• 如今人们生活水平不断提高生活品质要求也越来越

    Today, people's living standards continued to improve, the quality of life of the requirements of increasingly high.


  • 妇女地位明显提高儿童权利得到保障老年人生活水平不断提高

    Women's status has been raised distinctly, children's rights are protected, and the living standard of sensor citizens has been improved.


  • 随着经济飞速发展人们生活水平不断提高安全防范意识不断增强

    With the rapid development of economy, people's standard of living has improved, and the consciousness of security is increasing.


  • 尽管我们生活水平不断提高,但是总的来说购房仍是很多家庭负担

    Although our living standard has been improving, housing purchase remains a big burden to many families in the aggregate.


  • 随着我国经济飞速发展城市化进程加快居民生活水平不断提高,我国能源需求日益增加。

    With China's rapid economic development, the fastening of urbanization and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, China's demand for energy is increasing.


  • 生活水平不断提高现今消费者食物更高要求,他们对饮食健康关注度渐渐提升。

    With the rising living standard, today's consumers have higher requirements on food. Consumers are increasingly aware of the relationship between diet and health.


  • 现在跟着社会经济不断打开咱们生活水平不断提高所以搬家越来越成为了一项劳作进程杂乱的繁琐使命

    Now follow social economy constantly open, our living standards continue to improve, so move is becoming more and more became a large labor force, process of complicated mission.


  • 近年随着人民生活水平不断提高人们消费观念更新除湿机逐步走入家庭成为许多家庭不可或缺一员

    In recent years, with constantly improve people's living standards, people's consumption concept updates, dehumidifiers also gradually into the family, many families become an indispensable one.


  • 城市中的固体废物污染问题伴随着城市扩展、工业化进程市民生活水平不断提高逐步成为危害环境的主要因素之一

    The problem of solid pollution in cities is going to become into one of the main elements following the spread of cities, the improvement of industry and the improvement of life standard.


  • 建筑工地吊车林立房地产广告令人眼花缭乱,这中国各地城市繁荣典型景观。经济飞速增长生活水平不断提高推高电力需求

    The landscape of cranes and alluring real estate billboards is typical of dozens of booming cities across China, where growth and rising living standards are pushing the demand for electricity.


  • 一方面,不断提高生活水平使中国人能够支付增加的娱乐支出

    For another, the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese people to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues.


  • 这些反映不断提高生活水平逐渐壮大的中产阶级上。这些人乐于汽车洗衣机国外旅游上大肆挥霍。

    All of this is reflected in rising living standards and a burgeoning middle class that is busily splashing out on cars, washing machines and holidays abroad.


  • 随着国人生活水平不断提高人们生活方式不再仅限于普通、行。

    With the continuous improvement of the living standards of Chinese people's way of life no longer limited to ordinary food, clothing, shelter, transportation.


  • 现在随着生活水平不断提高人们采用新的方式庆祝新年

    Nowadays, with the improvement of living standards, people have taken up new ways to celebrate the New Year.


  • 更多更好就业机会不断提高生活水平可能不足以消除教派间的不合,但是如果没有这些,教派间的分歧可能再次扩大

    More and better jobs, and rising living standards, may not be enough to banish the sectarian divide, but their absence could well widen it again.


  • 生活水平18世纪开始不断提高关键原因之一便是因为能源不断减价以及能源的可靠性

    One of the key reasons living standards rose from the 1800s onward was because of the cheapening of energy and the reliability of energy sources.


  • 救助通用公司保住一些原有工作机会,而激励成立几千家EndoStim这样公司,将会创造出新的工作机会保持我们生活水平不断提高

    While rescuing General Motors will save some old jobs, only by spawning thousands of EndoStims — thousands — will we generate the kind of good new jobs to keep raising our standard of living.


  • 随着物质生活水平不断提高人们生活质量有了更高要求

    With the improvement of people's material conditions, people have higher demands for living quality.


  • 人们生活水平不断提高,人们追求更加强烈

    People living standard unceasing enhancement, the people are also more intense to altogether pursue.


  • 随着人们生活水平不断提高公司生产大类产品市场需求将会越来越大

    With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, I produced several major categories of products in the market demand will grow.


  • 随着生活水平需求层次不断提高消费者消费观念消费行为影响越加明显。

    With the continuous improvement of living standards and demanding levels, the consumer's consumption concept has an increasingly great impact on their consumption behavior.


  • 众所周知随着人们生活水平不断提高小汽车已经成为流行交通工具,它我们生活带来了极大的便利

    As is known to all, with the improvement of people's living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life.


  • 一方面,不断提高生活水平使中国人能够支付增加娱乐支出

    On the other hand, the rising standard of living enables Chinese people to pay more for the entertainment.


  • 不过不断提高生活水平有助于改变中国动物们命运

    But rising living standards are helping to improve the lot of China's animals.


  • 如今随着人们生活水平不断提高他们越来越关注自己身体健康

    Nowadays, as people's living standard is growing better and better, they pay more attention to their physical health.


  • 可能人们生活水平不断提高现在越来越多的家庭正在卫星电视或者是正在考虑着安装一个卫星电视。

    People may be the continuous improvement of living standards of it. Now more and more families are using the satellite TV, or are considering the install a satellite TV.


  • 摘要随着人们生活水平不断提高居住环境绿化程度有了更高要求

    Abstract: : with the continuous improvement of people's living standard, the living environment of green degree also had higher requirements.


  • 摘要随着人们生活水平不断提高居住环境绿化程度有了更高要求

    Abstract: : with the continuous improvement of people's living standard, the living environment of green degree also had higher requirements.


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