• 任何达到一定年龄某些情况下低至55岁几乎商业生活各个层面自动享有一系列令人眼花缭乱的降价优惠。

    Anyone who has reached a certain agein some cases as low as 55is automatically entitled to a dazzling array of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life.


  • 女人生活各个层面打破多年构筑的藩篱

    Women are smashing through age-old barriers in every conceivable facet of life.


  • 总体不耐烦匆忙态度已经影响我们生活各个层面

    This general impatience, the hurry attitude, has infected every level of our lives.


  • 波伏娃看来,自我对立结构存在于人类生活各个层面

    Opposite structure of self and the other exist different levels of human life, so it is not strange that man and woman are opposites.


  • 这种急躁、“讨厌等待”普遍心态已经影响了我们生活各个层面

    This general impatience, the "I-hate-to-wait" attitude, has infected every level of our lives.


  • 当代大众文化已经深入社会生活各个层面成为人们日常生活的一部分

    The popular culture has had a profound influence on different levels of social life and turned out to be an indispensable part of our daily life.


  • 现代社会科学技术经渗透到社会生活各个层面深刻影响着现代文明步伐

    In the modern society, science and technology have been penetrated in all sides of the social life, which deeply impacts the progress of modern civilization.


  • 由于现代性问题渗入到现代生活各个层面之中,就呈现层面性,复杂性不确定性的特点。

    Because the modernized question exists in every aspect of modern life, it shows up multi-sidedness, complexity and the uncertainty.


  • 自从2007年6月29第一苹果手机上市以来,影响力逐渐遍及我们生活各个层面

    Since June 29, 2007 the first generation of Apple's mobile phone market, its influence spread throughout our life at all levels.


  • 随着世界安全不断关注视频监控系统作为重要安全防护手段越来越深入到社会生活各个层面

    With the world's sustaining care on security, Video Surveillance System is being a more and more important role in every layer of society as the safe guarding method.


  • 记者这一职业,广泛涉及到各类社会问题生活各个层面,他医生律师等成为当前影视作品热门人物

    As a popular character together with doctor or lawyer in films and TV series, journalist explores various aspects of society and life.


  • 彝族称为民族对火崇拜贯穿他们生活各个层面火塘他们生活的中心各种人生仪礼围绕火来举行

    The Yi people are called the fire nation. The fire worship runs through every field of the Yi peoples life. The clay fireplace is their life center, around which a variety of rites are being held.


  • 电影译制片深为广大群众喜爱娱乐形式,由于内容丰富,形势自然贴近外国生活各个层面,因而成为人们了解异域生活的重要途径,对外国文化向国内的传播具有重要的意义。

    Dubbed films or movies are a kind of popular entertainment deeply adored by many people in terms of their rich content, natural form and being close to every aspect of foreign life.


  • 建筑的整体设计意图使这个家庭各个层面成为娱乐区同时功能能够支持家庭生活所需。

    The overall design intent was to make this home an entertainment zone, on every level, while being functionally able to support a single family.


  • 关于学习我们获得最大好处就是全面各个层面的改变自己生活

    The greatest thing about learning is the benefit that we receive in all aspects of our lives.


  • 随着信息时代到来网络日益渗入到人们工作生活学习各个层面

    Along with the arrival of information times, network permeates every layer such as study, life and the work of people increasingly.


  • 所有需要时间浓厚的兴趣生活各个数不清的层面

    All that is required is your time and a keen interest in life in all its myriad facets.


  • 市民阶层活跃也城市文化生活注入了新的活力影响了城市消费的其他各个层面

    The animateness of the citizen stratum adds vitality to the town's culture and affects other aspects of town's consume.


  • 家族文化对他们影响不但深刻而且广泛已经内化农村社会各个层面沉淀农民生活点滴之中。

    The influence of family culture is not only profound, but also extensive, and it has been internalized into every class of rural society and formed sediment on every thing in peasants' lives.


  • 结构隐喻不仅传统意义上修辞格更是人类理解周围世界认知事物的一种思维和认知方式人们广泛运用于生活中的各个层面

    Structural metaphor is not only a traditional figure of speech but also a way that people think and understand the new things around them, which is widely used in their life.


  • 大学一个能接触生活各个层面智慧思想的地方

    University is where you meet the smartest minds talking about all aspects of life.


  • 装饰画设计艺术重要组成部分,装饰画渐渐涵盖了人们生活基本要素文化需求各个层面

    Decorative painting, which has gradually covered all levels of basic living and culture needs, is an important element of art and design.


  • 现实详细图形使桥梁建设模拟器各个层面生活甚至提供个轻微安慰失败因为一个构造函数

    Realistic and detailed graphics make every level of Bridge Construction Simulator come to life and even offer a slight consolation when you fail as a constructor.


  • 这些诀窍的原意是机会各个层面获得最好生活以及富有成效生活

    These tips are designed to allow you to have the chance for the very best life and the most productive life on all levels.


  • 网络技术逐渐渗入社会生活各个层面今天传统考试方式面临着变革网络考试则是一个重要方向

    Gradually infiltrated the network of social life at all levels today, the traditional way of examination also facing changes, and the test network is a very important direction.


  • 网络技术逐渐渗入社会生活各个层面今天传统考试方式面临着变革网络考试则是一个重要方向

    Gradually infiltrated the network of social life at all levels today, the traditional way of examination also facing changes, and the test network is a very important direction.


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