• 一点上人与人之间的差异极大。有些多次接触生物污染物产生反应有些人则对化学污染物过敏。

    Some people can become sensitized to biological pollutants after repeated exposures, and it appears that some people can become sensitized to chemical pollutants as well.


  • 泊、河流、沼泽和海岸等湿地可以维持生物多样性、防洪以及消除污染物

    Wetlands—lakes, rivers, marshes and coasts, can maintain biodiversity, control floods and remove pollutants.


  • 安全专家包括了生物化学传感器技术视频无线通信以及模拟潜在污染物蔓延计算机软件

    But security experts say it contains biological and chemical sensor technology, video, wireless communications, and computer software to simulate the spread of potential contaminants.


  • 未来人造皮肤将会上针对化学生物制剂温度、适度、放射性污染物刺激的感知器。

    In the future, artificial skin could be studded with sensors that respond to chemicals, biological agents, temperature, humidity, radioactivity or pollutants.


  • 这种污染物很容易大范围地理区域内扩散,保持毒性具有生物脂肪组织积累倾向

    The pollutants disperse easily across wide geographic areas, retain their toxicity, and have a tendency to accumulate in the fatty tissues of organisms.


  • 当然我们还有不同时间去提高减少排放量水平以前会议目标是要保持生物的多样化,消除海洋大气陆地上污染物

    Certainly we are having a difficult time reducing our levels of carbon emissions, meeting previous goals on biodiversity, and eliminating Marine, atmospheric, and terrestrial pollution.


  • 随着全球变暖,蛰伏在北极地区未知数量持久性有机污染物开始威胁海洋生物人类的安全。

    Unknown amount of trapped persistent organics pollutants poses threat to Marine life and humans as temperatures rise.


  • 还有一些污染物会引发电子剥离化学反应释放大量抗氧化剂这种生物破坏性反应是不会平息的。

    Still more induce biologically destructive electron-stripping chemical reactions that won't quiet down without a copious release of antioxidants.


  • 该文叙述环境邻苯二甲酸酯类污染物环境激素行为来源环境空气水体生物底质中的存在情况

    The paper summarizes the environmental hormone behavior, source and existing situation of phthalic acid ester pollutants in air, water, organism and sediment.


  • 提议标准首先明确地说明致病生物食品添加剂重金属农药残留物其它污染物接受范围。

    The proposed new code will initially, as a priority, spell out acceptable levels of pathogenic microorganisms, food additives, heavy metals, pesticide residues and other pollutants.


  • 化合物一类重要工业污染物长期使用酚类化合物污染引起人体水生生物中毒

    The phenol compound is kind of important industry pollutant, the long-term use the polluted water by the phenol compound may cause the human and the aquatic biological poison.


  • 加压生物接触氧化通过简单的“加压”方式有效提高污染物去除率

    The pressure biological contact oxidation process (PBCO) can effectively increase the pollutant removal efficiency by simple pressurized way.


  • 因此生物处理石油烃类污染物的研究具有可行性现实意义。

    Therefore, the biological method for disposing petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants has feasibility and operation significance.


  • 环境污染物迁移重要介质,水系污染物可以直接作用生物

    The water is the important media of pollutant transferring in the environment, and the material in the water can take effect on the biologists directly.


  • 生物早期警报系统根据生物污染物灵敏反应快速确认污染事件

    Based on the sensitive response of living organisms to pollutants, early warning biological system detects pollution accident quickly.


  • 如何利用相对简单分析技术评价复杂石油烃类污染物的微生物降解过程,一直受人关注。

    How to evaluate the process of biodegradation by relatively simple analytic technologies is still one of technological difficulties in the field of biodegradation of the persistent pollutants.


  • 即首先把污水生物泥浆混合,然后通入氧气,把有机污染物氧化二氧化碳

    The treatment consists of mixing the effluent with biological sludge and then feeding oxygen to oxidize the polluting organic compounds to carbon dioxide.


  • 研究表明甾体雌激素可能人类野生生物产生雌性化作用的主要污染物

    Study shows that the steroid estrogen may be the main feminizing pollutant, which poses potential threat to human and wild organisms.


  • 认为目前难降解有机污染物生物处理存在关键问题技术不够成熟降解效率还不高。

    Unripe technology and low degradation efficiency is the vital problem to deal with the refractory organic pollutant recently.


  • 本文有机污染物生物降解途径理论预测结果QSBR模型化合物选择相结合。

    The Result of theoretical prediction on biodegradation pathway for organic compounds was combined with the choice of compounds for QSBR model in this paper.


  • 采用生物流化床处理城市污水,考察了其对污染物去除效果

    The pollutants removal efficiency in treatment of the municipal wastewater by membrane-fluidized bed bioreactor was investigated.


  • 水体中泥沙含量石油污染物初始浓度均显著影响石油类污染物生物降解速率不同时段的影响不一;

    The biodegradation rate was greatly influenced by the sediment content and the initial concentration of petroleum contaminants, and such effect was different from one degradation stage to another.


  • 另外有机卤化物广泛应用于杀虫剂中,一类毒性强易致癌生物降解环境污染物

    On the other hand, organic halides are widely used in insecticide. They represent a class of toxic, carcinogenic and nonbiodegradable organic pollutants.


  • 硝基苯有毒化合物目前关于硝基苯污染物生物降解已进行了大量的研究。

    Nitrobenzene is one of the toxic compounds. Much work had focused on biodegradation of it sofar.


  • 土壤承载有机污染物重要介质降解是降解土壤表层有机污染物种非常重要生物转化途径

    Soil is an important medium in which various organic pollutants can exist, while photodegradation is an effective abiotic transformation means for organic pollutants in surface soil.


  • 相同PAFC投加下,化学生物絮凝工艺各项污染物去除效果均显著优于传统的化学强化一级工艺剩余污泥产量比后者减少10~15%。

    Under the same PAFC dosage, the chemical-biological flocculation was superior to the chemically enhanced treatment process and its surplus sludge was less than the latter by 10-15%. ?


  • 环境污染物自由溶解态浓度反映污染物生物有效性关键参数

    The freely dissolved concentration of pollutants is a key parameter to interpret its bioavailability.


  • 揭示了北京地区--生物体系污染物存在形态迁移转化规律把握了主要污染物调控技术

    Announced Beijing area water - earth - configuration of existence of the contaminant in biology system and change shift change the rule, mastered skill of main contaminant adjusting control.


  • 揭示了北京地区--生物体系污染物存在形态迁移转化规律把握了主要污染物调控技术

    Announced Beijing area water - earth - configuration of existence of the contaminant in biology system and change shift change the rule, mastered skill of main contaminant adjusting control.


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