• 介绍了P LC如何应用于生物培育控制系统

    We introduce how to apply PLC in control system of the biological cultivation room.


  • 这样一个样板房中,住户可以藻类培育产生氢气生物物质中获得所需能源

    In such a model, the house's residents would get the energy they need from the hydrogen and bio-mass created by the cultivation of algae.


  • 七宝太空啤酒兴奋之情可以日本冈山大学生物学家的话来总结,杉本是参与太空培育大麦应用于啤酒酿造的日本科学家之一,他说

    My excitement for Sapporo space beer can be summarized by Okayama University biologist Manabu Sugimoto, one of the Japanese scientists involved with the use of space-grown barley in beer.


  • 生物神奇能力技术使科学家相信可以用病人自身皮肤细胞培育移植器官项运用这种能力的技术看作是今年重大科技突破

    A feat of biological alchemy that offers scientists the hope of growing replacement organs from patients' own skin cells has been named the scientific breakthrough of the year.


  • 阿里埃森,莫利大学生物教授,对他来说,教育这些和尚尼姑使思考,“怎样培育积极的思考西方教育培育同情心的?”

    For Arri Eisen, a biology professor at Emory, teaching the monks and nuns helped him consider "how to nurture positive thinking. Western education doesn't nurture empathy."


  • 尼克拉森成立了一家名为Humacyte的生物技术公司并已开始这种方法培育动物动脉

    A biotech company Niklason founded, called Humacyte, has begun animal testing on arteries grown this way.


  • 近日位于纽约市哥伦比亚大学生物医学工程师,克拉克·培育出了天然软骨强度相当的制品。

    Recently, however, Clark Hung, a biomedical engineer at Columbia University in New York City, has grown cartilage that matches its natural counterpart strength for strength.


  • 一块来自缅甸树脂化石中培育出了非常接近酵母——就是酿酒面包师傅用那种酵母——的微生物

    A piece of fossilized resin from Burma yielded something that looked very similar to Saccharomyces, brewer's or baker's yeast.


  • 位于波士顿附近哈佛大学生物科学院则负责制造生物反应堆,台仪器用于固定人造气管在其上培育贝伊恩干细胞

    The bioreactor that would hold the trachea and incubate it with Beyene's stem cells was created by Harvard Bioscience, near Boston.


  • 尾螺是海格于1994年秋天霍格沃茨培育出来的一种奇特生物,它人头狮身蝎尾兽和火螃蟹杂交得到的。

    The Blast-Ended Skrewt is a stange hybrid creature bred by Hagrid at Hogwarts in the fall of 1994 by crossing manticores and fire-crabs.


  • 生物关于培育生长

    Biology is about nurturing and growth.


  • 那些造物相关生物提升的人们,将会培育电性融合倾向

    Those who are ascending in biology associated with electrical creations will have a tendency to foster an electrical light fusion body.


  • 显微镜用于生物研究观察合成细菌标本培育然后标本用于制造出研究疾病有关的治疗方法吗?

    Could a microscope be used in the study of biology to watch the development of a specimen of synthetic bacteria and then the specimen is used to create a treatment for the disease being studied?


  • 农作物生物技术世界范围内取得了飞速发展,成功培育了一批优质高产新品种

    The worldwide success in crop biotechnology has been made and a considerable mount of genetically engineered plants with high quality and quantity have been produced.


  • 光波能量运动允许一个完整完全提升培育以及更大能力再生生物转形意识水平DNA中

    The light movements shall allow for a more whole and complete ascension to be fostered and a greater capacity to regenerate renew and transfigure the biology into full consciousness level DNA.


  • 光波协同现在培育提升意识生物DNA目标出现培育前方时代灵性追求者的更大觉知

    Light wave synergy comes now in the goal of the Tao to foster greater ascension into full consciousness biology and DNA to foster greater awareness amongst spiritual aspirants in The Times ahead.


  • 原生质体培养体系建立对各种遗传操作利用生物技术培育新品种具有重要意义

    The formation of the system of protoplast culture has an important significance in various kinds of genetic operations and in utilizing biological technology to cultivate new varieties.


  • 麻疯树培育一个大型的,埃及印度生产生物柴油。

    Jatropha is been cultivated on a large scale in Egypt and India for the manufacturing of bio-diesel.


  • 建立分子生物技术基础上的植物基因工程操作抗病虫害作物品种的培育提供了一条崭新有效途径

    Based on molecular biological techniques, plant genetic engineering and manipulation lead to a new and effective way for producing varieties resistant to diseases and insects.


  • 技术都是风险但是合成生物可能成为培育错误的温床。

    No technology is risk free, but synthetic biology has the twist that its mistakes can breed.


  • 方法采用无菌剖腹产人工哺乳技术CV新西兰实验进行了微生物寄生虫净化,培育SPF级新西兰实验兔;

    Method: We adopted germfree caesarean section and artificial suckling to make CV New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit biology-cleansing and cultivate SPF New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit.


  • 方法采用无菌剖腹产人工哺乳技术CV新西兰实验进行了微生物寄生虫净化,培育SPF级新西兰实验兔;

    Method: We adopted germfree caesarean section and artificial suckling to make CV New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit biology-cleansing and cultivate SPF New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit.


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