生物燃料的跨大西洋飞行飞机新泽西起飞,巴黎着陆,其中一台引擎使用的燃料50%为绿色航空燃油。

    In June, a Gulfstream G450 owned by Honeywell made the first biofuel-powered transatlantic flight when it flew from New Jersey to Paris using a 50-50 blend of Green Jet fuel in one of its engine.


  • 上周五架使用植物生物燃料的国航747飞机在北京上空进行了验证飞行,此种燃油霍尼韦尔环球油品公司(HoneywellUOP)生产。这标志着中国迈入了绿色喷气机时代

    China joined the green jet age on Friday when an Air China 747 circled Beijing on a demonstration flight powered by a plant-based biofuel made by Honeywell UOP.


  • 接下来Waste Enterprisers公司聚焦尖端技术例如粪便污泥转化成生物柴油或其他新型工业燃料

    Next Waste Enterprisers will focus on cutting-edge technologies such as using fecal sludge to make bio-diesel and other new industrial fuels.


  • Solena公司变得大受欢迎原因Solena公司采用废弃物生产生物燃料,从而绕开了使用粮食生产生物燃料产生问题

    The reason for Solena's sudden popularity is that by making biofuels from waste, the company has dodged some of the problems that have bedevilled production of crop-based varieties.


  • 该项工程属于壳牌Cosan组成合资企业;这家合资企业每年生产超20亿生物燃料生物燃料生产运作规模世界之最,拥有Codexis生物科技公司16.4%的股份

    The project is part of a joint venture by Shell and Cosan; with a capacity of more than 2 billion litres a year, it is the world's largest biofuel operation, and it owns a 16.4% stake in Codexis.


  • 参与好几公司建立包括LS 9,Joule生物技术(生产生物燃料为目标)Microbia(计划制造特殊化学品)。

    He has been involved in the foundation of several companies, including LS9 and Joule Biotechnologies (which hope to manufacture biofuels) and Microbia (which plans to make speciality chemicals).


  • 参与好几公司建立包括LS 9,Joule生物技术(生产生物燃料为目标)Microbia(计划制造特殊化学品)。

    He has been involved in the foundation of several companies, including LS9 and Joule Biotechnologies (which hope to manufacture biofuels) and Microbia (which plans to make speciality chemicals).


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